DC Extended Universe


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Marion, IA
@State43 Sorry for the slow response as life has been crazy hectic here lately which has prohibited me from posting my usual review of everything. But yes, I saw the movie opening week and did I like it?? Eh, it was alright. However, I'll be the first to admit that this movie had a lot going against it from the get-go for me particularly. Not only was it set in a decade I don't really enjoy watching movies set in, but I'm also not the biggest fan of this one-off art house movie strategy DC took with this one. This movie just felt too much to me like a movie about a mentally ill person turned crazy killer who happened to be named Joker rather than an actual comic-book universe Joker movie. Its almost as if it was pandering to the non-comic book movie crowd at the expense of the comic book movie crowd. I also tend not to love super artistic slower than molasses movies either, which this movie fell well into. So, based off those, I think it is safe to say this movie likely just wouldn't be my cup of tea and it wasn't. However, that doesn't mean I couldn't appreciate the great film making that went into this movie and the fantastic performance that Joaquin Phoenix put into it because it truly was spectacular. There was also certain parts of the movie I really enjoyed, but overall, I left the movie just feeling disturbed, and not necessarily in a good way. Anyway, those are my thoughts and you can imagine why I won't be pandering for a sequel to this movie really ever. I fully recognize there are plenty of other comic-book fans and non-fans who loved this movie out there and that is alright. This movie just isn't at all what I'm looking for or the type of movie I enjoy.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2010
Omaha, NE
@State43 Sorry for the slow response as life has been crazy hectic here lately which has prohibited me from posting my usual review of everything. But yes, I saw the movie opening week and did I like it?? Eh, it was alright. However, I'll be the first to admit that this movie had a lot going against it from the get-go for me particularly. Not only was it set in a decade I don't really enjoy watching movies set in, but I'm also not the biggest fan of this one-off art house movie strategy DC took with this one. This movie just felt too much to me like a movie about a mentally ill person turned crazy killer who happened to be named Joker rather than an actual comic-book universe Joker movie. Its almost as if it was pandering to the non-comic book movie crowd at the expense of the comic book movie crowd. I also tend not to love super artistic slower than molasses movies either, which this movie fell well into. So, based off those, I think it is safe to say this movie likely just wouldn't be my cup of tea and it wasn't. However, that doesn't mean I couldn't appreciate the great film making that went into this movie and the fantastic performance that Joaquin Phoenix put into it because it truly was spectacular. There was also certain parts of the movie I really enjoyed, but overall, I left the movie just feeling disturbed, and not necessarily in a good way. Anyway, those are my thoughts and you can imagine why I won't be pandering for a sequel to this movie really ever. I fully recognize there are plenty of other comic-book fans and non-fans who loved this movie out there and that is alright. This movie just isn't at all what I'm looking for or the type of movie I enjoy.
Completely fair.
I really hoped they planned to end it with a scene or two showing the joker we all know actually being in the crowd using this joker as an inspiration. I loved the movie for what it was but definitely good with no sequel.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Marion, IA
Completely fair.
I really hoped they planned to end it with a scene or two showing the joker we all know actually being in the crowd using this joker as an inspiration. I loved the movie for what it was but definitely good with no sequel.

Yeah, I was hoping for somewhat of a glimpse at least of the crazy confidence filled joker we all know and love. Didnt happen.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2012
Story Co.

Paul Dano is officially cast as The Riddler in Matt Reeves upcoming Batman movie. Also, for those that missed it, Zoe Kravitz was selected as well to play Catwoman. Honestly, I don't know much about Paul Dano, but the Zoe Kravitz casting seems spot for me. I honestly can't believe I didn't think of her.
Paul Dano is a really good actor. There Will be Blood where he held his own with Daniel Day Lewis and Love & Mercy where he played mentally ill Brian Wilson from The Beach Boys are definitely worth checking out. Fair warning though they’re definitely slow paced dramatic movies.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2009
Des Moines
Updated: 11/14

Cast Breakdown for The Batman:

Bruce Wayne/Batman: Robert Pattinson
Commissioner Gordon: Jeffrey Wright
Edward Nigma/Riddler: Paul Dano
Selina Kyle/Catwoman: Zoe Kravitz
Alfred Pennyworth: Andy Serkis - now confirmed by Director Matt Reeves

"Bella": Jayme Lawson. Sound like this is just an alias during production, a spoof on Twilight since Robert Pattinson is playing Batman. Likely this character is the love interest. Early tease for the character is "a grassroots political candidate running for office in Gotham." People are speculating this could be Barbara Gordon.

Oswald Cobblepot/Penguin: Colin Farrell (?)
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SuperFanatic T2
Nov 2, 2007
Cedar Rapids, IA


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2009
Des Moines
DC needs to get this **** show together. IMO the wheels came off the thing when Snyder stepped away from Justice League.

