Harkin v. Limbaugh


Thought Police
Staff member
Apr 11, 2006
A pineapple under the sea
Wasn't that the platform of Ross Perot in '92? I could use some help on this since I was in kindergarten, but I think he was something like that.
Good grief......I voted for Perot twice, and read two of his books, "Not for sale at any price" and "United we stand" or something like that. It's amazing my fingers don't crumble into dust as I am typing:wideeyed:


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Tom Harkin was indeed a pilot during the Viet Nam War. And he served overseas. So he ferried damaged aircraft to Japan. Big Deal.

I find it more outrageous that our current President MISSED A URINE TEST to test for Drugs. A missed test means you are DIRTY with Drugs by the way. AND went AWOL from the National Guard. No records?? GHW Bush I was head of the CIA. Pretty easy to make bad things disappear.

Your position seems to be that we need to introduce some prospective into the discussion. However, if you go down that road pretty soon the lowest common denominator becomes the standard for our politicians.

Instead I would raise the bar and submit that politicians should be held to a high ethical standard. In other words, when you find the character of a politician to be troubling, that should not exempt lesser ethical breaches by other politicians from condemnation.

Finally ethical lapses should be judged on their merits. People on this board tend to only charge those politicians that do not share their political beliefs with ethical misconduct.


Aug 22, 2006
herbiedoobie wrote:
I've been following closely the proliferation of "phoney soldiers" that the opponents of the Iraq War have been using to support their "case." I find it instructive that it is a continuation of the Dan Rather "The facts may be a lie, but the story is true" mantra....
I haven't been following this closely so I am ignorant. Please give us some names of soldiers who are "phony".


Aug 22, 2006
StLouisClone wrote:
The guys whom Rush thinks are phony are the ones who never went over to Iraq or anywhere else for that matter.

Would you say that a soldier who supports a war but refuses to volunteer to go to the combat zone or anywhere else near it is a phony? If so, any currently prominent politicians come to mind?


As far as Rush, he's a hipocrite plain and simple. Condemn the Moveon.org thing but then say soldiers that were actually over in Iraq are phony because they don't support the war, thats bs. Those soldiers were actually out there fighting, so they can be for or against the war if they want.

Here's some research for you. You are obviously too lazy to do it yourself, so I did it for you.

The worst kind of fraud - Editorial / Opinion

Here's an excerpt from a different site:

U.S. Attorney Jeffrey C. Sullivan today announced some of the results of "Operation Stolen Valor," a year long effort to investigate and prosecute those who lie about their military service for financial gain or other reasons.

*Jesse Macbeth, 23, Tacoma, Washington, sentenced today in connection with his fraudulent claims of military service. Macbeth sought medical benefits claiming to suffer from PTSD related to service in Iraq and Afghanistan, in fact, Macbeth was discharged from the Army about a month after he joined. Macbeth never traveled outside the U.S. with the Army. Macbeth duped reporters, claiming to be a decorated Army Ranger who had witnessed war crimes.


So much for "actually out there fighting". By the way, "phony war heroes" is a term that the United States Attorney used, NOT Rush Limbaugh. Don't agree with it? Take it up with the U.S. Department of Justice.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
This whole Rush vs. the Democrats thing is pretty dumb. Rush said something that was taken out of context and now the "political game" is being played.

Maybe senators should be worrying about securing our border, health care costs, balancing the budget, etc instead of a political sparring match with Rush Limbaugh. But I guess that wouldn't make the news. :realmad:

Rush wasn't taken out of context. He has edited the piece where he made reference to phony soldiers and is playing the edited version.

Here is the full version. Unedited.

Media Matters - Limbaugh: Service members who support U.S. withdrawal are "phony soldiers"

Scroll down to see the dialogue.
May 31, 2007
Central Iowa
Here's some research for you. You are obviously too lazy to do it yourself, so I did it for you.

