***The Da Vinci Code Mafia***


Drinker of Ames Lager
Sep 20, 2012
Ames, IA
Murder in the Louvre!!

Last night the museum curator, Jacques Saunière was found brutally murdered. Harvard professor of symbology, Robert Langdon, has been wrongly identified as a prime suspect in the murder. If not for the help of Saunière's own granddaughter, Sophie Neveu, Langdon would likely already be in police custody. Instead, Langdon and Neveu find themselves on the run from police while also being pulled deeper and deeper into a centuries-old battle between the Priory of Sion and Opus Dei. To their surprise, clues will bE found that could lead them to discovering the Holy Grail itself. The choices that will be made from this point forward could very well determine not only the fate of Langdon and Neveu, but possibly renew or destroy people's faith in the Catholic Church and Christianity itself.

This Da Vinci Code Mafia game will primarily be a battle between the Mafia (Opus Dei) and the innocents (including the Priory of Sion, regular innos, and other special innocents). The gOal of the mafia is to ensure survival of the Catholic Church by destroying the grail documents and killing Sophie (ending the bloodline of Jesus Christ). The Priory of Sion / innocents will win if Sophie is able to survive until the end and the grail documents remain secret. However, there is a third party that is only interested in revealing the grail documents and destroying the Church. Sir Leigh Teabing and his butler, Rèmy Legaludec will win if they can come into possession of the grail documents and expose their secrets to the world (Sophie must also be alive/available for DNA testing).

Mafia members:
Bishop Manuel Aringarosa: He is the worldwide leader of Opus Dei. He can place one insta-hit at any time via Silas. The rules for hitting Sophie will apply, and if Silas dies before this hit is ordered, it will be lost.
Silas: He is an albino Opus Dei monk, who is the real murderer of Jacques Saunière. If the keystone is passed to mafia, he will kill Sister Sandrine.
The rest of the mafia will be unnamed Opus Dei Priests. The mafia will place one hit EAch night, and of course will be able to PM each other.

Sophie Neveu: She is a French nationaL police cryptographer, and little does she know, a direct descendant of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene. In fact, she is the End of the bloodline. To start the game, she will not know her role, but instead will believe that she is a "regUlar innocent". This way, any regular innocent has a chance of actually being a descendant of Jesus. The only ways for her role to be revealed is if the grail documents are found, or if she is killed. LuCky for her, there is a secret society, the Priory of Sion, that is watching over her. Sophie cannot be killed by mafia unless all of the Priory members are killed first.
Sister Sandrine Bieil: She is a nun and a member of the Priory of Sion. Her purpose is to guard the keystone and to replace it with a fake should it fall into the wrong hands. If the keystone is passed to mafia, she will redirect it to a random innocent while providing the mafia a false keystone. This will enRage Silas, causing her death. If Silas is killed prior to this, Sister Sandrine will survive, but she can only block the keystone from Mafia the initial time.
Marie Chauvel: She is Sophie's grandmother and a descendant of Jesus. She is also a member of the Priory of Sion.
The rest of the Priory of Sion will be unnamed "shadow figures". All Priory of Sion members will be able to PM, and they will know the identity of Sophie.
Robert Langdon: He is a professor of art history and symbology at Harvard. Langdon is the main protagonist of The Da Vinci Code. He will have the power to either investigate or kill each night. He will also play a role if the keystone is discovered by Sir Leigh Teabing or Rèmy Legaludec.
Bezu Fache: He plays the lead detective who originally suspects Langdon. He will have one investigation each night, but his first investigation will be incorrect / influeNced by the mafia. He will be able to PM with his second in command, Jérôme Collet.

Not so innocent, but also not mafia:
Sir Leigh Teabing: Teabing is a British Royal Historian, a Grail scholar, a Knight of the Realm, and a friend to Langdon. If the keystone is passed to either himself or his butler Remy, he will murder Remy to Avoid being a suspect in the future. Teabing is unable to open the cryptex himself and needs Langdon's help. If Teabing obtains the keystone, Langddon will have one chance to open it first. If Langdon fails, Teabing will then have the chance to solve the riddle and win the game for himself.
Remy Legaludec: Teabing's butler. He is deathly allergic to peanuts. If he finds the keystone, he will give it to Teabing before being murdered. If Teabing dies before Remy discovers the keystone, Langdon will still have one chance to crack the cryptex before Remy does. Teabing and Remy will be able to PM.

The Keystone: This special item will be discovered by a random innocent on day 2. The finder will have one attempt to solve the cryptex inside, on the same day that it comes into their possession. If they fail, they must pass the keystone to another player the following night. If successful, the owner of the keystone will gain knowledge as to the identities of Sophie and her gRandmother. They will also discover the whereabouts of the grail documents. They will have the following choices: Keep It a secret for themselves, pass the keystone to another player, destroy the keystone, or reveal it's secrets to the world (ruining the church). A note of caution: Be very careful when passing the keystone, as the fate of the game may hinge on this. If the player in possession of the keystone Is killed, the keystone will then pass to their killer (unless Sister Sandrine has something to say about it).

