"We need to learn how to win!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2006
Central Iowa
Learning to win huh? Well Leading KState by seven points and then fumbling twice and getting an extra point blocked certainly will never help you to learn ...except to learn to LOSE!!!!!

I smell a blowout in Lawrence come saturday...CPR doesnt sound too confident of a win either!!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2007
UNI knows how to win, thats why they can play with anyone.

Its knowing that in the 4th quarter when the game is on the line- teams who know how to win will step up and make the plays

A Huge difference is the mentallity between a team that believes they will lose... they start to believe that something will eventually go wrong and they will lose (just like ISU fans have come to believing)

A winner's mentallity is like when USC had that drive against notre dame in 2005- even on 4th and a mile- everyone knew that usc was going to pull through

or earlier this season when the patriots were losing to the bills by 2 TDs - everyone knew that Tom Brady was going to lead his team back down the field and win

A winner will always step up and make the plays when they matter, and a loser expects something to go wrong. Right now, we are losers :S :( we just are... and CPR knows that, and everyone is trying to change that

Like getting two field goal attempts blocked in a row? :biglaugh:

EDIT: Not laughing at UNI, just the irony of the statement.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2009
Apollo Beach, Florida
I see this phrase used a lot in close defeats and with young or rebuilding teams - like ISU.

How do you learn how to win? You just win, right? Or is there something I missing?

For the most part, the players on our roster have typically- not always - come from good HS programs in which success is common. But yet in college, they forget how to win or succeed?

Would the phrase "We need to make more plays." Be a better statement across the board?

When Nebraska is down by a couple points in the 4th qtr what are their expectations? They expect to win.

When ISU is in the same situation, what is their expectation? Where is our collective head at? To some degree, many are wondering how victory will be denied yet again. Like it or not, we are in a losing culture. We have lost so much - quite a lot, recently - that it is affecting our expectations. ("our" includes fans and players) In some ways a losing tradition can be stronger than a winning tradition. Somehow with a combination of talent, coaching, fan support and preparation, you have to keep getting better in each of these areas until you break through. Within the last 15 years, we broke through, but somehow lost that positive inertia again. Coach Rhoads was here the last time we began to break through. He has seen it start to happen here before and been a part of it. That's a big plus. The same goes for many of the fans. We have seen it start building positive inertia before. We know it CAN happen. I know it sounds Pollyanna as heck to say it, but those of us who have seen it need to find a way to transfer that confidence to the team. I am firmly convinced there is 6 win talent on this team - even at 3-2 now.

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