Schroll Taking leave of absence.


Active Member
Apr 4, 2008
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
TOUGH LOVE, MY ***. Bill Fennelly needs to quit his coaching style of always in your face while publicly stating I'M JUST TRYING TO MAKE YOU A BETTER PLAYER...IT'S NOTHING PERSONAL. BULLCRAP, HE FINALLY IS STARTING TO GO OVER THAT LINE.

I LIKE BILL but his coaching style is wrong. Bobby Knigtht and Woody Hayes style coaching is DEAD. If you were at both the past Thursday and Friday nite games, you would have noticed a dramatic change in his demeanor when talking to the players DURING THE GAMES.


Perhaps his cancer treatments have further shortened his fuse, but having watched how he treated the players on Thursday nite, he needs a timeout. In the past, watching from the South sections, where you can see his every facial expresssion, the people in the North sections just see his back' MOST OF YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HIS FACIAL EXPRESSIONS HAVE BEEN LIKE IN THE PAST.....He was actually looking like he wanted to physically KILL any or all of the players who he didn't feel were playing like he wanted on this past Thursday nite. I AM NOT EXAGERATING ONE BIT. I've heard the past reports from fans who sit directly behind the bench as to how he talks to the players during games and I believe their reports. Fans around us have discussed how we have seen how he has acted with the players in games and laughed about BILL IS ON THE ROLL TONIGHT WITH HIS PLAYERS and dismissed it as his record speaks for itself.

For years we have watched his sideline behavior escalate to the point of this last Thursday nite, then on Friday, he was much subdued. Wonder why? Ask the players who transfered out, Jessica Schroll or any of the former players who would be honest in their description of his behavior during practices.

Again I like Bill Fennelly and respect his record at ISU, but tearing down a player to build them up doesn't work with all players. I think FRED knows that, but BILL has not changed with the times.



Awwww. Let us sit around the campfire, hold hands, and sing "Kumbayah!" IB


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2006
I'm glad that Bill's our coach, but he does need to tone it down. Coaches who tend to yell and scream most games always remind me of Bobby Knight, and we know what happened to him.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2008
All I know is that when I watch Bob Huggins, Frank Martin or Bo Pelini roaming the sidelines acting like idiots I am very thankful we do not have a coach like that. I hope it never gets to that point with Bill. There is certainly a place for "tough love" in athletics and it is the type of thing that builds character over the long run. I just don't think it is necessary to tear into someone with thousands of people watching.

I'm too lazy to pull the thread up from last year on Bo Pelini chewing out Taylor Martinez, but if I remember correctly the majority of people found it to be deplorable behavior. I can't seem to figure out how this is much different...


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2008
Here nor there
good god....give it a rest.

everyone here pretty much loves Bill.....but he is not above being questioned. I was at courtside Friday night and there is something strange going on.

Good god...stop and think before you post. BF did not do anything that does not happen around the country in coaching. Period.

I'm glad that Bill's our coach, but he does need to tone it down. Coaches who tend to yell and scream most games always remind me of Bobby Knight, and we know what happened to him
The Hall-of-Fame and considered one of the greatest coaches of all-time? Bill is good, but not that good.
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Active Member
Apr 4, 2008
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Maybe along the lines of what Bill said to Bolte last yr......You SUCK, You just ******* SUCK....... as overheard from behind the bench......not very good coach speak and it's been documented as true.

I have heard many middle school students use that term all the time. These ladies are 19-20-21 are they not? IB


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2007
I am 100% appreciate what BF has done for his program and what he will continue to do in the future.

It is my opinion that both parties have some blame.

BF - You recruited the players that are on the team and gave them the privelige to wear the ISU uniform. You also are responsible to motivate each player individually and as a team. Not all styles work for all players. It is BF's job to know and learn what motivates the individual player and to what limit the player can take. At the point where you know you crossed the line with a player or situation, schedule a meeting with the player and discuss what went wrong and agree on what the expectations are for the future.

Player - Each player should have pretty good insight into how BF coaches. He is going to be tough, he is going to yell and call you out in front of people. If you cannot take it, go to a program where the coach is a "Nice" guy/gal. If BF does cross the limit, you need to woman up and schedule a meeting to discuss your feelings and thoughts on how you were treated not just run.

At the end of the day, it can be worked out if both parties are willing to listed to each other.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2008
Good god...stop and think before you post. BF did not do anything that does not happen around the country in coaching. Period.

Again, I am sure many unimaginable things are said to players in college basketball. The majority of such things happen behind closed doors, however.


Active Member
Apr 4, 2008
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Most people on here are really missing the crucial point of all of this:
Bill is getting increasingly agressive in physically handling or approaching his players when he is upset with their play.
If they can't or won't see this, they are going to be really shocked when he is dismissed for abusing his players ala Bobby Knight/ Mangino if he is isn't reined in with his behavior. It has been escalating for years.

I really don't want that to happen.

You are so wrong its pathetic. Coach F could rob a Quik Trip and get off. You are obviously on an agenda. Is your daughter riding the bench? Your views are so Junior High like. IB


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2008
Here nor there
What a bad comment to make. If your not a fan of women basketball players, why are you posting here?

I am posting here because I am a fan of the entire team, coaches and players.

I am a fan of the program, which tends to marginalize my support for any individual player. A player who is so weak they cry on the bench after getting yelled is not acceptable on a high school team, let alone college basketball. Use it as motivation.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2008
I am 100% appreciate what BF has done for his program and what he will continue to do in the future.

It is my opinion that both parties have some blame.

BF - You recruited the players that are on the team and gave them the privelige to wear the ISU uniform. You also are responsible to motivate each player individually and as a team. Not all styles work for all players. It is BF's job to know and learn what motivates the individual player and to what limit the player can take. At the point where you know you crossed the line with a player or situation, schedule a meeting with the player and discuss what went wrong and agree on what the expectations are for the future.

