Bird Migration and Misc Birding Thread

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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2012
Had a blue winged warbler in the yard today singing away while pecking at insects. Hope it got some ticks for us, but probably grabbing something tastier. Dog pondered chasing it but maybe after three years he has learned that those things fly.

And also thanks to OP and contributors here. My favorite thread so far for this long off season.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2010
Had a clay colored sparrow eating seed on the ground at my city yard for either the second or third time since living here in over 25 years. Just passing thru as this is a prairie sparrow. Grosbeaks showed up today was well


Me: Mea culpa. Also me: Sine cura sis.
Staff member
SuperFanatic T2
May 7, 2008
We had our first grosbeak, too. Rose-breasted. Hummer came back and also, first time seeing one for me - red fox ran across backyards that adjoin ours. I know that’s not a bird but it was exciting. Wish they’d come around more often and take out these rabbits. Ugh.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2012
We had our first grosbeak, too. Rose-breasted Rose-breasted. Hummer came back and also, first time seeing one for me - red fox ran across backyards that adjoin ours. I know that’s not a bird but it was exciting. Wish they’d come around more often and take out these rabbits. Ugh.
I appreciated the old neighborhood fox but it wasn’t living under my deck. It was kind of small but good rabbit control. Dog wanted it to play with him but it had no interest.

The stray cats all over town go after the birds, which ticks me off. They do keep the mice out of the garage though.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2012
Upthread there was talk about birds returning to the same place, years ago when I mowed hay down by the river the same hawk showed up for several yrs and would sit in a dead tree and watch, he would swoop out and grab supper, he would have quite the collection up on the limb with him.
I knew he was the same one by the tail feathers.


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2011
Not a migration story but I fished last week and watched an osprey carry around several large bluegill that it must have been picking off from the water's surface and taking them back to a nest.

The bluegill in the area regularly push 9 inches so it was easy to see the saucer shape from below.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Jun 29, 2018
I guess this isn’t a migration story either, however, I was flyfishing during the eclipse a month ago in southern Missouri. I was hoping the eclipse would cause some hatches that never came, but this Pialated Woodpecker was right behind me 30 feet eating away as I fished. I have a video, however, it won't upload...


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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2006
We moved into a house last year that has a water feature, and it is irresistible for birds. I've had 70 different bird species in the backyard in the last year, and I'm in the city.
View attachment 128655

Exciting, we're going to have to start a koi pond thread lol. I used to bring mine inside but now I just shutdown the waterfall (I have a underwater return that I keep circulating), cover the pumps and filters with foamboard insulation and a tarp and run a small heater inside on the lowest setting. the pond itself will freeze over, but as long as the water is circulating and has exposure to air somewhere you won't risk losing the gas exchange (or run air to keep a spot open). Koi are pretty hardy, but there is a small risk to leaving them out, I lost one this winter not sure why but the "coming out of winter" stage when the water is like 40-50F is the hardest time on them.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2009
We have had a couple of cardinals in our backyard the last few days. They had a nest last year in one of our lilac bushes. They normally don't come back to the same nest each year. Will have to be careful and see if I can find a new one.

My wife is one that says that seeing a cardinal in your yard is a sign from a loved one that has passed on.

I've never heard that before, but if true then we'd have no relatives left at all. Daily basis we have a couple pairs of cardinals at our place. Last year one day we had SEVEN males at the feeder and co-located crab tree. Not exactly sure where they nest but must be close because they are omnipresent.

We also regularly have chickadees, junkos, the little reddish finches, nut hatches, mourning doves, and of course sparrows out the wazoo. And typically 1-3 woodpeckers, they love our derecho damaged maples. This year its a red-headed one, with the super white bottom half. Very pretty.

Owls too, though only have seen him once or twice in 3 years. But you hear him in the early morning hours if you are out there.

edit - forgot the turkeys. 7 of them this morning, chasing themselves around. Morons.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2006
Here's mine btw, I build more of a "formal" pond style vs your natural one. Mainly for ease of cleaning and less moving of rocks, but it also helps keep raccoons and herons away because the sides slope vertically down several feet to not allow them a spot to "fish" from.

Darker pond was at my old house ~ 5,500 gallons. Lighter one (needs stained!) is my new build after we moved. Little smaller ~ 4,000 gallons so I could run it w 1 pump and save electricity a little (maybe).


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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2008
first time seeing one for me - red fox ran across backyards that adjoin ours.
Are you my neighbor?? I saw a fox sprinting across our back yard looking very panicked and lost. He jumped the fences like it was nothing. First time seeing one of those in our neighborhood (near Bucs Ice Arena). Over the years I've seen wild turkeys and coyotes nearby. It's wild that I grew up in a very rural area; I had to move to the city to see wildlife.