Durrell Givens Arrested


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2007
Well, the good thing is, no matter how much he smokes, he will clearly still be a better person than you. Pothead comes way before D-Bag in the hierarchy of life. So he has that going for him, which is nice.

Do you think? Time will tell won't it? One thing I know for sure . . many companies/ military don't want druggies on their pay rolls . . but like John Wayne once said, "If you are going to be stupid . . you'd better be tough."

So . . enjoy your weed while other use you as a stepping stone for their promotions and careers . . :smile:


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2011
It's painfully obvious that some of the people against weed have never actually tried it. That's the only real observation I have here.


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2007

Are you against drinking alcohol? Do you think people who drink beer every so often on weekends should not get married or have kids? Should they be allowed in the military? Does anyone who has a couple of mixers or beers on the weekends need to go to rehab?

Just curious.

The military will prosecute when you show up for work stoned or drunk. To the point:

The law recognizes limits to all behaviors . . if not, society sinks into anarchy. Laws are there to protect, guide, and correct. Smoking dope is illegal because it diminishes skills sets, diminishes productivity, altars human behavior, judgment, and has yet to be determined . . physical impairment of lungs, brain, and tissues. One only needs to know that current high levels of THC are substantially more impairing than daddies grass in the 60s. Hence, science now considers modern THC dosages extremely concerning.

So comparing the use of recreational alcohol with recreational use of modern THC . . apples and oranges. For sure, an alcoholic destroys his body, his relationships, and his ability to be a functioning member of society. Why wouldn't the same apply to THC in the long run?


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2009
Exactly what I was thinking. Nothing is more. A buzzkill than being around someone brainwashed or undereducated about illegal drugs.

I get so tired of people treating me like I live my daily life finding for just one more hit. Believe it or not, some people who smoke cannabis have other ambitions than getting high every minute of the day. I smoke about every weekend and I still plan on going to grad school[/QUOTE]

Good . . stay away from the military because they will throw your ***** out in a nano second. Jee . . I wonder why? Do you think it has something to do with performance or reliability? Just asking?

You will be good to go in the civilian world as long as they don't do drug screenings (like they should often). I don't want UAW guys making my cars after toking up on grass, blow, or booze during their lunch breaks. I don't want the graduate student who will become a professional in a particular field to be anywhere near me. But go ahead and smoke your dope and cheat yourself, your family, and the company you will eventually work for. Free country! Right!

BTW, the Level of THC in modern grass is much higher than what dirt-head hippies did three decades ago. Modern pot is a sedative and depressant at the new THC level . . . so . . . Stay home . . get "buzzed" on your weekends . . . but stay away from marrying anyone responsible . . and for sure, don't produce any kids who will emulate your lousy parental skill set. But hey . . .Sounds like a great future for you there tiger! I look forward to seeing you on Dr. Drew's Celebrity Rehab . . trying to tell us nimrods that pot isn't addictive and habit forming. Wake up dude before you totally screw up your life.

hahaha. slow down there killer. perhaps you need to chill out a little, just need something to take the edge off, perhaps something that can just smooth you out a little to keep you from flying off the handle.....

like Ritalin, or Xanax, or lexapro or whatever else the government has decided is ok, because the lobbyist pay their salaries.

and your ignorant if you really believe because somebody smoked a little grass in college they are a bad parent or are going to "totally screw up your life"

Perhaps the people that are worried about what everyone else is doing and want to judge when they just use sweeping generalizations because they are ignorant and uninformed are the ones that are ruining their lives.


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2009
Do you think? Time will tell won't it? One thing I know for sure . . many companies/ military don't want druggies on their pay rolls . . but like John Wayne once said, "If you are going to be stupid . . you'd better be tough."

