Black Panther


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2014
Downtown Minneapolis
Movie comes out tonight, I originally was only getting excited for this movie because of the music that Kendrick Lamar was putting out. But as we've gotten closer and closer to todays release, the excitement has really built up for me.

Has a 98% on Rotten, 4.5 on Vox and a 7.2 on iMBD. It is expected to be the highest grossing marvel movie in a while, and possibly ever.

I will be seeing it tonight due to there being almost half the theater of tickets still available for the 8PM showing. Is anyone else going to see it, excited for it, feeling like it will be overblown/overrated? Curious to hear all your thoughts as I haven't seen too much of a discussion about it on here like some other movies recently.

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SuperFanatic T2
Mar 23, 2006
I'm very excited about it, but have enough super hero fatigue I won't see it in the theater probably. Gotta wait for the parent reviews to see if it's okay for my kids to see but generally I'm a little reserved to letting them watch the live-action super hero movies.

Let me also say I LOVED what Coogler did with Creed and I am a huge Michael B. Jordan fan, so I think he has a lot of built in goodwill with me there.


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2014
Downtown Minneapolis
I'm very excited about it, but have enough super hero fatigue I won't see it in the theater probably. Gotta wait for the parent reviews to see if it's okay for my kids to see but generally I'm a little reserved to letting them watch the live-action super hero movies.

Let me also say I LOVED what Coogler did with Creed and I am a huge Michael B. Jordan fan, so I think he has a lot of built in goodwill with me there.
Ditto on Coogler w/ Creed. That is why I am expecting it to be solid no matter what, because that movie was only met with criticism and turned out to be great.

Parent reviews will be interesting cause every super hero movie has live action violence and lots of it, so it would be tough to pick and choose which is good and which is too far.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2007
Don't follow super hero movies at all so for my own curiosity, what is this guys super power?
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Will be using my moviepass on it for sure, fyi they just dropped price to 8 bucks a month again from 10
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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2013
I'm excited to see it, but I'm also being cautious. Some of the action sequences I've seen have that "overly- smooth-CGI-rendering" feel about them. I don't mind suspending disbelief and enjoying these movies, but I like when the action sequences have a certain believability with the characters' actions. (I re-read what I typed and it sounds dumb, but I'm leaving it alone)

I have intentionally avoided too many previews, but the ones I've seen have focused heavily on the action versus the story. I assume that's been intentionally done to avoid revealing too much. Marvel normally knocks it out of the park when it comes to character development and dialogue.

I'm gonna plan on catching it over the weekend sometime.
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Jan 9, 2009
Don't follow super hero movies at all so for my own curiosity, what is this guys super power?

Enhanced Strength, Speed, Stamina, Durability, and Agility. He is a martial arts master as well He also has a vibranium laced suit which is basically bulletproof.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2014
Downtown Minneapolis
I've been pumped for this one for months, looks amazing but the "white people shouldn't see it" conversation going around is utterly disgusting.
This movie has come with a lot of social issues, racial, orientaion-al, etc.. People just like to *****.

I saw Ben Shapiro said yesterday:
"Everyone in the media is talking about the most important thing that has ever happened in the history of humanity, or at least since Caitlyn Jenner became a woman — a transgender woman," Shapiro said. "And that of course is the release of 'Black Panther'. This is the most important moment in black American history, not Martin Luther King, not Frederick Douglass, not the Civil War, not the end of Jim Crow, none of that. When Obama was president, we were told it meant everything," Shapiro said, "And then, it turns out, it didn't mean anything, because we needed Chadwick Boseman to somehow make sure that black people felt accepted in American society, because a bunch of white executives at Marvel green lit a film about black people in a fictional country in Africa."

I'd be sayin the same thing to Ben. Just let the black community be happy that they finally have a Feature Length, Black Super Hero movie(No, Steel, Blade and Blankman are not true superheros, sorry:)) And people (on both sides) need to stop making it so political or polarizing. Its a f****** super hero movie.


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2014
Downtown Minneapolis
Enhanced Strength, Speed, Stamina, Durability, and Agility. He is a martial arts master as well He also has a vibranium laced suit which is basically bulletproof.
If I remember correctly, he got this because he ate some sort of magical herb? Could be thinking of the wrong superhero, though.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
If I remember correctly, he got this because he ate some sort of magical herb? Could be thinking of the wrong superhero, though.

I think the origins vary in the comics. For the movie it is from consuming the "Heart Shaped Herb" which is tied to Vibranium being present in the soil of Wakanda for thousands of years.

So it's not supposed to be magic I guess.


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2014
Downtown Minneapolis
I think the origins vary in the comics. For the movie it is from consuming the "Heart Shaped Herb" which is tied to Vibranium being present in the soil of Wakanda for thousands of years.

So it's not supposed to be magic I guess.
Yeah, magic wasn't the best word choice, but I knew there was something special that the herb had. Thanks for the clarification


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
Yeah, magic wasn't the best word choice, but I knew there was something special that the herb had. Thanks for the clarification

I think the original origin might have been a magical herb, but looks like they are trying to have a quasi-scientific source for the herbs power for the movie.


SuperFanatic T2
Nov 20, 2013
Seattle, WA
This movie has come with a lot of social issues, racial, orientaion-al, etc.. People just like to *****.

I saw Ben Shapiro said yesterday:
"Everyone in the media is talking about the most important thing that has ever happened in the history of humanity, or at least since Caitlyn Jenner became a woman — a transgender woman," Shapiro said. "And that of course is the release of 'Black Panther'. This is the most important moment in black American history, not Martin Luther King, not Frederick Douglass, not the Civil War, not the end of Jim Crow, none of that. When Obama was president, we were told it meant everything," Shapiro said, "And then, it turns out, it didn't mean anything, because we needed Chadwick Boseman to somehow make sure that black people felt accepted in American society, because a bunch of white executives at Marvel green lit a film about black people in a fictional country in Africa."

I'd be sayin the same thing to Ben. Just let the black community be happy that they finally have a Feature Length, Black Super Hero movie(No, Steel, Blade and Blankman are not true superheros, sorry:)) And people (on both sides) need to stop making it so political or polarizing. Its a f****** super hero movie.

I hadn't seen that kind of reaction to it prior to seeing Shapiro's take on it, which makes me think that it's mostly been manufactured as a talking point for sensationalized podcasts, clickbait articles, etc.

That being said, I'm not always the most in the loop person, so maybe I just missed it.

Either way, it is a movie I'm excited to see and trying to find a way to see it at my favorite theater (having a toddler at home really puts a damper on me getting to see movies ;) ).
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Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2014
Downtown Minneapolis
I hadn't seen that kind of reaction to it prior to seeing Shapiro's take on it, which makes me think that it's mostly been manufactured as a talking point for sensationalized podcasts, clickbait articles, etc.

That being said, I'm not always the most in the loop person, so maybe I just missed it.

Either way, it is a movie I'm excited to see and trying to find a way to see it at my favorite theater (having a toddler at home really puts a damper on me getting to see movies ;) ).
I'm with you, it is all manufactured for people to react to it, not anything actually logical in thought.

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