I actually think DC is better positioned now than they were before. Wonder Woman, Aquaman and Shazam are massive improvements over Suicide Squad, BvS and Justice League.

2020 will be a battle at the Box Office between DC (Birds of Prey and Wonder Woman 2) and Marvel's risky properties (Black Widow and The Eternals).


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Marion, IA
I actually think DC is better positioned now than they were before. Wonder Woman, Aquaman and Shazam are massive improvements over Suicide Squad, BvS and Justice League.

2020 will be a battle at the Box Office between DC (Birds of Prey and Wonder Woman 2) and Marvel's risky properties (Black Widow and The Eternals).

They have made some improvements for sure. I'm still not wholly convinced they've learned all the right lessons yet, but only time will tell. Still not using Cavill is one of the perfect examples of them still not learning the right lessons, so I will remain far from comfortable for the time being.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 22, 2015
I like a lot of the newer DC stuff but I feel like the overall vision and cohesiveness is lacking compared to Marvel.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Marion, IA
I like a lot of the newer DC stuff but I feel like the overall vision and cohesiveness is lacking compared to Marvel.

Yeah, essentially that is where I'm at. I'm mostly happy with the recent stuff, but that still doesn't make me believe they've got their **** together yet.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 22, 2015
Yeah, essentially that is where I'm at. I'm mostly happy with the recent stuff, but that still doesn't make me believe they've got their **** together yet.
Part of what makes the MCU so great (IMO) is how it all feels connected. Not that every story/movie is building to the same goal but there are bits and pieces and it is all woven together. The DCEU feels like a bunch of shots fired from the hip.

Essentially DC doesn't have someone as awesome as Kevin steering the ship so the product suffers.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 23, 2006
DC needs to get this **** show together. IMO the wheels came off the thing when Snyder stepped away from Justice League.

Snyder was at the helm for BvS though. Completely unconvinced that JL could have been salvaged.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Marion, IA
I liked BvS. I thought the dark nature was a nice change up to Marvel.

BvS was one of my all-time biggest disappointing theater experiences I can remember in my life as I was not only just really looking forward to the movie, but I always was and am a big Man of Steel fan. For me, it ranks right up there with Spider-Man 3. I also made the grand mistake of taking my wife to it, who isn't a comic book fan at all but loved the Dark Knight Trilogy, and she hated it. This really sucked for me as it affected for the longest time my ability to get her to go to any superhero movies. Over time, I've at least got her to go back to some here and there with me. Needless to say, I've learned my lesson, and I'm now super selective in which ones I take her to now.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Nov 2, 2007
Cedar Rapids, IA
BvS was one of my all-time biggest disappointing theater experiences I can remember in my life as I was not only just really looking forward to the movie, but I always was and am a big Man of Steel fan. For me, it ranks right up there with Spider-Man 3. I also made the grand mistake of taking my wife to it, who isn't a comic book fan at all but loved the Dark Knight Trilogy, and she hated it. This really sucked for me as it affected for the longest time my ability to get her to go to any superhero movies. Over time, I've at least got her to go back to some here and there with me. Needless to say, I've learned my lesson, and I'm now super selective in which ones I take her to now.

What didn't you like about it?


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Marion, IA
What didn't you like about it?

Mostly what everyone else didn't like about it too. Yes, I thought it was overall too dark, but not necessarily the Batman part of it, but rather nearly everything they did with Superman's storyline, the man of Hope. Shoot, as a result, we still have yet to see our true hopeful Superman movie. I thought BvS was one of the worst editing jobs I've seen in a while, resulting in a chop-shop convoluted plot chalk full of holes. The home-release Ultimate Cut ended up helping this a bit, but not wholly. I hated the whole Martha bit as I felt it wasn't earned at all. In fact, I thought the entire mash-up between the two characters wasn't earned in the slightest, much less the death of Superman. Civil War worked because there was a multiple movie build-up for both characters to result in the movie's tension points. Shoot, this was Batman's first appearance in the entire DCEU and now we've seen Superman die already in movie 2????? This movie should have been 8 movies down the road, not two movies into a universe. I also then didn't like the entire direction they went with Jessie as Lex Luthor. It just didn't work and it didn't fit. Lastly, the entire movie resulted in your dark CGI hard-to-see crap-fest at the end for a battle, which audiences are just getting tired of, including myself. Add all of this together and it all resulted in a non-fun movie where DC was clearly trying to play 10 years of catch-up to Marvel all in one movie. I could list out about 10 other smaller problems I had with the movie as well, but I'll refrain. I'll give it this though, at least it was better than the way worse crap-fest that was Suicide Squad.