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Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
Yo cowsy, you want to hear how me and my soon to be ex got together?

It's actually a good story, even if the ending is NOT what I would prefer.
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Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
Once upon a time at band camp...

Well, she and I met in band. Yes, I am a band geek. If you don't like it, eat a fat one.

We started going out my 4th and final year in band. It was her second year in band. At the time my housemates and I alternated hosting band parties the Friday nights before football games. It was the first game of the 2003 season. She and I had a mutual friend who had gone to HS with me. We knew each other but had only talked a few times. The thing was, I had thought she had a boyfriend. She always hung out with this turd so I, and most of the band, assumed they were dating. Apparently they dated in HS, but were broken up. They were just friends and she hung out with him because she knew him and ended up being friends with his friends. Of course he was possessive of her and wanted everyone to think they were dating.

Anyways, the first party of the year was a hit, as usual. Funny thing is, I had gotten the number of another girl that night so I was doing pretty well. It was later in the evening when my future wife showed up with our mutual friend. Our friend was hammered. They had been at another party before mine and they came in the back right where the keg was, while I was refilling my gigantic host mug. I immediately told my future wife that she needed to drink my beer. I was just being a good host of course. She downed it like a champ. Well we talked for a while that night and we flirted quite a bit.
A while later, we were standing in the kitchen talking. And this part neither of us remembers in full. I'm pretty sure I pulled her in and kissed her but it's a little fuzzy. We ended up making out in my kitchen for a long time. The party was still going on of course and people nudged us out of the way a few times and gave us some looks. We didn't give a rip. It's well after 2 am and we have to get up in the morning for pre-game rehearsal. I contemplated asking her to sleep over, but decided to take it slow. Our friend was screaming at her to leave as well (I think our friend actually had a crush on me as well so I think she was ticked.) She ended up leaving and I was pretty pleased with myself as I went to bed.

Fast forward a few hours to the morning. I wake up to the phone ringing and notice it's pretty bright out. F***! I slept in. I sprinted to rehearsal and slide right into line and give her a wink from across the horn line. Apparently she had been freaking out that I regretted the previous evening and skipped rehearsal so I didn't have to see her.

We started dating after that and were pretty much inseparable from then on.

We decided we were just going to tell the kids that we "met in band", not that dad fed mom beer and proceeded to make out in the kitchen with her for multiple hours.
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Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
You're getting divorced?

Unfortunately yes. 8 years of marriage and two kids later. I really wanted to try and work things out but she kind of just quit on me.

The worst part is not getting to see my boys every day.

That and having to start over. I have no clue how to meet chicks anymore.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2009
Unfortunately yes. 8 years of marriage and two kids later. I really wanted to try and work things out but she kind of just quit on me.

The worst part is not getting to see my boys every day.

That and having to start over. I have no clue how to meet chicks anymore.

all the sad :(


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
that is adorbs. You sound like a pretty smooth operator.

I had my moments. It sounds dorky, but I was a king in band. My best friend and I had it wired and were pretty well liked by everyone. Hip-Hopp and Donkey Punch!

Apparently, unbeknownst to me, a lot of girls in band had a crush on me. Probably not the ones I wanted though.

College was fun. Now I have to figure out how to find girls who don't suck (or maybe ones that do) in the real world.


Unfortunately yes. 8 years of marriage and two kids later. I really wanted to try and work things out but she kind of just quit on me.

The worst part is not getting to see my boys every day.

That and having to start over. I have no clue how to meet chicks anymore.

Sorry to hear that.

Same old tricks, man. You might think you're too old to feed girls beer and make out with them in the kitchen, but I'll bet you're smooth enough to pull it off.


Eh, I'll figure it out and I will do everything I can with my little dudes. The soon to be ex is being pretty cool about it. She knows they need their dad. She just doesn't need me anymore I guess.
I need you, hiphopp :wubclub:
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