Durrell Givens Arrested


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Jan 17, 2012
Central Iowa
I agree -- I hate being around potheads, especially since I do not smoke the stuff. But damn, Durrell is a good guy AND he plays for my favorite team, so I guess my opinion on the matter is a little skewed. If he was a NU guy I wouldn't care. I guess I'm just shocked and disappointed.

So did CPR kick you off the team? Or you you still just suspended?


Feb 24, 2012
Siracusa, ITA/Ames, IA
If a person wants to smoke weed and risk getting caught that is their business, but if a person says I am going to give you an education worth an enormous amount of money for doing some thing you love to do, but one of the stipulations is don't use any drugs or you will be putting it all at risk and you use the drugs anyway, you have a problem and don't have your "**** together".

Good point. There is a section on the letter of intent that says something to the effect that "will not use illegal drugs." Still though, it's disappointing.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2006
Schaumburg, IL
If pot is illegalthen dont do it. If someday they legalize it, then you can do it. I dont see why this is so difficult for people. I say keep it illegal just so the general population doesnt have to deal with these people. I have never met someone that smokes weed that I can be around for more than 10 minutes w/out them annoynig the **** out of me.

I'm not a pot smoker at all, but I love my beer. If I had my choice of people to be around, drunks I didn't know or pot smokers, I'll take the pot smokers every day.

I don't really care one way or another if they legalize it or not, but if you take away the legality issue, I'm sure pot is a less costly drug over all than alcohol is.

I do know where you are coming from though. Thing is, you obviously have a different believe system than pot smokers, my guess would be those people would annoy the **** out of you weather or not they were high.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Feb 6, 2009
If pot is illegalthen dont do it. If someday they legalize it, then you can do it. I dont see why this is so difficult for people. I say keep it illegal just so the general population doesnt have to deal with these people. I have never met someone that smokes weed that I can be around for more than 10 minutes w/out them annoynig the **** out of me.

Don't worry. We don't like being around people like you either.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2006
Arlington, TX
I'd say #2 and that goes for all college kids...

There are no surveys I'm aware of that put college drug use anywhere near as high you always claim it is. CORE's latest survey results are below.

but who counts pot as a drug? This isn't the 30's. Well, I guess the cops do, but we they are constrained by the law, the rest of us can look at it rationally.

A rational discussion would entail using fact-based statistics regarding usage, which you have demonstrated time and time again that you are unwilling to do.


Following are some key findings on the use of alcohol:
81.7% of the students consumed alcohol in the past year ("annual prevalence").
68.3% of the students consumed alcohol in the past 30 days ("30-day prevalence").
62.4% of underage students (younger than 21) consumed alcohol in the previous 30 days.
43.1% of students reported binge drinking in the previous two weeks. A binge is defined as consuming 5 or more drinks in one sitting.

Following are some key findings on the use of illegal drugs:
30.2% of the students have used marijuana in the past year ("annual prevalence").
17.2% of the students are current marijuana users ("30-day prevalence").
12.0% of the students have used an illegal drug other than marijuana in the past year ("annual prevalence")
5.9% of the students are current users of illegal drugs other than marijuana ("30-day prevalence")

The most frequently reported illegal drugs used in the past 30 days were:
17.2% Marijuana (pot, hash, hash oil)
3.0% Amphetamines (diet pills, speed)
1.9% Sedatives (downers, ludes)


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2011
Right .. I am all for giving these idiots as many illegal drugs as we can on a desert island. Just airdrop MREs and a few jugs of water with cases of blow, MJ, and CM for them to fight over. This would then become a "self correcting" problem.

You are brainwashed.

I don't smoke. I never have, probably never will. As long as it's illegal I don't see the reward as being greater than the risk. I also don't feel like spending the money on it, and don't really see the need for it in my life.

That being said, compared to other substances, weed is pretty harmless, and the only reason I would condone it's use right now is two reasons:

1. It's illegal so you're supporting lots of the violent and dangerous activities that go along with it.
2. It's illegal so you have a chance of staining your permanent legal record

Both of those problems could go away if it were simply legalized, but people like you are setting this country back by following some dated social standard by putting weed in the same category as methamphetamine and cocaine.

