AJ Green Leaves the Portal - Staying in Draft


Thought Police
Staff member
Apr 11, 2006
A pineapple under the sea
I think it will be interesting to see if they try to add someone late or just roll with what they have. Defensively they actually have the chance to be better because of Osun and Ward. Offensively it will likely be a struggle again but still think they can be a tournament team.
The key difference may be if we have the ability to get more rebounds and put backs. That can generate quite a bit of offense. This group looks to be better in that regard IMO


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2008
I’m still miffed by the decision… I think we can almost all agree that AJ will NOT get drafted. Can you make it in the NBA without getting drafted? Of course. We’ve heard of Ben Wallace, Fred Van Fleet, Udonis Haslem, and those old enough to remember—John Starks. All of whom had somewhat lengthy stays in the league. But those odds aren’t great. Most that go undrafted, have a cup of coffee in the league and disappear. His dream was the NBA and not an overseas journeyman correct?
I find this all very comical. AJ spent the last 2 months going through the pre-draft process. He has worked out for a variety of teams, heard feedback, etc. He is, by all accounts, a smart and grounded kid, who is being guided in this process by his family, which just so happens to include a guy who has coached D1 basketball for two decades. They took in all the information and made an informed, well-thought out decision, which I'm sure included an honest look at his NBA prospects even if he performed well next year.

But you, guy behind keyboard with no actual information about what he was told or what he sees as his long-term prospects, thinks he's made a bad choice.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2018
I think the part that people misunderstand with peoples frustrations is that they liked college basketball for what it was. Maybe a lot of this already went on in the background but it was hidden from us.

I also think that there has been a seemingly giant devaluation of the pageantry that comes with college basketball.

I know I don’t hate anyone who makes a decision for themselves. I don’t think most others frustrated do either. I think the distinction is that the business aspect that is growing hurts the product and people much less enjoy it. If I wanted to just watch the best players and best teams I would watch the NBA. There was always a reason I didn’t and watched NCAAB instead.

There is nothing wrong with people who aren’t enjoying this new reality. I’ve always said the true bad actors are the NBA and NFL restricting who can join their leagues. If people want to go pro that’s great and they should. If they want to play college basketball then they need to play college basketball.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2006
I don’t want to say it like that but I think it’s fairly obvious he’s not an Iowa State fan. And that’s ok. Hope he made the right decision for him.
I hope his dad wants to stay at ISU


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2009
I don’t want to say it like that but I think it’s fairly obvious he’s not an Iowa State fan. And that’s ok. Hope he made the right decision for him.
Well he's obviously a die hard UNI fan. That was never in doubt.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2010
How is ISU the only school that hires a kid's dad and the kid doesn't come with. Just ISU things.

Picked the one coach who wanted to leave his son and go coach somewhere else. Wisconsin Milwaukee can get a five star recruit to play for their dad but we hire the one who cant even get his son to follow him to a B12 school.


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2022
I’m confused by the surprise and level of disappointment…and especially by the idea that him not coming is somehow an ISU thing. We had the best shot we could have asked for due to his dad coaching here and Hunter leaving. I’m sure his decision comes as no surprise to his dad or the staff. Perhaps they were still hopeful, but they certainly shouldn’t have been caught off guard like Hoiberg was with Vaughn. The kid is a good player…and he’s not exactly young. If he’s choosing to try to play pro ball, I’m sure his dad thinks it’s a good decision too…

Yeah, it would have been great to have him at ISU, but it certainly doesn’t feel like a player that should have been ours to me.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2006
When I was 7 all the girls in my class wanted to be marine biologists and the boys wanted to be professional athletes. This isn't one of those " you can do anything if you put your mind to it" deals. The NBA is extremely elite and he made a horrible decision imo.

Go to an Iowa Wolves game sometime, the athleticism and size is off the charts and most of them will never sniff an NBA locker room. It's a completely different level than Division 1 basketball.
All true, but AJ playing at ISU or Duke isn't the only or maybe best way for AJ to get to the NBA.

AJ is a very good shooter, decent athlete and nice size for an off-guard. At this point having to go to class could be a distraction. Why not go all in on developing his game? International & G-League coaches can hone Green's game as much as Dukes or ISU's staff.

Sure playing in the NBA is the end goal. And there are many paths: Morris vs. Thomas vs. Wigginton. I would be surprised if any of the 3 would say another year in college would have helped achieve their goal.

Green will be 23 this fall, so maybe he felt it was time to move on. His floor is probably playing overseas this season. Not a bad first job out of college!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2013
How is ISU the only school that hires a kid's dad and the kid doesn't come with. Just ISU things.
Kind of a different situation. Probably would have been different if he was a high school kid but he'd already played 3 years somewhere else with great team and individual success.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2013
This site has been really quiet on this so far.

Not one story yet by CW, Stanz, etc.
I'm ok with no story. There's not much to gain anymore. I realize all of the ties to us, but, at the end of the day, it still ended up as a player we wanted staying in the NBA draft.

If we write a story about AJ and don't for other recruiting misses, it sorta highlights it more for Kyle. And I'm sure he's heard enough about it at this point.

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