Random Thoughts 18: The Year of Fire


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2012
I was having weird dreams about delivery drivers just before I woke up. They were delivering packages sequentially, starting at about 5 am. They would set the package down, ring the bell, run back to their vehicle and roar away down the drive. There were about a half dozen of them, one every 5-10 minutes (in the dream), like a demented adult version of ding dong ditch.

Woke up earlier than I wanted to and just realized it was May Day. Maybe my dream got tangled up with that?

We were talking about May Day just last wk, it seems to be a holiday that has pretty much disappeared. When me and my siblings were young we would make construction paper baskets and fill them with popcorn m&ms and peanuts if I remember right. Then mom would help us deliver them (rural so she drove)


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
Brooklyn Park, MN
Well in 1989 I was born...

Semi kidding. Long story as short as possible because (IMO) it is so dumb. I have one older sister that is 3.5 years older than me. She is unmarried (never dated), lives alone, works a low paying essentially administrative job and has recently picked up a second job on the weekends filling grocery orders at Wal-Mart. She is highly dependent on my parents, has dinner with them several times a week and my dad might as well be her landlord as he does all of the upkeep and maintenance at her house.

I say all that to give you background on the dynamics at play and to also add that she has ALWAYS had some kind of mental health issues that unfortunately due to timing in the world went undiagnosed/treated for at lest the first 20-25 years of her life.

So the current issue is the longstanding issue that she is incredibly afraid of my parents dying because she will have no one else to care for her etc. because I don't. Well IMO that doesn't give me enough credit because as I reiterated last night I have a family that is my ultimate priority beyond anything else. Somehow that set them all off saying "we aren't your family?" AS;LDFJEA;SODJGFALI;SJDFP;

A contributing factor is that yesterday was her birthday, I wished her a happy birthday but apparently because we didn't get her anything that means we don't love her (which to be honest is so ******* hard to do to begin with. SHE IS 38! I want to ask them if they still get their siblings gifts. We don't get MrsWx's three siblings birthday presents nor her parents.

Anyway thanks for yet again being Wx's therapy.
Yeah, if we manage to text each other on our birthdays we are doing pretty well in my family. Expecting presents from anyone at 38 is lame. I don't even expect them from my wife and kids, so I am pleasantly surprised when I get something. A present should NEVER be an expectation.


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
Brooklyn Park, MN
The current unit was installed in the 1900s, so it's probably time.
Wow, that is amazing that it lasted clear from the aughts! ;)

I remember the unit in the basement of the Paramount Theatre in Cedar Rapids. It was installed (USED no less!) when the Paramount was built in the late 1920's. At the time it was the first air conditioned movie theater west of the Mississippi. It was still "cooling" the theater into the early 2000's. When we had to use it we would staff engineers to man it 24/7 from about 3 days before the show until after the end of the show since we had to get the house good and cool. It wouldn't be able to keep up once there were people in the house. One of the CR floods ended "Old Joe" for good.

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SuperFanatic T2
Jul 2, 2008
Cedar Rapids
Yeah, if we manage to text each other on our birthdays we are doing pretty well in my family. Expecting presents from anyone at 38 is lame. I don't even expect them from my wife and kids, so I am pleasantly surprised when I get something. A present should NEVER be an expectation.

Presents with them is just so frustrating as they are group that is in quantity of quality. We are adults with jobs, if I want something that is $20 I will just freaking buy it. Also, stop freaking asking for lists. This is especially irritating to my wife who views it as if you are going to give something you damn well better know them enough to figure out if it is something the receiver will like without being told.


Well Seen Member.
SuperFanatic T2
Sep 4, 2011
Not exactly sure.
My wife’s family gave crap for everything, I’m the Ahole that cut that off. My family does one Christmas gift that we play bingo to win and that is it if youre over 18. My wife still buys presents for her 30somethjng and 40 year old niece/nephew. Now it’s for their kids who I have never met.

Her family thinks mine should subsidize hers. I used to loan them stuff which they never returned, line them up with great deals, buy their products with no return effort. I finally said F them and have cut off all but one of her cousins who had shown appreciation at least.


Me: Mea culpa. Also me: Sine cura sis.
Staff member
SuperFanatic T2
May 7, 2008
I was having weird dreams about delivery drivers just before I woke up. They were delivering packages sequentially, starting at about 5 am. They would set the package down, ring the bell, run back to their vehicle and roar away down the drive. There were about a half dozen of them, one every 5-10 minutes (in the dream), like a demented adult version of ding dong ditch.

Woke up earlier than I wanted to and just realized it was May Day. Maybe my dream got tangled up with that?
Sounds about right. Although not everyone on CF will understand that.


Well Seen Member.
SuperFanatic T2
Sep 4, 2011
Not exactly sure.
I was having weird dreams about delivery drivers just before I woke up. They were delivering packages sequentially, starting at about 5 am. They would set the package down, ring the bell, run back to their vehicle and roar away down the drive. There were about a half dozen of them, one every 5-10 minutes (in the dream), like a demented adult version of ding dong ditch.

Woke up earlier than I wanted to and just realized it was May Day. Maybe my dream got tangled up with that?
So…….you had a dream about random guys delivering their package……….and you guys say I have a dirty mind?
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Well-Known Member
May 6, 2021
We were talking about May Day just last wk, it seems to be a holiday that has pretty much disappeared. When me and my siblings were young we would make construction paper baskets and fill them with popcorn m&ms and peanuts if I remember right. Then mom would help us deliver them (rural so she drove)
Funny, we were just talking about this. Agree. We did the same for our neighbors.

From 3rd to 6th grade we did May day baskets in school with flowers and bussed to Davenport and passed them out to elderly patients at Mercy hospital.

