Regarding this new secondary logo that Iowa State debuted on Thursday night, I don’t blame some fans for having a bad taste in their mouths after that game. But hear me out.
I’m sorry, but this isn’t about you.
“When I was playing, we never had anything different except one time when we played Missouri we wore gold uniforms and it was like the coolest thing ever.”
The above quote comes from perhaps the most down-to-earth college athlete I have ever covered, former Cyclone running back and current CF analyst Jeff Woody. I was with Jeff live on our pregame show when news of the new logo dropped on Twitter.
“I’m just glad they are trying something different,” Woody said.
Me too, because that is what the players and most importantly, recruits are into these days.
The multiple uniform combinations, a secondary logo, etc. This is a recruiting tactic.
Not digging what you saw last night? Hold onto your britches. When it comes to wacky uniform combinations that often times work and sometimes will not, Iowa State football is only a toddler.
Just wait until puberty hits next season.
Full disclosure: I would be a total hypocrite if I complained about this. I always saw myself as a “Paul Rhoads guy,” but for years spatted with Iowa State’s former coach about his “old school” approach to uniforms.
He was taking a butter knife on the recruiting trail while many rivals were packing a machete.
I don’t expect some adults to get it but trust me when I tell you that to the guys on the field and prospects in the stands, this stuff is a big deal.
And it’s a secondary logo for crying out loud.
At least Iowa State is trying to participate in this very modern type of arms race. That’s all I’m saying.