Big Brother


Aug 9, 2006
Great night! Dan is a great player. I just don't want Jenn "City" or Joe to stay much longer. Or, at least, not to go to the finals together.

With you on this. I enjoy the players that do something. Jenn City hasn't done anything until this week and Joe hasn't done **** all summer.


SuperFanatic T2
Mar 6, 2012
Harlan, IA
Brilliant move by Dan, but his plan could backfire right in his face. We know that Ian is going to keep Britney. Not sure about Shane. He could realistically go either way and keep Britney and send Danielle home. The real wild card in this eviction is Joe. If Ian and Britney convince Shane to evict Danielle and Joe somehow decides to get rid of Danielle plus if Dan or Jenn don't win HOH next week, then Dan's efforts were for naught, and he might end up going home next week anyway. However I fully expect Shane to keep Danielle, and the blowup of the "Quack Pack" to commence.


Gameday Guru
SuperFanatic T2
Jul 13, 2008
Nevada, IA
Brilliant move by Dan, but his plan could backfire right in his face. We know that Ian is going to keep Britney. Not sure about Shane. He could realistically go either way and keep Britney and send Danielle home. The real wild card in this eviction is Joe. If Ian and Britney convince Shane to evict Danielle and Joe somehow decides to get rid of Danielle plus if Dan or Jenn don't win HOH next week, then Dan's efforts were for naught, and he might end up going home next week anyway. However I fully expect Shane to keep Danielle, and the blowup of the "Quack Pack" to commence.

Shane is the deciding vote in IMO. Dan and Jenn will evict Brit. Joe and Ian will evict Dani. So it's going to be up to Shane do you evict your coach or your showmance?


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2011
Ames, IA
That was the best episode of the summer and one of the best episodes I've seen since starting to watch the show years ago. Great move by Dan, but I think Frank benefited greatly from the deal since Shane and Ian will be going after Dan I'm assuming.

Arkansas Cyclone

Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2006
Bentonville, Arkansas
Great night! Dan is a great player. I just don't want Jenn "City" or Joe to stay much longer. Or, at least, not to go to the finals together.

Yeah, I'm getting a little annoyed with Jen "City" too. She thinks she pulled off a huge move in the game but all the credit really goes to Dan on this one for pulling off a plan that sounded so absurd and yet worked like a charm. And have you noticed how quiet Joe's been these last few episodes? I think he might've learned that his yelling did nothing more than to make him look like an idiot.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2010
Omaha, NE
Yeah, I'm getting a little annoyed with Jen "City" too. She thinks she pulled off a huge move in the game but all the credit really goes to Dan on this one for pulling off a plan that sounded so absurd and yet worked like a charm. And have you noticed how quiet Joe's been these last few episodes? I think he might've learned that his yelling did nothing more than to make him look like an idiot.

He still talks a lot, it's just CBS is smart and not airing his annoying yelling. The next episode should show the argument between Ian and Frank. Dan may be a target, but Dan has still yet to win anything, they will probably still target Frank as no one's help up their end with agreements with Frank. Poor guy gets screwed by everyone that shakes his hand minus Boogie.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2011
My Playhouse
Can anyone tell me why Jenn City thinks she is the ****?

She annoyed the **** out of everyone when she was up for eviction and would've been evicted had it been ANYONE but Boogie or Frank.

Now she wins Draw Something, which is a game really anyone can win (except Shane) and thinks she is the best in the game.



Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2011
My Playhouse
IMO, the quack pack is going after Dan and Frank, BUT if they can get Frank nominated without getting a veto, they will definitely take Dan back.

Ian's biggest mistake in this game was nominating Frank before the Veto instead of back dooring him.


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2009
Up north
Ian's biggest mistake in this game was nominating Frank before the Veto instead of back dooring him.

Which is funny because that is what he kind of wanted to do but his teammates weren't thinking very well. Had it been a regular week I think he probably would have done this.

Let's Go State

Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2007
West Coast (of Iowa)
I always believed dr will and mike boogie to be the masters of this game. Even janelle was in that category. But it is clear that nobody can play this game like Dan. Simply amazing. Watch for Ian to make a big move this week. He could vote out brittney for guaranteed safety or join with frank. Huge opportunity to take out the controlling player.


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2009
Up north
I have only started watching the last few seasons but can someone explain to my how Janelle was a good player? Yes she is looked good in competitions and I know she can play the game socially but I guess I figured he alienates and is so fake I don't understand why people would want to work with her.


Gameday Guru
SuperFanatic T2
Jul 13, 2008
Nevada, IA
I have only started watching the last few seasons but can someone explain to my how Janelle was a good player? Yes she is looked good in competitions and I know she can play the game socially but I guess I figured he alienates and is so fake I don't understand why people would want to work with her.

She is good in comps, but actually I think she has no social game and that's what did her in. Hope Brittney goes home, she is so catty and just like she rode the brigade's coat tails in her first season she rode Shane's this game. Brittney is nice to look at but she blows at this game.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2006
I agree that was the best POV ever. The look on Brittney's face when Dan came off, and Ian's reaction while Frank spoke to him were priceless. I don't think Dan's "funeral" had that much impact. It was the information he had to share with Frank that changed things.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2011
My Playhouse
I agree that was the best POV ever. The look on Brittney's face when Dan came off, and Ian's reaction while Frank spoke to him were priceless. I don't think Dan's "funeral" had that much impact. It was the information he had to share with Frank that changed things.

I agree...the funeral seemed kind of pointless...don't see why Danielle had to cry


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2010
Omaha, NE
She had to sell it. The point is frank, Danielle, Dan and jenn are together. But the key is to make everyone thing Dan is not with Danielle. This way, they all think Dan is alone, frank and jenn together and Danielle with Shane, Ian and joe. Slowly bring Shane and joe into voting their way without them realizing those 4 already have a deal. Its all numbers to push Ian out before the comps slant to his benefit. If joe and Shane find out, they will keep Brit so it has to be hush.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2011
Ames, IA
Yeah Dan doing what he did to Danielle wasn't pointless. State43 has it right. Sure he could have told Frank the information regardless, but if things are kept quiet, they won't know that Danielle is still with Dan.


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2011
Harlan, IA/Lincoln, NE
IMO, if Ian and Britney were a little smarter, they would be doing everything to gather votes to possibly take out Danielle. I see it this way:

- Joe is the loudest floater in the game...he would vote for a BJ and a cheese sandwich if he was told to do so. If given any reason to vote for Danielle, he would do it.
- Shane would be smarter to vote out Danielle than Britney. A tough decision, but this is his one chance to possibly swing the game sort of back in his favor...otherwise he's just a sitting duck.
- Jenn, in all honesty, could still be convinced to swing back the other way. She's the weakest player on that four-person alliance and would likely be the first to go of those four.

Ian made a smart game move when he got Boogie out, but didn't really plan it all the way he's up to his neck in the crapper with a week of hell ahead of him.


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2009
Up north
Did anyone find it a little commical that Brit blamed Ian for her downfall? I didn't think she had to defend him some of the times she did but she got to attached to Ian. I think that is problem some of the players in the game donhave they get too attached to other players and stop thinking that it is a game.