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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
Rochester, MN
Nobody says do nothing. Iowa still has tons of safety procedures and the world is forever changed by COVID. I'm just a realist. I acknowledge my privilege being able to keep my white collar job and stay safe in my suburban home. The longer we cancel and stay closed, the poorest communities will hurt. I care about service employees who need to have a job to keep their family fed and a roof over their heads. We can't hand out unemployment benefits forever. Life has to go on. This was never about stay in your house until a vaccine is found.

THERE IS NO BINARY ACTION THAT WILL STOP COVID. Yes, having 30K people at a football game is a risk. But more than 30K people will go into the Waukee Hy-Vee between now and football season with minimal cleaning. Hy-Vee got rid of at-risk population hours. Where is the outrage about letting those at risk shop at the same time as healthier populations.
It's pretty damn easy to social distance and minimize contact in HyVee. Jack Trice Stadium with 30,000 people in it? Not so much.


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2010
Well.... it sounds like Dr. Paschen has a axe to grind with ISU athletics from what I have heard. There is even talk of furloughing people in the athletic department now.

FYI - Dr. Paschen's wife Cynthia is running for election to the Iowa State Senate to represent District 24.

Here's my shocked face. Politicians being petty. That's new. And doctors thinking they are better than mere athletics, also novel.


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2006
Regardless of my personal opinion on this issue, do you really believe there will be many people who have not been exposed to the virus multiple times during the 8 months it's been in the US (before September)? By the time football hits I would imagine everyone that's set foot outside their home has come in contact with it many times.

Coming into contact with it does NOT mean a.) that you contracted the disease or b.) that your body can fight off the infection.

You're suggesting, with no evidence, no data, and no expertise to back it up, that we're just gonna magically have herd immunity by football time. That's not how this works.

Tornado man

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2007
Ames, IA
Well.... it sounds like Dr. Paschen has a axe to grind with ISU athletics from what I have heard. There is even talk of furloughing people in the athletic department now.

FYI - Dr. Paschen's wife Cynthia is running for election to the Iowa State Senate to represent District 24.
Ah yes, make something up, and then just say "from what I have heard."


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2008
Coming into contact with it does NOT mean a.) that you contracted the disease or b.) that your body can fight off the infection.

You're suggesting, with no evidence, no data, and no expertise to back it up, that we're just gonna magically have herd immunity by football time. That's not how this works.

Relax. I never said that. It was a question I posed.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2011
Augusta National Golf Club
Maybe ask the “poorest communities” what they want rather than assuming. for ***** sake we are 3 months in. That’s not letting unemployment go on forever. It seems like you want to have your safety but if you want to do something you’ll sacrifice someone else’s.

No, I just won't be going to football games to care for a newborn who I want to protect. I will still go shopping for food, get a haircut, go to work when it re-opends (supossed to be July), and go out to eat.


Here is data from the hardest hit areas of our country. Us young people need to move on. Unfortunately, I won;t get to introduce my kid to his/her great grandparents for awhile because we want to protect them. But our life will move on to a new normal


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2009

Is it really anecdotal? The protocol calls for everyone who was exposed to be tested, and every positive test out of that group to have everyone that they were in contact with get tested, then all the contacts anyone in that group had gets tested, etc. Then more tests leads to more positive cases.


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2007
Off the grid
Is it really anecdotal? The protocol calls for everyone who was exposed to be tested, and every positive test out of that group to have everyone that they were in contact with get tested, then all the contacts anyone in that group had gets tested, etc. Then more tests leads to more positive cases.

It's the definition of anecdotal.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2014
Up Nort
The endowment isn't just a giant pot of money. It funds ongoing programs at ISU and/or has been specified for a certain purpose by donors. Even if that were going to happen, the university would almost certainly place a higher priority on minimizing damage to the academic side of the university. As it should.

So, I was hoping someone would bring that up and it is a good point, but it doesn't hold water when you are talking about such a relatively small amount of the total.

People are talking about cutting programs because of a loss of revenue. There are more than enough available funds in the 1.3 billion to squeeze out a year of athletics at ISU. They have enough available resources to fund both for a year if they need to.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Dec 10, 2013
No, I just won't be going to football games to care for a newborn who I want to protect. I will still go shopping for food, get a haircut, go to work when it re-opends (supossed to be July), and go out to eat.

View attachment 72955

Here is data from the hardest hit areas of our country. Us young people need to move on. Unfortunately, I won;t get to introduce my kid to his/her great grandparents for awhile because we want to protect them. But our life will move on to a new normal

IT"S NOT THAT CUT AND DRY!!!! Seriously, it's not that hard to understand! The whole "I probably won't get sick" approach would put a lot of people at risk.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2011
Augusta National Golf Club
It's pretty damn easy to social distance and minimize contact in HyVee. Jack Trice Stadium with 30,000 people in it? Not so much.

That's just not true at all. Everyone touches the same produce table, everyone grabs a cart from a 16 year old who barely sprays the handle, everyone fills up with gas on a handle hardly ever cleaned.

At JTS, all you'd need to do is wear a mask, open your fly to pee and bring in a wet wipe to clean your hands. Never touching anything. Plus JTC is OUTSIDE, Hy-Vee is recirculated air that could already have the virus


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2008
That's just not true at all. Everyone touches the same produce table, everyone grabs a cart from a 16 year old who barely sprays the handle, everyone fills up with gas on a handle hardly ever cleaned.

At JTS, all you'd need to do is wear a mask, open your fly to pee and bring in a wet wipe to clean your hands. Never touching anything. Plus JTC is OUTSIDE, Hy-Vee is recirculated air that could already have the virus

I don't think I can fight the urge to hi five everyone in my section after every touchdown. And there's going to be a lot of touchdowns
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Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2006
Relax. I never said that. It was a question I posed.

lol, okay, if it was "just a question you posed", then here's the answer: No. We do not believe that basically everyone who has stepped out of their house has come into contact with the virus, and even if they have, like I already said, that doesn't mean anything for their chances of not contracting the disease if they come into increased contact with it.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2008
IT"S NOT THAT CUT AND DRY!!!! Seriously, it's not that hard to understand! The whole "I probably won't get sick" approach would put a lot of people at risk.

I completely agree with you. But I think it should also be noted "just don't have fans" is not that cut and dried either. I think the financial impact of that will be much more significant than people think, and there's a good possibility it will make Iowa State athletics not financially tenable going forward.

I'm not saying one consideration is more deserving than the other. It's just not simple either way.


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2006
So only blue-bloods deserve to remain? As they can sustain the revenue losses

Dude, why all the fear mongering? You honestly believe that the athletic department would go bankrupt if they just relied on TV and ad revenue this coming year?


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 7, 2008
So only blue-bloods deserve to remain? As they can sustain the revenue losses

everyone will remain. It’s possible schools like us will have to lower salaries and take a step back.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2008
It's pretty damn easy to social distance and minimize contact in HyVee. Jack Trice Stadium with 30,000 people in it? Not so much.

Is this even accurate? Hy Vee is far from socially distant. There's literally no way to go through my local Hy Vee without being within 6 feet of dozens of people. Plus you are all touching the same surfaces repeatedly.

I get the numbers are higher at Jack Trice but you're also dealing with a much, much larger footprint.

I'm not sure one is markedly better or worse than the other...


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2008
Dude, why all the fear mongering? You honestly believe that the athletic department would go bankrupt if they just relied on TV and ad revenue this coming year?

Fully bankrupt? No. But I'd imagine you don't see anything more than MBB and football going forward. I can't see keeping up non-revenue sports with that big of a financial pitfall.