The worst kind of fraud - Editorial / Opinion

Here's an excerpt from a different site:

U.S. Attorney Jeffrey C. Sullivan today announced some of the results of "Operation Stolen Valor," a year long effort to investigate and prosecute those who lie about their military service for financial gain or other reasons.

*Jesse Macbeth, 23, Tacoma, Washington, sentenced today in connection with his fraudulent claims of military service. Macbeth sought medical benefits claiming to suffer from PTSD related to service in Iraq and Afghanistan, in fact, Macbeth was discharged from the Army about a month after he joined. Macbeth never traveled outside the U.S. with the Army. Macbeth duped reporters, claiming to be a decorated Army Ranger who had witnessed war crimes.


So much for "actually out there fighting". By the way, "phony war heroes" is a term that the United States Attorney used, NOT Rush Limbaugh. Don't agree with it? Take it up with the U.S. Department of Justice.

I am not sure why it is necessary for you to take such a boorish approach with isufbucurt insofar you do not have your own facts right.

For one thing, no one is disputing that Jesse MacBeth engaged in criminal behavior. He entered into a plea agreement where he pled guilty to a charge of making a False Statement. He made false statements on an application for veterans benefits. As part and parcel of his fraudulent claim for VA benefits, he falsified his official miltary discharge record (DD214) which he needed to support his claim. Falsifying your official military records is also a criminal offense.

MacBeth was not charged with criminally inpresonating a soldier. I am not sure such an offense exists. MacBeth indeed served in the Army albeit it appears like he ended up being a trainee discharge.

If the point of your ire is to somehow link Rush Limbaugh's phony soldier statement to MacBeth, forget it. Rush is trying real hard to make it appear the MacBeth was object of his "phony soldier" comment instead of the caller that was slighted. Not going to work. Waste your anger somewhere else.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
I am not sure why it is necessary for you to take such a boorish approach with isufbucurt insofar you do not have your own facts right.

For one thing, no one is disputing that Jesse MacBeth engaged in criminal behavior. He entered into a plea agreement where he pled guilty to a charge of making a False Statement. He made false statements on an application for veterans benefits. As part and parcel of his fraudulent claim for VA benefits, he falsified his official miltary discharge record (DD214) which he needed to support his claim. Falsifying your official military records is also a criminal offense.

MacBeth was not charged with criminally inpresonating a soldier. I am not sure such an offense exists. MacBeth indeed served in the Army albeit it appears like he ended up being a trainee discharge.

If the point of your ire is to somehow link Rush Limbaugh's phony soldier statement to MacBeth, forget it. Rush is trying real hard to make it appear the MacBeth was object of his "phony soldier" comment instead of the caller that was slighted. Not going to work. Waste your anger somewhere else.

Johnny, how do you know that Rush Limbaugh's phony soldier statement was not connected with MacBeth? Or are you simply assuming such due to your inclination to target "right wingers."

What is the evidence that Rush was or was not referring to MacBeth?

Perhaps I'm just to lazy to research this issue.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
I am not sure why it is necessary for you to take such a boorish approach with isufbucurt insofar you do not have your own facts right.

For one thing, no one is disputing that Jesse MacBeth engaged in criminal behavior. He entered into a plea agreement where he pled guilty to a charge of making a False Statement. He made false statements on an application for veterans benefits. As part and parcel of his fraudulent claim for VA benefits, he falsified his official miltary discharge record (DD214) which he needed to support his claim. Falsifying your official military records is also a criminal offense.

MacBeth was not charged with criminally inpresonating a soldier. I am not sure such an offense exists. MacBeth indeed served in the Army albeit it appears like he ended up being a trainee discharge.

If the point of your ire is to somehow link Rush Limbaugh's phony soldier statement to MacBeth, forget it. Rush is trying real hard to make it appear the MacBeth was object of his "phony soldier" comment instead of the caller that was slighted. Not going to work. Waste your anger somewhere else.