I talked to our son last night about when he is moving back home and will next Friday. I need his help as behind with the rain. I mentioned May day baskets to his roommates and he said he would pass a bottle around. Good times.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2008
Helping their kid is messed up?
The kid has never left home! Every job he's had, he's quit. Didn't like the hours, got tired of it after a week, too hot to work, etc. He walked home from a shelter in DSM back home after his parent's evicted him. We've had cops show up every other month to haul him out after threating his mom and dad. Mom and Dad have enabled all this and have coddled him all these years. His mom even told me after his last drunken rant, that he would get his life back after they pass away. The guy is 40 years old, besides mowing twice a week, he just walks his dogs. Guy is just sponging off his parents. Dad parked his car in the garage as I assume they took insurance off his car. I can't imagine who is going to pay of insurance on it after his DUI. Since he is of age his parent's can't force him to get any help. Everytime they have, he's found an excuse. Was at SheepsGate in Norwalk but left there because he couldn't smoke. Being their neighbor's we are concerned for his parent's well being. He needed help years ago while in school, but his parents justs seemed to turn a blind eye to it. I even had to talk him down a few years ago.

Even his sister has complained to us about how he does nothing. The guy could not even put together a trampoline. We had to go help his mom do it for their grandkids. But his mom keeps telling us he is so smart. Smart enought to snow them I think. He has no job but yet wonder how he gets money for liquor as last month ambulance showed up as he was dead drunk. Later that day his parents found 6+ empty bottles of vodka he had hidden in his room. I don't know who is more messed up him or his parents.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2008
The kid has never left home! Every job he's had, he's quit. Didn't like the hours, got tired of it after a week, too hot to work, etc. He walked home from a shelter in DSM back home after his parent's evicted him. We've had cops show up every other month to haul him out after threating his mom and dad. Mom and Dad have enabled all this and have coddled him all these years. His mom even told me after his last drunken rant, that he would get his life back after they pass away. The guy is 40 years old, besides mowing twice a week, he just walks his dogs. Guy is just sponging off his parents. Dad parked his car in the garage as I assume they took insurance off his car. I can't imagine who is going to pay of insurance on it after his DUI. Since he is of age his parent's can't force him to get any help. Everytime they have, he's found an excuse. Was at SheepsGate in Norwalk but left there because he couldn't smoke. Being their neighbor's we are concerned for his parent's well being. He needed help years ago while in school, but his parents justs seemed to turn a blind eye to it. I even had to talk him down a few years ago.

Even his sister has complained to us about how he does nothing. The guy could not even put together a trampoline. We had to go help his mom do it for their grandkids. But his mom keeps telling us he is so smart. Smart enought to snow them I think. He has no job but yet wonder how he gets money for liquor as last month ambulance showed up as he was dead drunk. Later that day his parents found 6+ empty bottles of vodka he had hidden in his room. I don't know who is more messed up him or his parents.

Yeah, you vomited out some nice judgment here. So far, absolutely nothing that could explain anything from the dude's own experience. Pretty nasty, so have fun with that. Maybe dig the plank out of your own eye while you're at it.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Jul 2, 2008
Cedar Rapids
I reacted as "sad" on the original post because if the mowing is his only income (which it now sounds like it is) and IF he used it all on the restitution/fines that is 45 times mowing the lawn, so likely at last two years. Unfortunately, he is far from alone in this camp that either doesn't qualify for, want to accept or change his habits to get help.
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Me: Mea culpa. Also me: Sine cura sis.
Staff member
SuperFanatic T2
May 7, 2008
I reacted as "sad" on the original post because if the mowing is his only income (which it now sounds like it is) and IF he used it all on the restitution/fines that is 45 times mowing the lawn, so likely at last two years. Unfortunately, he is far from alone in this camp that either doesn't qualify for, want to accept or change his habits to get help.
The eventual payback period is the first thing I thought of, too, although I didn't work it out specifically in my head. I wondered what else they might be trying to do to help him work off his debt. Assuming it doesn't continue to increase.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Jul 2, 2008
Cedar Rapids
The eventual payback period is the first thing I thought of, too, although I didn't work it out specifically in my head. I wondered what else they might be trying to do to help him work off his debt. Assuming it doesn't continue to increase.
I would love to take credit for being able to do that but I have been more of use your resources, work smarter not harder type....I used a calculator.


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2008
I reacted as "sad" on the original post because if the mowing is his only income (which it now sounds like it is) and IF he used it all on the restitution/fines that is 45 times mowing the lawn, so likely at last two years. Unfortunately, he is far from alone in this camp that either doesn't qualify for, want to accept or change his habits to get help.

I feel bad for his parents, but according to his mom, he doesn't want to change. He says he does....then a couple month later...it's back to the same thing. To have your own parents pay you $40 to mow, which basically is they are paying his fine, what is he learning? He left rehab, because they wouldn't let him smoke, according to mom. Worst part is what's going to happen when his parents pass away? I haven't asked them yet, but I sure hope they have him set up in a conservatorship. This hits close to home as being executor to my parent's will there are three siblings that they have set up in one.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2012
On Wisconsin
I feel bad for his parents, but according to his mom, he doesn't want to change. He says he does....then a couple month later...it's back to the same thing. To have your own parents pay you $40 to mow, which basically is they are paying his fine, what is he learning? He left rehab, because they wouldn't let him smoke, according to mom. Worst part is what's going to happen when his parents pass away? I haven't asked them yet, but I sure hope they have him set up in a conservatorship. This hits close to home as being executor to my parent's will there are three siblings that they have set up in one.
Could they even do a conservatorship? Especially if he wouldn’t consent?

Edit: I guess do you do a trust so that someone is paying his bills but he doesn’t have access to the money?

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