Also yeah I've met my share of annoying potheads, but I've probably met more people who were REALLY annoying when they're drunk, and all they talk about is drinking and getting smashed on the weekends. People who drink can be real bros. Does that mean we should outlaw drinking and put all those people on a desert islands? After all drinking causes a higher percentage of deaths among users than weed, and is more detrimental to your health, although I bet most people on here arguing against the use of weed are all against prohibition as well.:rolleyes:

I see the world for what it is, and IM the brainwashed one, give me a break.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2010
Don't worry. We don't like being around people like you either.

Exactly what I was thinking. Nothing is more. A buzzkill than being around someone brainwashed or undereducated about illegal drugs.

I get so tired of people treating me like I live my daily life finding for just one more hit. Believe it or not, some people who smoke cannabis have other ambitions than getting high every minute of the day. I smoke about every weekend and I still plan on going to grad school


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Good point. There is a section on the letter of intent that says something to the effect that "will not use illegal drugs." Still though, it's disappointing.

Yep, but 1 game suspension, and life goes. Might hurt Givens in his battle for the safety spot though... I expect major competition between Broomfield, Givens, Brackens, maybe Mutcherson.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2011
A rational discussion would entail using fact-based statistics regarding usage, which you have demonstrated time and time again that you are unwilling to do.


Which, if anything, just shows how messed up our belief system in this country is. We don't count alcohol as a drug, when it's clearly a depressant, because of the negative connotations with the word drug. You don't hear anyone except for research scientists refer to alcohol as a drug because that would mess with the big brewery and alcohol companies plan to minimize the negative effects and classification of alcohol and demonize recreational drugs like weed.

Alcohol is just as much of a drug as weed, we as a society just don't view it that way because of how we've been raised. Alcohol as a drug is much much more harmful than weed.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
There are no surveys I'm aware of that put college drug use anywhere near as high you always claim it is. CORE's latest survey results are below.

Sorry, I had alot of fun in college and hung out with people who liked to party. I sometimes forget there are a lot of computer nerds who never leave their dorms, and the foreign students who are at the library instead of tailgating also.

But, I also assume that for every student who answers truthfully in those polls, there is probably one who doesn't for fear of somehow getting in trouble for telling the truth.


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2006
Arlington, TX
Sorry, I had alot of fun in college and hung out with people who liked to party. I sometimes forget there are a lot of computer nerds who never leave their dorms, and the foreign students who are at the library instead of tailgating also.

Another illustration of why it is impossible to have a rational discussion with you...about anything...


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2011
Omaha, NE
If a person wants to smoke weed and risk getting caught that is their business, but if a person says I am going to give you an education worth an enormous amount of money for doing some thing you love to do, but one of the stipulations is don't use any drugs or you will be putting it all at risk and you use the drugs anyway, you have a problem and don't have your "**** together".


This degenerated into a "legalize it" thread pretty quick. Even if it were legal folks, he still broke a rule according to his agreement with this university, which probably also stipulates that he not involve himself in alcohol related mischief either. So the whole alcohol v. weed thing doesn't really apply to this story.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Another illustration of why it is impossible to have a rational discussion with you...about anything...

I'm sure that's true, if your definition of rational is taking everything way too seriously.

Good Lord man, I'm sorry I didn't define an exact % when I answered "most" to his poll. Most of the people I knew at ISU did at least try stuff once or twice in college. But like I said, most of them were partiers, not stay at home types or study 24-7 types, which is probably where the disparity comes from. Yeah, that's quite a rational explanation, even if its not quite up to your standards.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2011

This degenerated into a "legalize it" thread pretty quick. Even if it were legal folks, he still broke a rule according to his agreement with this university, which probably also stipulates that he not involve himself in alcohol related mischief either. So the whole alcohol v. weed thing doesn't really apply to this story.

I can see that angle if it were true, but I'm pretty sure students athletes who are 'of age' are allowed to drink alcohol, Given that Durrell is a redshirt senior I'd assume he's old enough to drink alcohol and smoke things like cigars and cigarettes if he so chooses. I've seen plenty of basketball and football players out at the bars drinking, so at least in the off season I don't think alcohol is a bannable offense.

So the alcohol vs weed thing can certainly be true in this case, and I think it's a valid discussion to have.