Congress has passed legislation to prosecute individuals who claim military medals they had not earned. It passed both the House and Senate unanimously. It was introduced by Congressman John Salazar (D-CO). According to NPR, there are 50 ongoing investigations by the FBI into violations of Salazar's legislation. I don't know whether McBeth claimed that he was awarded any medals.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
I would presume that utube would have captured Rush's remarks. I would check utube but the filtering controls on my intranet will not allow me to connect to utube.

Perhaps those who are convinced that Rush failed to direct his "phony soldier" comments at McBeth are basing their convictions on a political bias? If that is the case, the allegations against Rush are nothing short of slanderous.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Check out my link on Post #48 above. It has the full UNEDITED transcript. Rush has since edited the transcript to make himself look better.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
The context is very clear, he was talking about impersonator soldiers like Jesse Macbeth. Some have tried to rebut this by claiming that he mentions Jesse Macbeth "much later" in the program, but it is only a few sentences later, and it's only because the caller suddenly changes the subject mid-stream to WMDs. Rush just responds briefly about WMDs and then gets back on the subject of phony soldiers.

The UNEDITED transcript link:
The Shield of Achilles: Media Matters Turns Ugly and Phony [Updated]


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Check out my link on Post #48 above. It has the full UNEDITED transcript. Rush has since edited the transcript to make himself look better.

Are you sure that the link you provided is the full transcript? Other web sites that purport to disclose the full transcript continue far beyond where the Media Matters identifies as the cut-off ("exactly sir"). What Media Matters has done is to selectively ended the transcript where it best suits their purposes.

And of course my suspicions were aroused when I saw that the link you provided was furnished by "Media Matters." The fact that Media Matters is partially funded by MoveOn.org should indicate that they are far from a biased organization.
May 31, 2007
Central Iowa
Johnny, how do you know that Rush Limbaugh's phony soldier statement was not connected with MacBeth? Or are you simply assuming such due to your inclination to target "right wingers."

What is the evidence that Rush was or was not referring to MacBeth?

Perhaps I'm just to lazy to research this issue.

Rush Limbaugh and his "phony soldier" contreversy is addressed ad nauseam in another thread, Hilaryis Baby Bonds.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2007
And of course my suspicions were aroused when I saw that the link you provided was furnished by "Media Matters." The fact that Media Matters is partially funded by MoveOn.org should indicate that they are far from a biased organization.

Mr. Tremain is the foremost authority on what sources are legit. I would defer to his discretion.
May 31, 2007
Central Iowa
Congress has passed legislation to prosecute individuals who claim military medals they had not earned. It passed both the House and Senate unanimously. It was introduced by Congressman John Salazar (D-CO). According to NPR, there are 50 ongoing investigations by the FBI into violations of Salazar's legislation. I don't know whether McBeth claimed that he was awarded any medals.

He did. He claimed to have been awarded the Purple Heart.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Jun 27, 2006
I'm a member of several military forums, and am wondering if this is as big an issue back in Iowa, as it is here.

First, Harkin is on record as claiming to have Vietnam Combat Experience. Second, this is a lie. Harkin was a maintenance pilot, who flew F4s from Japan to the Phillipines. Regardless of what anyone thinks about Limbaugh (I don't think about him at all) how do Iowans justify repeatedly voting for a pathalogical Liar like Harkin? What kind of mental illness makes someone with a normally laudable service record (flying sick aircraft over the ocean is NOT for whimps) lie in public, about a subject that is so easily exposed as a lie.

It's bad enough that he is a proven liar, lying about military service, especially combat experience is the third rail within the military, so folks here just cannot understand why Iowans keep voting for the guy. I try to tell them about Iowa Schitty and Des Moines, as well as various tax gouges this guy brings to the state, but folks in the military take this stuff kinda personal, and do not understand the mindset that would cause people to pull the ballot box lever for him.

Is there someone here who is a Harkin "fan" that can 'splain some of this to me?

Every person who votes has voted for a liar.