So . . enjoy your weed while other use you as a stepping stone for their promotions and careers . . :smile:



Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2007
hahaha. slow down there killer. perhaps you need to chill out a little, just need something to take the edge off, perhaps something that can just smooth you out a little to keep you from flying off the handle.....

like Ritalin, or Xanax, or lexapro or whatever else the government has decided is ok, because the lobbyist pay their salaries.

and your ignorant if you really believe because somebody smoked a little grass in college they are a bad parent or are going to "totally screw up your life"

Perhaps the people that are worried about what everyone else is doing and want to judge when they just use sweeping generalizations because they are ignorant and uninformed are the ones that are ruining their lives.

Given your definition of the word..I like being "ignorant."

Dr. Drew is making a fortune trying to help people who think exactly the same way you do. Stop before you recreate to the next level drug. It is inevitable.



Well-Known Member
May 29, 2009
Given your definition of the word..I like being "ignorant."

Dr. Drew is making a fortune trying to help people who think exactly the same way you do. Stop before you recreate to the next level drug. It is inevitable.


ohh buddy i have been to the top level and it was glorious. and now guess what, i'm successful, have a family and a pretty awesome life. Just because you are sheltered and don't understand life, doesn't mean you have to take out your frustrations on people living it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2007
ohh buddy i have been to the top level and it was glorious. and now guess what, i'm successful, have a family and a pretty awesome life. Just because you are sheltered and don't understand life, doesn't mean you have to take out your frustrations on people living it.

Good for you . . . I like being sheltered, ignorant, frustrated, judgmental when it comes to THC, blow, Chrystal meth, and any other mind/mood altering drug. I don't need it . . don't want it . . . and don't buy into the drug culture scene you are so familiar with . . . your response says it all. Q.E.D.


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2009
Good for you . . . I like being sheltered, ignorant, frustrated, judgmental when it comes to THC, blow, Chrystal meth, and any other mind/mood altering drug. I don't need it . . don't want it . . . and don't buy into the drug culture scene you are so familiar with . . . your response says it all. Q.E.D.

your responses all deal with climbing the professional latter, perhaps the reason you haven't climbed those rungs yet is because you have the life skills of an Amish Elder.
I'm pretty confident you aren't part of any social scene that's why you are so angry and unhappy.

just because somebody likes to smoke weed doesn't mean 1) they are going to be on Meth in a matter of days and 2) is a bad person and is going to fail at life. I think this is most peoples problem with your argument.


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2011
Omaha, NE
I can see that angle if it were true, but I'm pretty sure students athletes who are 'of age' are allowed to drink alcohol, Given that Durrell is a redshirt senior I'd assume he's old enough to drink alcohol and smoke things like cigars and cigarettes if he so chooses. I've seen plenty of basketball and football players out at the bars drinking, so at least in the off season I don't think alcohol is a bannable offense.

So the alcohol vs weed thing can certainly be true in this case, and I think it's a valid discussion to have.

He broke a rule, and will be punished, but the fact that it is a rule in the first place is the thing most people are upset with.

I see what your saying but drinking alcohol when your of legal age is not equal to smoking weed at any age when speaking to the legality of the issue. Getting into "alcohol related mischief", the term I used, including things like public intoxication or DUI are illegal and punishable under whatever athlete code of conduct he signed, along with smoking the refer. So again, all violated stipulations under the athlete code of conduct policy should be punished accordingly.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2006
I always thought it was funny that we refer to people as pot heads that smoke pot. I used to. However, anytime they are trying to sound smart about smoking pot they use the term Canibus or some other fancy name so they don't sound like pot heads. Guys your pot heads. It's o.k. You get high. You smoke Doobie, not hemp or canibus. Your not medically needing it either. Watched a whole show on that one time. Only a few people actually could use it medically.


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2006
Arlington, TX
By the looks of it, it was one of the pothead/druggie posters that first messed up the quote attribution in the thread.

Just sayin...


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2006
northern california
I feel like I'm saying this almost every week lately, but this is the worst thread in the history of CF.

Durrell, enjoy your game suspension. Don't get caught the next time you smoke.