Negativity is embarrassing


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
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Iowa fans might be fair weather, but you know what, there's no better way to voice your disapproval of what's going on than to stay home. Because ISU fans are great fans, that's never going to happen, but the one thing that would tell Jamie that Greg has to go is 2500 people in Hilton.

I'm not saying we should abandon Hilton in droves, and be bad fans, but those bad fans are going to get what they want.

This. The "we will come out and support our team no matter how ugly it is" attitude is more or less condoning and reinforcing what we have had the last 4 years.

If McD fails epically this year, I, for one, will not be throwing down for season tickets next year. If others don't join me, buckle up for the remainder of the 9 years!

I am willing to sit through some not so great years in Hilton if we have some good years to look back on and forward to. Tanking in a year where the stars align for a successful opportunity leaves no hope. None.

We love to make fun of Carver. They at least have the stones to cut off the funds and vote their disapproval.

ISU fans are the greatest in the country. I just think in the instance where a coach underachieves, our patience and undying support hurts us in the long term. Time to expect and demand results if we want to be a respectable program.

Here's to hoping McDermott turns this around so I can continue to be a proud season ticket holder!


Jan 2, 2008
Town of Iowa fans, YUCK!
I'm sick of being positive. We suck and we're not even in conference play yet. Time for a new coach who will yell at these kids. Colvin could be great if he had a coach to help him. I wish we would drive and kick the ball out. Lucca shoots terrible shots. We have players playing like they're in high school. I do not blame Harrison Barnes for not going to ISU. McD has to go.


Jan 2, 2008
Town of Iowa fans, YUCK!
This. The "we will come out and support our team no matter how ugly it is" attitude is more or less condoning and reinforcing what we have had the last 4 years.

If McD fails epically this year, I, for one, will not be throwing down for season tickets next year. If others don't join me, buckle up for the remainder of the 9 years!

I am willing to sit through some not so great years in Hilton if we have some good years to look back on and forward to. Tanking in a year where the stars align for a successful opportunity leaves no hope. None.

We love to make fun of Carver. They at least have the stones to cut off the funds and vote their disapproval.

ISU fans are the greatest in the country. I just think in the instance where a coach underachieves, our patience and undying support hurts us in the long term. Time to expect and demand results if we want to be a respectable program.

Here's to hoping McDermott turns this around so I can continue to be a proud season ticket holder!

well said :yes:


Feb 21, 2008
ISU North, while I get what you are trying to say, I do have some arguments. No it doesn't come down to what you are doing in Gymnastics or Volleyball, but to say those sports don't matter in the whole picture is assenine. But yes, the most important sports here are always going to be football, men's basketball, women's basketball and wrestling.

We just had a six win season in football, women's basketball is coming off an elite eight run and wrestling is No. 2 in the nation. So that leaves men's basketball as the only disappointing sport at this point. I'm sorry you can't crucify a guy for one sport even if it is men's basketball. Lets see how McDermott does and if he deserves to be fired then let Jamie go out and hire someone else. Maybe if that one goes down the ******* than I will start to side a little bit more with you but until that happens I refuse to.

Jamie has done too much besides this to warrant staying. I will admit at times I have wanted Jamie's head too, but the more I think about it and the fact of working in athletics has exposed me to somethings I may have really taken for granted in the past with Jamie.

So no it doesn't come down to the little sports, but it also doesn't come down to one sport and with football now apparently on the right track, yes, it is one sport.
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Asst. Regional Manager
Staff member
Mar 28, 2006
There is nothing wrong with venting or explaining what is frustrating, but a lot of you who do that are doing it in a childish way.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2006
I totally disagree about the athletic director part. I really don't think you can find a guy who would put more into the job than Jamie and he really has done a good job in moving the athletic department forward. The only place he has really struggled is with the men's basketball program. As for football, I think he was as blindsided as everyone else with the Gene Chizik situation. On paper, are you telling me Van de Velde would have gone out and got a coach who had garnered attention as the Assistant Coach of the Year? People make mistakes and the ones that might have been made by Jamie really could not be foreseen except for maybe McDermott. Chizik was a great hire at the time, as was Cael Sanderson. So far, he has made up for Chizik with finding the perfect guy in Paul Rhoads and it sure appears we have a similar situation with Kevin Jackson.

The fact is Jamie actually gives a **** about the entire athletic department and the success of each of its programs. This might sound like a minor thing but trust me when I say their are plenty of athletic directors who ignore the minor sports and I really don't feel this is the case with Jamie. He understands the importance of every sport in the entire goal of one athletic department.

So say what you want about Greg (I'll defer judgment until further along in the season) but I really do disagree that anyone could do a better job than Jamie has since he got here.

One of the best quote's I have seen in a long time.


Dec 17, 2007
Negativity is embarrassing. Let's be positives. Below is a list of all the positives I could find:

Do these count, this is all I could come up with?

1) They show up on time to the game.
2) They can put on their own uniform.
3) They can lace up their shoes.


4) Good rebounding
5) Good defense
6) Disciplined and effective offensive system
7) Great effort night in and night out

Oh, wait...


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2009
You lump a ton of sports together. Especially one that everyone on this board freaked out about in May.

It's easy to take the lowest common producer and compare them to the top dogs, like you have. However, all it says is "I'm too stupid to have an argument and need a straw man."