Player - Each player should have pretty good insight into how BF coaches. He is going to be tough, he is going to yell and call you out in front of people. If you cannot take it, go to a program where the coach is a "Nice" guy/gal. If BF does cross the limit, you need to woman up and schedule a meeting to discuss your feelings and thoughts on how you were treated not just run.

At the end of the day, it can be worked out if both parties are willing to listed to each other.

Completely agree that there is mutual blame here. It sounds like BF went over the top in this situation, but Schroll has to be tough enough to take it as criticism and move forward. Quitting because someone is hard on you will not get you far in life, but verbally humiliating your players in public will not get you much further as a coach.


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2007
You are so wrong its pathetic. Coach F could rob a Quik Trip and get off. You are obviously on an agenda. Is your daughter riding the bench? Your views are so Junior High like. IB

No he could't. You're also in the minority on this subject, as adults we are expected to act as adults and Bill is clearly out of line. We mocked how the Michigan women's coach acted last yr when they played in Ames. He only ranted and raved with the officials, Bill is over the line with his own players.

Isn't it time for you to go back to your grade school class now after your little break?


Active Member
Apr 4, 2008
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
No he could't. You're also in the minority on this subject, as adults we are expected to act as adults and Bill is clearly out of line. We mocked how the Michigan women's coach acted last yr when they played in Ames. He only ranted and raved with the officials, Bill is over the line with his own players.

Isn't it time for you to go back to your grade school class now after your little break?

You say you are supposed to act as an adult? Be specific and tell me what an adult acts like? How about this, "I did not have sex with that woman......Ms. Lewinsky!" Was that acting like an adult? Yelling at someone does not qualify as being child like. Was PATTON not an adult? You need to wake up and smell the coffee. IB


Active Member
Jul 11, 2009
Des Moines
All I know is that when I watch Bob Huggins, Frank Martin or Bo Pelini roaming the sidelines acting like idiots I am very thankful we do not have a coach like that. I hope it never gets to that point with Bill. There is certainly a place for "tough love" in athletics and it is the type of thing that builds character over the long run. I just don't think it is necessary to tear into someone with thousands of people watching.

I'm too lazy to pull the thread up from last year on Bo Pelini chewing out Taylor Martinez, but if I remember correctly the majority of people found it to be deplorable behavior. I can't seem to figure out how this is much different...

Whenever I see Martin or Pelini going crazy on the sidelines screaming at his players like he wants to rip their heads off, I think to myself that they must completely nuts and, like you said, I am glad that we don't have coaches like that at ISU. But, it is very painfully obvious that we do have someone like that coaching WBB.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2006
Ankeny, IA
those that think bill is losing it have you been to the SR day games? or seen the post game locker YouTube videos? yeah the guy is hard on his players but it's to get the most out of them.. if a player messes up he makes sure they know and sits them right when it happens.. after getting we will say "coached at" do you think they are more likely to make that mistake again? the way I see it he has been doing this for a very long time.. and he has said tht this team is not practicing the way they should be at this point to me that could be multiple things but I'm guessing he is a little more stressed
out than normal and if the players don't step it up they should know wht is going to happen


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Sep 16, 2006
Menlo, Iowa
All I know is that when I watch Bob Huggins, Frank Martin or Bo Pelini roaming the sidelines acting like idiots I am very thankful we do not have a coach like that. I hope it never gets to that point with Bill. There is certainly a place for "tough love" in athletics and it is the type of thing that builds character over the long run. I just don't think it is necessary to tear into someone with thousands of people watching.

I'm too lazy to pull the thread up from last year on Bo Pelini chewing out Taylor Martinez, but if I remember correctly the majority of people found it to be deplorable behavior. I can't seem to figure out how this is much different...

The players at Neb love playing for Pelini. I know there are women that Coach BF coached that love what he did for them and still like the coach. Same can be said about LE and Floyd. If I remember right Huggins had a lot of support former player support when he was having issues at Cincy. From different interview Martins players seem to like playing for him also. There is a side we see of coahces and their is a side we never see. A coach is expected to different in the heat of battle.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Dec 2, 2009
west of dm east of cb
those that think bill is losing it have you been to the SR day games? or seen the post game locker YouTube videos? yeah the guy is hard on his players but it's to get the most out of them.. if a player messes up he makes sure they know and sits them right when it happens.. after getting we will say "coached at" do you think they are more likely to make that mistake again? the way I see it he has been doing this for a very long time.. and he has said tht this team is not practicing the way they should be at this point to me that could be multiple things but I'm guessing he is a little more stressed
out than normal and if the players don't step it up they should know wht is going to happen

I had thought I would not post on this thread again as we DO NOT KNOW the reason Jess is taking a leave of absence yet. To answer your questions, as a 15 yr season ticket holder I have been to all the senior games, and seen the locker room videos, having said that I have also seen Bill get more animated and verbal on the bench. Also he is the one who has said that if they are not practicing well it is his fault. As I stated earlier I feel part of this is due to the fact we are now an upper tier team who's fans feel should be in the big dance every year, so we , who love this program have put pressure on the coaches to get us there.


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2006
Somewhere in the U.S.
Sounds like Schroll is transferring closer to home a la Hamilton. Rob Gray just tweeted thay Fennely announced it

I was just about to post that. Here is the tweet from Rob: ISU wbb coach Bill Fennelly said today guard/fwd Jess Schroll willl transfer closer to home. Williamson will start at OU on Wed.

If she transfers to a smaller school, she could play this semester right? Assuming she can get signed up for classes or whatever.