Jacob Park to transfer


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2008
Parts Unknown
Wait is that Mesa? I wondered what happened to him.

Obviously CF is too hot for Kole Dudley.

For a college message board this is a pretty reasonable place. If Park needs to move on then I wish him well.

For Kole Dudley to think CF was vortex of negativity isn't right. We wanted Park to come back if only for the selfish reason to see our team win.

We wanted to burn our 1st string guy? Nah. Let's wish Park luck and quickly move on


Active Member
Mar 31, 2012
Northern CA
Two things.
I don't think smoking weed = drug problem. Secondly, I'm not gonna overreact to a comment made by a college kid leaving Ames in like a week.

Good luck to him.

In general I would agree with you in other circumstances ... but ... if you are the starting QB and a team leader and you know that: a) the team rules are that you can't inbibe; b) they are testing to enforce the rules; c) if you get caught suspension is likely; and, d) you still gotta have it ... then there is, by definition, a "drug problem".


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2011
your avatar... what’s up with that? we all know you’re a Hokeye Hack

Come again?

I don't have an avatar. I don't even know how to put one in (and don't care to).

Conflict seekers commence. Funny stuff.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2012
Good luck to him wherever he ends up. GF is hot hope she wasn't hoping to ride his football ability to an NFL wife lifestyle. Kind of doubt that will happen if he couldn't handle ISU I don't think he'll handle NFL pressure very well if he can find a way to try out. But good luck to him in the rest of his life he was fun to watch when he was on.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2006
Robins, Iowa
guess I will be surprised if no one on the team had talked to him in months, and the coaches haven't talked to him in months. As far as the fans turning on him, there were certainly some fan that did call him out on this board, but the vast majority just wanted what they still want; which for Park to get his life together, and get back on the field. I really held out a lot of hope that he would be back at ISU, but I can also see why he would want to try to start over again.

Good to know he is leaving now, so the coaches can start to look for another QB to recruit. Maybe a grad transfer or a JUCO guy so there isn't quite so much inexperience behind Zeb.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2006
Macomb, MI
First thought is good luck where ever life takes him.

Second thought is "what negative fan reactions are you talking about?" Even here on CF, anyone who did take negative pop shots at him are few and far between and anyone in their right mind would realize that's not representative of the fan base at large. But if he's talking about us fans totally backing up Kempt and Noland when he decided to go on personal leave, well, what the hell else did he expect? We're not going to put our fanhood on hold until he gets his life in order, it's next man up, especially when you leave the team to sort out your own demons.

I liked what he did while at ISU, and I wish him the best, but if it's something as petty as getting triggered over one of our several assclowns on this site or because us fans got behind Kempt and Noland when Park wasn't available to play, well, he needs to grow the hell up.


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2012
To add to this though, you had 2 QBs that are roomies and publicly cheered for one another when their time came up, DM complimenting his Oline even though anyone could see it was him doing the work, and a former QB willingly switching to MLB, and coming in to get tough yards at crucial situations.

'One of these is not like the other'.
Agree, even guys like Mike Warren rooting for the guy who beat him out. I am just saying I get how he could feel we turned in him because he went from messiah to 12th disciple pretty quickly. Just look at the thread about him being out and our melt down to the post ou game threads. It is night and day. We wern't wrong and our perspective changed but that would be hard for anyone but as you point out there are many better ways to react to that new reality than what he just did.
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