On That Note: A Fifth of OTN


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2009
Blue Grass IA-Jensen Beach FL
Today marks a milestone in the life of OTN.

On this date five years ago On That Note was launched on Cyclone Fanatic. Initially, it was a joint venture between myself and cyclones500. Very soon CycloneRulzzz was coaxed into becoming a regular contributor and the now-classic 3-man rotation was born.

For some of the initial concepts and history about the birth of OTN let me offer this link to that first post:


Interesting to note that when we launched it, we stated On That Note was to be a temporary name - that certainly turned out to be wrong!

We first off want to thank all of you readers and contributors. One of the goals was to learn more about music and find some new artists to add to my favorites. There definitely was some of that and I hope the same happened to a few of you.

As this week approached, we on the OTN team had many discussions behind the scenes about which were our favorite topics. Like picking your favorite child (or in my case picking my favorite Beatles song) I have personally decided to opt out of that exercise. I did especially like some of the earlier efforts when we decided to do more in-depth explorations of artists or genres. I particularly remember doing lots and lots of research on the Iowa artists series. Those I well remember for the effort necessary to pull them together - if for nothing else.

One of my favorite aspects of the OTN experience is when a post coaxes a memory out of a poster of a particular time or event in their life when that song or album became a part of the memory. The "music as the soundtrack to my life" aspect. I know we even had that as a topic once; with some, but disappointingly few for me, responses.

The team aspect of OTN cannot be overstated. So many times we've individually had to beg off for a crisis or life demand. But each time another of the guys would jump in and take the reins for that week. I'm proud so say we've done a post EVERY week for five years, missing no weeks, EVER! That's 260 consecutive weeks. So humor us a bit as we celebrate!

This week we're not specifically looking for songs, artists or lyrics. Instead if you would chime in with your favorite topics or moments from OTN in the last 5 years we'd certainly enjoy hearing from you all. Of course, if those should happen to include a song in your post, that's definitely cool!

And lastly, keep those cards and letters coming. As you might expect, in 5 years we've covered a lot of ground. That said, we ALWAYS welcome ideas from you. We take each suggestion seriously and if we haven't used it (or sometimes even if we've had one close) we will do our best to make it happen.


Gameday Guru
SuperFanatic T2
Jul 13, 2008
Nevada, IA
It's crazy that 5 years has come and gone. While I haven't been a part of the show from the beginning it seems like my first hosting gig was yesterday. I came on around 7 months in. I was just a recent follower of the series and had an idea for topic (like many of you have sent us and we appreciate anything that comes in). They gave me an opportunity to host my topic idea and as MeanDean stated I did need some coaxing to come on as regular host mainly because I felt OTN was their thing and I didn't want to infringe.

Our ages and musical tastes are kind of perfectly spaced that as a trio we cover a lot of artists and genres of music. There are many fellow fanatics that I have a special friendship with (many of them are regular OTN posters) but I really treasure the friendship I have with 500 and MeanDean. We are there for each other not only as fellow hosts helping each other form a topic but when real life happens like the derecho knocking out power or them covering for me when covid hospitalized me.

My favorite thing about this series is unlike certain forums on CF, OTN is a positive outlet for people to come share this music interests without a lot of negativity. If people aren't a fan of a submission they just don't rate the post. I love that OTN's aren't filled with dislike thumbs down, disagree red X's and dumb ratings.

Lastly I want to thank our On that Note contributors. While the 3 of us cover many music genres there are still many we don't and I appreciate the music our contributors bring that the 3 of us aren't as familiar with.

Here's to 5 great years of On that Note and here's to many more to come.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2010
MeanDean and Rulzzz encompassed so many major aspects of OTN experience, I don’t know how much more I can add as my initial entry for the occasion.

I’ll do my best, without reiterating their comments too much.

OTN has been a joy for me in several ways: weekly interaction with frequent followers and newcomers, exposure to music I hadn’t encountered or explored, and getting ideas for topics from participants; and of course the collaboration with MeanDean & Rulzzz. It’s a leisure-time highlight of my week and I look forward to each segment.

Side-benefits: I’ve come to know the musical taste/genre preferences of our routine contributors. If it’s a genre outside my typical area of indulgence, I try to pay attention to those samples and expand my horizons. I’ve noticed overlap with other people’s favorite artists. For some topics, when I’m compiling choices to post, sometimes I think, “I’m guessing so-and-so will post this before I get to it!”

I have a similar feel for areas of interest with my colleagues, too. When compiling choices for a specific topic, numerous times in my notes I’ve written “MeanDean is likely to take song-X” or “Rulzzz might want.” They do that, too — “Here’s a few I might post, but one of you might want it.”

The planning process is part of the enjoyment, too. Ultimate goal is to have fun, but we take the details seriously. Typically, one of us pitches an idea, we have a discussion about its potential. Sometimes, it’s a unified “yes!” One of us might suggest ways to refine the topic to improve it or decide “not workable” or “let’s hold it and review later.”

When one of you send us an idea (and we always appreciate it) we evaluate in a similar fashion and touch base, and use it whenever possible.

A fond early memory: A few months leading up to OTN launch, MeanDean sent me a message, something to this effect: “Hey! I notice we’re a couple of the main music geeks on CF… what would you think about getting together and doing a music series?” It was an appealing offer, but I wasn’t confident I could help to maintain it consistently, even on alternating weeks. He assured me it was worth pursuing, we should forge ahead and see where it leads.

Now, 5 years have passed, and — he was right!

I’ll post additional thoughts & notables throughout the thread, maybe pick a few of my favorite topics & include some song clips.

Meanwhile, thanks again to everybody for your support. Have fun and help us mark the occasion, however you deem appropriate!


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2010
“On That Note” Notable-Note Nugget:

@MeanDean provided a link in the intro to OTN#1, so you might find this on your own. If not, I think it’s worth a direct mention.

First response to OTN series:

@IsUaClone2: I'm looking forward to these articles. My attention span normally leads me away from anything, but soundbites (and) the combination of this content is drawing me in.

Others who responded to #1:

As you can see, the concept was massively popular right out of the gate. ;)


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2011
Sometimes I wonder if Mean Dean wasn't in my graduating class...knows all the GOOD classics, anyway.

Happy Anniversary, OTN !

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Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2009
Blue Grass IA-Jensen Beach FL
Unfortunately I'm not as astute as Rulzzz or 500 and so the comments I remember, but rarely the poster.

I do remember posting the "I Love You" cover by the group People and KC responding how she was surprised that version had been forgotten.

And many times she had to chastise me for stealing her posts, sometimes even just a few seconds before she was going to post.

Another time I got a warm fuzzy when somebody responded that they were really enjoying the doo-wop songs I was posting. The topic wasn't doo-wop, but the genre had a lot of songs that fit whatever the topic was for that week.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2011
I think it was Dahlia Clone who said they appreciated the foreign language songs that I posted.

Not about anniversaries, but another one of my French faves (with some English for folks with the patience to listen):



Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2010
Retro-Nugget: Links to OTN threads launched closest to each anniversary date, 2018 to 2021.

Aug. 1, 2018

July 30, 2019

Aug. 4, 2020

Aug. 3, 2021