Best movie ever


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2010
WDM, Iowa
Burgess Meredith steals those movies

Mama Ragetti: We could have retired in Hawaii.
Grandpa Gustafson: I have been to Hawaii.
Mama Ragetti: Oh yeah? Which island?
Grandpa Gustafson: Come-on-I-wanna-lay-ya.
Mama Ragetti: I find you disgusting.
Grandpa Gustafson: Well, just as long as you find me.

John Gustafson: Pop, I wish you'd try the low-fat bacon.
Grandpa Gustafson: Well, you can wish in one hand and crap in the other and see which gets filled first.

Looks like Chuck's taking old one-eye to the optometrist

As @JRE1975 stated his outtakes are a riot.


Staff member
Sep 14, 2009
I don't know if I have a "best movie ever" (if that is the intent of this thread) but I have three "most memorable". The first was when I was around 5'ish and got to take a few classmates with me for my birthday party to see Old Yeller in the early 60"s--quite a treat for us at the time. The second I had to see with a buddy because my girlfriend at the time's parents wouldn't let me take her to a movie with it's rating and that was the debut of Mash. The third was at a theater on Lincolnway near campus in Ames (can't recall the name) in which we prepped heavily for and contributed to the haze that obstructed our view of Fantasia. My family weren't movie goers and I heard most of the reason was because my folks took me to a drive in once as a baby and I filled my diaper several times and my dad claimed he wouldn't go through that again.

Yikes, someone my age with similar experience I see. Saw Fantasia at ISU in early 1970's and was a bit stoned. Old Yeller was sort of a harsh movie for 6 year old me in 1957! Probably scarred me for life. ;)


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2010
I don't know if I have a "best movie ever" (if that is the intent of this thread) but I have three "most memorable". The first was when I was around 5'ish and got to take a few classmates with me for my birthday party to see Old Yeller in the early 60"s--quite a treat for us at the time. The second I had to see with a buddy because my girlfriend at the time's parents wouldn't let me take her to a movie with it's rating and that was the debut of Mash. The third was at a theater on Lincolnway near campus in Ames (can't recall the name) in which we prepped heavily for and contributed to the haze that obstructed our view of Fantasia. My family weren't movie goers and I heard most of the reason was because my folks took me to a drive in once as a baby and I filled my diaper several times and my dad claimed he wouldn't go through that again.
Varsity theater?


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2013
Yikes, someone my age with similar experience I see. Saw Fantasia at ISU in early 1970's and was a bit stoned. Old Yeller was sort of a harsh movie for 6 year old me in 1957! Probably scarred me for life. ;)
Watched the original Matrix high at the University theatre on Lincoln Way. Best movie experience of my life.