Friday OT: Rooster or Owl


Really Big Member
SuperFanatic T2
Aug 28, 2012
Neither. I can easily go to sleep at 8:00 pm and then wake up at 2:00 pm the next day.


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2011
If I get in the habit of being up early to walk or whatever before work it's great.

But if you ask me 15 questions about some plans 1 month from now I won't process anything.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2009
Springfield, Illinois
To give a more serious answer:

I'm a morning person, and one that needs 8ish hours of sleep a night. Having kids was/is super hard on me, because of the sleep disruption. My dad was a morning person, worked 6:30-3:30 so he'd always be up before everyone else eating breakfast and reading the newspaper in peace in quiet. I aspire to have mornings like that, but...

Unfortunately my wife is a night owl. She would be happy staying up to 11-12 every night, reading, watching tv etc. For a while, when the kids were little and sleeping was **** for everyone, I'd often sleep in a different bed a few nights a week to just survive. I'm not one who can fall asleep if there's lights on, etc.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2009
Was a morning person most of my life. Had a crap job in grad school I had to show up at 5:00 am, no problem. Got most of what I needed to do for the household done before taking the kids to school. Used to do homework in the morning in high school because I would be too tired at night from basketball or tennis practice.

When I hit about 60, it completely flipped. Struggle to get up in the morning. If it wasn’t for the dog needing out, I would probably sleep until at least 9:00 am. Have a hard time going to sleep at night. Usually just do the Wordle at midnight.

Oooooo do Connections (free on NYT) at night now too!


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2006
Minneapolis, MN
Was never really a night person except in my youth. I've generally always been more of a morning person but the hours have shifted.

In college, I would find it impossible to get up early enough to make it to the gym before a 9am class. About 5 years ago I got serious about exercise and would often workout at 6am and even sometimes 5am.

My wife and I get up between 5-5:30am most days, even on weekends. It's extremely rare for us to ever sleep past 6am.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2009
Forced by life on a farm to be a morning person until college. Shifted and changed with work, kids, life. Was in a good routine late 2019 into 2020. Up and sleeping at consistent times, even working out in the early AM on a regular basis. Covid years really screwed it up. Too many nights staying up til midnight/1am to work after the toddler went to bed..........and then he was up at 5-6am. And then I was pregnant again with a newborn. 2022-2023 I could not get enough sleep. I've always been a higher sleep needs person who ignores it but it caught up to me those years with a waking baby and poor sleep habits. Fixed some health stuff and finally feel like I'm not dying if I have to get out of bed before 8am. That's a goal for this year actually. To stay awake after getting the oldest on the bus - go for a walk, do a workout, cross stitch, whatever. And be in bed between 10-11pm.

We all got Covid for the first time this past week so I've been decent on the getting to bed part but sleep has been ****. Today feeling pretty good and hoping to get back to my attempts at morning person life next week.

Long story short, I'm bad at both but trying to get into a habit of being more of a morning person.


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2007
I'm kinda both. I prefer to be a night owl, but can wake up early without an alarm. it is my years being a swimmer that taught me that skill.
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SuperFanatic T2
Jan 24, 2007
Urbandale, IA
I've been a morning person most of my life. I'm most productive in the morning. I usually wake up at 5 or 5:15 during the week and 6:30 on the weekends.

I like being up early before the kids and get some quiet "me" time.

I'm usually in bed by about 9:30 or 10pm.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2006
Grimes, IA
Night person but once I had kids had to adapt to being a morning person by necessity not choice. I still can stay up late if I need/want to but most nights I don't go to sleep until 10:30 or 11pm and still have to be up shortly after 6am on a school day.

In college and pre-family stage of my life I sleep in until mid to late morning. Now if the kids "sleep in" until 8am on a weekend I call that a win as they are definitely early risers even on the weekend most of the time unfortunately. My wife was always an earlier riser which drove me nuts but lately she would rather sleep in too if she can.

I even tried to schedule classes in college to avoid 8am and even 9am classes if I could as I hated early morning classes. The days I didn't start until 10 or 11 were wonderful - if I could cram all my classes for the day somewhere between 10-3 that was my ideal schedule. Worst semester I had classes at 8, 11, 2 on MWF and on MW a 6pm class. Just no other way I could schedule it then and I dreaded those days as either had to stay on campus between classes and try to get some work in or head back to my room for a couple hours then back to campus. The flip side of that I had a really light TR schedule with just 2 classes and the first one wasn't until 10 or 11 I think.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2014
I'm a night owl who has young kids, so both. I stay up because I need some time to myself and the kids are usually up by 6:30 at the latest.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2010
I am a morning person. I realized when we had kids is I could have some peace and quiet before they got up. Now that I am retired, I still wake up around 5:00 am every day.


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2021
Both. Night Owl by choice, Rooster by necessity. Although, can only do that so many days in a row before the body says 8:30 bed time for you today as I fall asleep on the couch. Weekends I usually don't set an alarm, but still get up by 7. Basically, as long as I can get close to 7 hours of sleep, I'm good. Once I start drifting closer to 6 hours or fewer too many day in a row, I start to feel it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2012
Night owl naturally but can do rooster easy enough, set the alarm I'll get up to it. for my one job I'm up at 430ish and on the road by 515. If no alarm needed usually wake up with the sun.

Mead For My Horses

Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 23, 2020
Always been a morning person. I'd go to sleepovers as a kid and be up 2 hours before everybody else. First one up every Saturday morning at my frat. I never set an alarm but wake up between 4:30 & 6. I'll sleep past 7 a couple times per year. Usually in bed by 10:30.


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2008
Cedar Rapids, IA
Definitely a morning person.
Struggling with a schedule right now that has me working until 8 or 9PM twice a week, but then up for work at 8AM the next day.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 4, 2007
Thanks so much to @cyclones500 for today’s topic!

Are you a morning or night person? Has that ever changed throughout your life?

I was definitely a night person up until I was in my late 20s (I know a lot of you aren’t there yet). Then one day I woke up and consistently wake up at dawn left to my own devices ever since. I can push through to about 8:30 if I am overtired or was up late the night before, but am also very productive in the mornings.

My husband is the exact opposite. I know that I can’t ask him anything to which I want a real response until he has had time to wake up fully.
Night owl. Always have been. I don't go to bed until at least 1:00 am every night.
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Well-Known Member
May 26, 2008
Parts Unknown
Definitely a morning person.
Struggling with a schedule right now that has me working until 8 or 9PM twice a week, but then up for work at 8AM the next day.

Pops spent his entire working career on some really jacked up swing shift thing.

1 week of days (7am - 3pm)
1 week of afternoons (3pm - 11pm)
1 week overnights (11pm - 7am)

A week off and then start it all over again.

I absolutely have no idea how a person could live a normal life with that schedule. The union shot down a normal schedule because overnight paid more. The guys all wanted a shot at that extra cash.

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