He broke a rule, and will be punished, but the fact that it is a rule in the first place is the thing most people are upset with.


Nov 7, 2007
Chi Town
If pot is illegalthen dont do it. If someday they legalize it, then you can do it. I dont see why this is so difficult for people. I say keep it illegal just so the general population doesnt have to deal with these people. I have never met someone that smokes weed that I can be around for more than 10 minutes w/out them annoynig the **** out of me.

Classic Hater.. haha .. after this last comment, I bet your a just a barrel of fun to hang out with. I bet you are the guy who just sits there and judges everyone because you are soo accomplished.


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2007
Exactly what I was thinking. Nothing is more. A buzzkill than being around someone brainwashed or undereducated about illegal drugs.

I get so tired of people treating me like I live my daily life finding for just one more hit. Believe it or not, some people who smoke cannabis have other ambitions than getting high every minute of the day. I smoke about every weekend and I still plan on going to grad school[/QUOTE]

Good . . stay away from the military because they will throw your ***** out in a nano second. Jee . . I wonder why? Do you think it has something to do with performance or reliability? Just asking?

You will be good to go in the civilian world as long as they don't do drug screenings (like they should often). I don't want UAW guys making my cars after toking up on grass, blow, or booze during their lunch breaks. I don't want the graduate student who will become a professional in a particular field to be anywhere near me. But go ahead and smoke your dope and cheat yourself, your family, and the company you will eventually work for. Free country! Right!

BTW, the Level of THC in modern grass is much higher than what dirt-head hippies did three decades ago. Modern pot is a sedative and depressant at the new THC level . . . so . . . Stay home . . get "buzzed" on your weekends . . . but stay away from marrying anyone responsible . . and for sure, don't produce any kids who will emulate your lousy parental skill set. But hey . . .Sounds like a great future for you there tiger! I look forward to seeing you on Dr. Drew's Celebrity Rehab . . trying to tell us nimrods that pot isn't addictive and habit forming. Wake up dude before you totally screw up your life.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Exactly what I was thinking. Nothing is more. A buzzkill than being around someone brainwashed or undereducated about illegal drugs.

I get so tired of people treating me like I live my daily life finding for just one more hit. Believe it or not, some people who smoke cannabis have other ambitions than getting high every minute of the day. I smoke about every weekend and I still plan on going to grad school[/QUOTE]

Good . . stay away from the military because they will throw your ***** out in a nano second. Jee . . I wonder why? Do you think it has something to do with performance or reliability? Just asking?

You will be good to go in the civilian world as long as they don't do drug screenings (like they should often). I don't want UAW guys making my cars after toking up on grass, blow, or booze during their lunch breaks. I don't want the graduate student who will become a professional in a particular field to be anywhere near me. But go ahead and smoke your dope and cheat yourself, your family, and the company you will eventually work for. Free country! Right!

BTW, the Level of THC in modern grass is much higher than what dirt-head hippies did three decades ago. Modern pot is a sedative and depressant at the new THC level . . . so . . . Stay home . . get "buzzed" on your weekends . . . but stay away from marrying anyone responsible . . and for sure, don't produce any kids who will emulate your lousy parental skill set. But hey . . .Sounds like a great future for you there tiger! I look forward to seeing you on Dr. Drew's Celebrity Rehab . . trying to tell us nimrods that pot isn't addictive and habit forming. Wake up dude before you totally screw up your life.

Well, the good thing is, no matter how much he smokes, he will clearly still be a better person than you. Pothead comes way before D-Bag in the hierarchy of life. So he has that going for him, which is nice.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2011
Alcohol is a sedative and depressant so . . . Stay home . . get "buzzed" on your weekends . . . but stay away from marrying anyone responsible . . and for sure, don't produce any kids who will emulate your lousy parental skill set. But hey . . .Sounds like a great future for you there tiger! I look forward to seeing you on Dr. Drew's Celebrity Rehab . . trying to tell us nimrods that alcohol isn't addictive and habit forming. Wake up dude before you totally screw up your life.


Are you against drinking alcohol? Do you think people who drink beer every so often on weekends should not get married or have kids? Should they be allowed in the military? Does anyone who has a couple of mixers or beers on the weekends need to go to rehab?

Just curious.
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