What's growing? The garden thread.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2012
Yep, I remember when my brother tried to cut some electric fence with either a pliers or a wire cutter. He couldn't have been more than about 6. He's now an engineer.

That would have made a good ground bet he jumped on that one.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2009
Time for a resurrection as I had my first baby spinach/arugula salad last night. Zone 4b. How is everyone's gardens doing this year?

I've had arugula, red and leaf lettuce, two kinds of carrots, snap peas, and spinach in for about a month now. Have most of tomatoes and peppers sitting waiting. Touch early for those yet but a heirloom grower had her sale last weekend and I'm now to the stage of gardening where I buy from indie growers. Probably pick up the rest of those from another grower tomorrow and then plan this weekend/early next week after we get out of this little bout of 40s at night. I'll plant my first round of green bean seeds then too.

Still need my cucumber and zucchini plants but I'll hold til June on those to hopefully avoid bugs. I see we have poison ivy growing in our raspberries again today so we need to exterminate that ****. Tons of blooms on our strawberry plants.

Along with indie growers, I've created a spreadsheet complete with Gnatt charting to plan out my succession planning. My raised beds will largely be growing two crops this summer. We'll see how that goes.


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2009
We are having our first spring at our new house this year, had to forgo a garden last year. We rented a tiller and ended up with a 15'x25' plot, we also threw on a layer of city compost on before the last pass of the tiller.

This is also the first year we grew tomatoes/cauliflower from seed, both in the ground for a week now, Zone 5. We have spinach that we can start harvesting now, Swiss chard will be ready soon too. Peas are looking strong. Carrots are poking up.

Green beans and Kale are causing us issues, we think our seeds were pretty old, or we didn't water enough, but everything else came up. We've replanted the GBs with a fresher batch, anxiously waiting for sprouts.

The wife also planted some Butternut Squash, its one of her family favorites. She planted it on the edge of the garden and we're going to let it sprawl out into the yard as is grows.


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2008
Anyone in Ames need rhubarb, DM me. I have a lot!! Already made a batch of rhubarb strawberry syrup, rhubarb cake, rhubarb crunch, and gave away a bunch also. I love the tartness of it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2021
Growing Kale and Broccoli, ready for harvest. Planted sweet corn. Doing an experiment with a high sugar content hybrid from a feed store in our town. Planted them in 4 foot by 8 foot raised bed with high fence. Six inches apart each way. Over the winter put chicken poop crumbs and feather meal. Overall 4 pounds of that fertilizer For 32 square feet. So far so good. Planted my heirloom watermelon and Minnesota midget muskmelon. Have roma and onions for my sauce and big boy tomatoes for my neighbor for putting up with my raised beds close to his house. Planted several perennial pollinator flowers over the years and some are taking hold. Hope this helps my melon patch.
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SuperFanatic T2
Oct 9, 2008
Central Iowa
Was at a local garden center of a big box store. They were selling 6 packs of sweet corn plants for $4.50.
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Well Seen Member.
SuperFanatic T2
Sep 4, 2011
Not exactly sure.
Anyone in Ames need rhubarb, DM me. I have a lot!! Already made a batch of rhubarb strawberry syrup, rhubarb cake, rhubarb crunch, and gave away a bunch also. I love the tartness of it.
Went through today, would have stole some crisp had I known.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2006
Grimes, IA
Planted last Thursday, my garden has some rich soil as I put a couple pickup beds full of composted cattle manure on it when I started it 9 years ago. I put grass clippings in the bare spots to keep the weeds down and till them in the fall and spring which adds more organic material.

Planted Roma and cherry tomato plants broccoli and 3 different pepper plants. Seeded cucumber yellow squash green beans and lettuce and onion bulbs. Seeing sprouts so hoping the warmer temps get everything off to a good start.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2008
Zone 4b here, planning to plant this weekend.

We started tomato, pepper, and eggplant seeds a couple weeks late this year so the hot peppers are still pretty small, we might end up buying some plants from the farmers market.

I have been buying seeds from Seed Savers Exchange in Decorah the last few years and always let the kiddo pick out a few new varieties from the catalog. This year's experiment will be a four sisters garden in a few of our raised beds (corn, beans, squash, and sunflower), looking forward to a new challenge.


SuperFanatic T2
Feb 5, 2013
Des Moines
Was at a local garden center of a big box store. They were selling 6 packs of sweet corn plants for $4.50.
Typically you get 1, maybe 2 ears of corn per plant. Remember that when taking up garden space for corn stalks. That six pack is going to net you 6-10 ears of corn and take up 10-15 SQFT.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2022
When (and how) do I transplant an apple seedling outside without killing it?

I had a wild pecan nut but I think I messed up the stratification.


Rhubarb x2
Cherry tomato and yellow pear tomato
1 or 2 tiny little carrot sprouts
Sweet corn
Basement window spinach


Purple coneflowers
Black-eyed Susan
Butterfly weed
California poppy
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
Planted acorn squash & butternut squash in the rotted hay/manure area left from a Big Bale ring in cattle feedlot yesterday. Read one time that it worked well for a watermelon patch so I’m trying it for squash.


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2013
Zone 5A. I planted different lettuces and spinach on April 8. I usually harvest early (cut and come again) and don't wait for heads to form. I've got a lot of greens to eat...doing really well this past week. I planted onions mid April and just planted my tomatoes two days ago.

Speaking of tomatoes what is the best way to plant them? I trimmed off most of the branches and buried them pretty deep but a good six inches of the plant still remained above ground. The tag in the pot said only leave 1 inch exposed. I thought that was weird. I didn't plant them for about 10 days after I bought them and they did grow a lot from when I brought them home. Perhaps those were directions for when the plant is very small.

Not sure what else I am planting this year. I have no luck with melons though my son wants me to plant them every year. I may try some winter squash and sunflowers (for aesthetics). Last year a storm came through and flattened all my onions so I harvested them early July. Hopefully they can stay upright a bit longer this year. I am looking for something else to plant that the family will like. They are picky.