So you're telling me that success in other low profile sports will keep a fan base happy? You're saying the football and basketball aren't king?


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2009
ISU North, while I get what you are trying to say, I do have some arguments. No it doesn't come down to what you are doing in Gymnastics or Volleyball, but to say those sports don't matter in the whole picture is assenine. But yes, the most important sports here are always going to be football, men's basketball, women's basketball and wrestling.

We just had a six win season in football, women's basketball is coming off an elite eight run and wrestling is No. 2 in the nation. So that leaves men's basketball as the only disappointing sport at this point. I'm sorry you can't crucify a guy for one sport even if it is men's basketball. Lets see how McDermott does and if he deserves to be fired then let Jamie go out and hire someone else. Maybe if that one goes down the ******* than I will start to side a little bit more with you but until that happens I refuse to.

Jamie has done too much besides this to warrant staying. I will admit at times I have wanted Jamie's head too, but the more I think about it and the fact of working in athletics has exposed me to somethings I may have really taken for granted in the past with Jamie.

So no it doesn't come down to the little sports, but it also doesn't come down to one sport and with football now apparently on the right track, yes, it is one sport.

Those sports matter and I love to see all of our teams have success. My only point is that we could win NCs in wrestling, WBB, volleyball, and gymnastics and it's not going to excuse Pollard from a lack of success in football and basketball. I'm not saying it should be that way, but it's a fact of life. If we were bowl-bound every year and a regular NCAA tournament team with a few trips to Sweet 16 or beyond, the fact of the matter is that a significant portion of the fan base couldn't care less how we do in those other sports.


Jan 5, 2009
Those sports matter and I love to see all of our teams have success. My only point is that we could win NCs in wrestling, WBB, volleyball, and gymnastics and it's not going to excuse Pollard from a lack of success in football and basketball. I'm not saying it should be that way, but it's a fact of life. If we were bowl-bound every year and a regular NCAA tournament team with a few trips to Sweet 16 or beyond, the fact of the matter is that a significant portion of the fan base couldn't care less how we do in those other sports.

I wouldn't care if we even had any of the second tier sports if we could be good in Basketball and Football.
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Well-Known Member
May 29, 2009
I wouldn't care if we even had any of the second tier sports if we could be good in Basketball and Football.

This is the truth, but the people that support the athletic director don't have the brass ones to say this. These are also the four people that go to a volleyball match for anything other than the shorts.

We could drop every other sport and as long as we were good at basketball and football, 95% of our fanbase wouldn't care one bit.


This has been the highlight of basketball season for me thus far.....



Dec 6, 2009
I just joined CF because I needed a place to vent a little. I have not read all the threads so I don't have a feel for just how negative people have been in their posts. I have to admit I had high expectations for this team and thought them being picked to finish 8th in the conference was ridiculous. However, I am starting to see why I shouldn't get overly excited. The good news is this team has talent and quite a bit of it but it needs to be focused by the coaching staff or it will drift into mediocrity. One thing that may not be able to be fixed is how slow their feet look out there...we have size but are short on quickness and our rebounding is embarrassing. If we can't defend then we need to make sure we clear the boards every time the opponent misses, otherwise we will have to rely on outscoring everyone and when we are cold from the outside teams pack it in on us and well we lose.

I still have hope but if this team does not make it to the post season then I can't give the coaching staff a vote of confidence.


Nov 5, 2009
Minneapolis, MN
I just joined CF because I needed a place to vent a little. I have not read all the threads so I don't have a feel for just how negative people have been in their posts. I have to admit I had high expectations for this team and thought them being picked to finish 8th in the conference was ridiculous. However, I am starting to see why I shouldn't get overly excited. The good news is this team has talent and quite a bit of it but it needs to be focused by the coaching staff or it will drift into mediocrity. One thing that may not be able to be fixed is how slow their feet look out there...we have size but are short on quickness and our rebounding is embarrassing. If we can't defend then we need to make sure we clear the boards every time the opponent misses, otherwise we will have to rely on outscoring everyone and when we are cold from the outside teams pack it in on us and well we lose.

I still have hope but if this team does not make it to the post season then I can't give the coaching staff a vote of confidence.

Solid first post


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2008
I wouldn't care if we even had any of the second tier sports if we could be good in Basketball and Football.

props to you for having the balls to say what many on here would not...

I don't know why people are afraid to say that football and men's basketball are way more important than the second tier sports. It's obviously true -- if it weren't, football and men's basketball would not have the #1 and #2 ticket prices of all sports, and they wouldn't be the #1 and #2 best-attended of all sports.


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2006
Arlington, TX
I wouldn't care if we even had any of the second tier sports if we could be good in Basketball and Football.

props to you for having the balls to say what many on here would not...

This is the truth, but the people that support the athletic director don't have the brass ones to say this. These are also the four people that go to a volleyball match for anything other than the shorts.

We could drop every other sport and as long as we were good at basketball and football, 95% of our fanbase wouldn't care one bit.

Casebook mob mentality scenario here, one goofball makes an idiotic comment, and the other goofballs join right in. (it was tough to find a nouns that would make it past the censor).

Perhaps you dudes should check up on the membership requirements for the NCAA and Big 12. How big do think ISU's fanbase would be if they were playing MBB and FB in the NAIA?

I hope that wasn't too negative...