***Scottie Scheffler Arrest Thread***


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2021
There’s not a jury in the world who would convict him on any counts with the evidence we have

  1. Eyewitness reports
  2. Video that doesn’t show anything other than the cop chasing him down
  3. Scottie’s reputation
  4. Cop’s previous suspensions
The city has 0 chance of getting a conviction on any of the counts. Drop the charges
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Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2021
This isn’t a one bad cop situation, any of them could have prevented that wild overreaction from turning into a guy going to jail charged with felonies. It’s not the one cop that lied about what happened in the police report, and it’s not one bad actor that didn’t get the charges dropped after it was obvious what happened.

This is an example of a rotten system, not one guy who sucks at his job.
When I was an umpire, it was a rule #1 that you don’t overrule your partner unless they call TO and ask you what happened. So as not to show him up. Even if you know he made the wrong call.

I wonder if the PD has the same mentality


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2006
Schaumburg, IL
When I was an umpire, it was a rule #1 that you don’t overrule your partner unless they call TO and ask you what happened. So as not to show him up. Even if you know he made the wrong call.

I wonder if the PD has the same mentality
I know a few cops. I used to play poker with them on a somewhat regular basis. They were all good guys and seemed to be doing their job for the right reasons. Even with them though, you'd have to **** up really, really, really bad to get them to turn on you if you were also a cop.
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SuperFanatic T2
Jun 30, 2012
There’s a big difference in an accountant not being very good at his job than a cop who can alter someone's life completely with lack of judgment.

What if the charges would have stuck and Scottie wasn’t a golfer. Think a felon has an easy time finding employment?
Yeah, and if that guy did fight it would cost him two years or more worth of vacation expenses to fight, all because some cop was "overzealous" or an ass.
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Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Jun 30, 2012
IMHO, shouldn't a cop who fills out a "false" police report; to attempt to convict a civilian, guilty of perjury, as that is an official legal document. And I sure as hell would not want a perjurer policing me or anyone else. This is why the cop should be removed from the police force.

That, in and of itself, would be placing himself above the law; which he swore an oath to support


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2011
IMHO, shouldn't a cop who fills out a "false" police report; to attempt to convict a civilian, guilty of perjury, as that is an official legal document. And I sure as hell would not want a perjurer policing me or anyone else. This is why the cop should be removed from the police force.
You don't understand if they couldn't lie they couldn't do their jobs and no one would want to be a cop.


Facebook Knows All
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 20, 2006
Urbandale, IA
There’s not a jury in the world who would convict him on any counts with the evidence we have

  1. Eyewitness reports
  2. Video that doesn’t show anything other than the cop chasing him down
  3. Scottie’s reputation
  4. Cop’s previous suspensions
The city has 0 chance of getting a conviction on any of the counts. Drop the charges

Yep. Except that instead of giving Scottie a ticket (even that seems to be an overreaction to a misunderstanding), they took him to jail, booked him, made him change into an orange jumpsuit, and charged him with a FELONY.

Absolutely insane overreach.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
When I was an umpire, it was a rule #1 that you don’t overrule your partner unless they call TO and ask you what happened. So as not to show him up. Even if you know he made the wrong call.

I wonder if the PD has the same mentality
It’s far beyond that. The Unwritten rule in many departments is to always support your fellow cop, including lying for him and in many cases much worse.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
I do not believe it is unfair or incorrect or unreasonable or naïve or [insert any other negative/condescending description] to reserve a tiny bit of judgement until “all” possible facts have come out. Certainly, like most here, it certainly felt like the evidence we did have up until today made it feel crazy overblown and malpractice by the cops. The video today does not show us anything different.

But I too would like to know why the cop did what he did. You just never know what someone is going through, what is in their head at any given moment. Maybe he really did just lash out and demonstrate terrible cop behavior that has become such a stain on law enforcement. Maybe he really thought (for some reason) that he needed to act tough or take a crazy hard stance or whatever. Doesn’t make it “right” but there’s just so much nuance to these situations and reactions and behaviors, and take that x100 on a rainy early morning where someone was just killed in an auto accident down the street.

With that said - All in all - it’s STILL not too late to just let this thing go, drop the charges, and everyone move on.

Cop’s Body Cam was turned off. WHY? Because he does not want his actions recorded?

Cop who can not follow the basic required rules requiring that his Body Cam be ON should be fired after his conduct that day. He needs to no longer be a police officer.


Thought Police
Staff member
Apr 11, 2006
A pineapple under the sea
Cop’s Body Cam was turned off. WHY? Because he does not want his actions recorded?

Cop who can not follow the basic required rules requiring that his Body Cam be ON should be fired after his conduct that day. He needs to no longer be a police officer.
They get caught doing far worse, and at most, they're likely to just get shuffled off into another police department where they can go on harassing a new group of people.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2011
Augusta National Golf Club
The proposal for dropping criminal charges in exchange for a "promise" to not bring civil charges will be made if it hasn't already...

Louisville PD looks REALLY bad here...

I saw tweet this morning that the owner of the course bailed out Scottie and drove him back to the club, if that gives any indication as to how f**ked the police chief is going to be.. Don't piss off really rich guys with those kind of connections..
Called this.. If Scottie wasn't such a good dude, he'd be suing for damages..

Louisville PD looks REALLY bad here


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2007
Off the grid
