Has anyone caught this idiot on Twitter saying Iowa was only three spots behind Iowa State in basketball attendance this year.
I have no idea, he had a link but it wouldn't open on my phone
Says Iowa had over 11,000 at every home game
I thought ISU ended up higher at the end of the season, like top 15 or so???
Last year's data is what he was using:
ISU - 28
UI - 31
We averaged over 13,000 this year according to Fred at the selection show.
Not surprising. They have had sellouts for over half of the B12 games haven't they?
Listed attendance doesn't necessarily in mean butts in the seat.
Here is the stats from NCAA. Actually Iowa is one spot ahead of Iowa State because it is listed in alphabetical order.
Iowa State was 28th at 12,110 (x19 games)
Iowa had 11,635* (x16 games) & they were 5th in most improvement from last year.
They only list the top 30 by ranking and the rest is in alphabetical order.
*By Iowa's ticket counting practices Iowa actually sold out every game.
Nice showing by Iowa fans tonight though.
See I looked that up too, but I think ISUAG is saying that was last years stats. So I don't know. Doesn't seem right that Iowa had that much last year, but I dont know.
I don't know but it said it was for the 2011-2012 season???
It's last years. It gives the attendance for last years NCAA tournament by location on the first page.
Let's run down the events tonight:
Iowa does a decent job of selling 13,000 tickets to a second tier tournament game.
Those jokesters at WideRightNattyLight made a Twitterjoke about Iowa's horrible!! attendance.
I replied, of course, calling him a derp and saying that Iowa's attendance was ranked three whole spots behind Iowa State last year.
Whoever runs their Twitter, of course, called me a liar. Then a guy with a panda screen name and a goatee started a thread here calling me an idiot.
I replied with a link to the NCAA site backing up the claims I made.
WRNL replied with something about how it couldn't be true.
I called him a derp. He was being a derp.
And here we are. I was right. If you need me, I'll be on Twitter. Being right. Like usual.