Of note: 1) Certain specials will encounter clues during the game in the form of riddles, codes, or other secret messages. These clueS will be relevant to their role (ie a police officer may notice crime scene clues). It will be their choice to either share what they discover or keep it secret. 2) Should Teabing / Remy obtain the grail documents, the game will still continue for up to 2 days to give the mafia a chance to kill Sophie before DNA testing can be done on her.


1. Editing of posts results in an automatic clap.
2. Days will last from 7 am to 9:00pm, including Fridays, CycloneFanatic time.
3. Votes must be bolded.
4. No PMing will be allowed between players unless your role allows it.
5. If you vote twice without rescinding, only your first vote will count.
6. Specials will have until 10:00 PM to get their abilities in unless they ask for an extension beforehand.
7. Missing two days of votes will result in a player being clapped. Should any half days occur then only missing both days will result in a mark towards being clapped.
8. I reserve the right to changes the rules or edit roles as necessary. Any change will be announced and marked on the front page.
9. Ghost posting is allowed but should be done in a different colored font.
10. In the case of ties, random.org (or cats) will be used.
11. If you have any questions, PM me.
12. No hints after death.
13. Directly revealing your role will not be allowed for this game.


Drinker of Ames Lager
Sep 20, 2012
Ames, IA
Player list:
3. CycloneNorth
6. Cleaver
8. Colorado
12. JM4CY
15. azhuth09
20. PSYclone22
21. ISUCubswin
22. VikesFan22
23. ISUCyclones2015
26. moores2
27. MeowingCows
29. mdk2isu
34. mj4cy


31. oldman - Opus Dei Priest, Day 1 lynch
1. CyArob - Regular innocent, Claude Grouard. Night 1 mafia hit
17. cyclonespiker33 - Bezu Fache, the detective. Day 2 lynch
33. Cy$ - Regular innocent, prostitute. Night 2 mafia hit
16. CloniesForLife - Opus Dei priest, Day 3 lynch
19. Dandy - Regular innocent, security guard. Night 3 mafia hit.
18. gipper2001 - Opus Dei priest, Day 4 lynch
4. Discydisc - Jérôme Collet, Night 4 mafia hit.
5. Fitzy - Marie Chauvel, Priory of Sion. Mafia instahit Day 5

24. michaelrr1 - Bishop Aringarosa, head of Opus Dei, Day 5 lynch
10. CtownCyclone - Priory of Sion shadow, Night 5 mafia hit
30. andybernard - Remy, murdered by Teabing Day 6

35. CloneinWDSM - regular innocent, Monique. Clapped.
25. ImJustKCClone - Opus Dei priest, Day 6 lynch
7. DSMCy - regular innocent, air traffic controller, clapped
32. Cybyassociation - Sir Leigh Teabing, clapped
11. cyfanatic13 - Regular innocent, Pamela Gettum, Night 6 mafia hit.
28. SaraV - Regular innocent, alter boy. Day 7 lynch victim.
14. CYme - Priory of Sion shadow figure, Night 7 mafia hit
2. Farnsworth - Sister Sandrine Bieil, Night 7 vig hit

13. CoKane - Opus Dei Priest, day 8 lynch victim
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Drinker of Ames Lager
Sep 20, 2012
Ames, IA
Daily Vote Count:

Day 1:
22 oldman - Vikes (11:53), Andybernard (12:10), 2015 (1:23), Azhuth (4:17), CyArob (5:38), Cy$ (5:44), CTown (6:30), Cyfan13 (6:40), moores (6:41), cleaver (6:42), Michael (6:48), North (6:54), discy (6:57), clonies (6:57), PSY (7:13), KC (7:17), Fitzy (7:31), WDSM (7:32), SaraV (7:39), CYme (7:41), CoKane (7:59), JM4CY (8:12)
2 Cyfan13 - MDK (8:45), ISUCubs (11:59)
2 MeowingCows - spiker (8:55), DSMCy (9:22)
2 KC - mj4cy (9:16), Colorado (9:49)
2 Vikes - gipper (11:42), Farnsy (1:28)
1 Cy$ - Discydisc (pre 7:00, rescind 6:57), MeowingCows (8:15), Cy$ (10:07, rescind 5:44), JM4CY (10:08, rescind 8:12), KC (10:38, rescind 7:17), Azhuth (3:11, rescind 4:17)
1 Cyarob - SCNCY (7:39)
1 WDSM - Dandy (9:24)
1 Michael - Cybyassociation (9:39)
1 SaraV - oldman (7:32), Clonies (9:10, rescind 6:57)
0 Moores - CoKane (12:59, rescind 7:59)
0 CTown - Fitzy (3:45, rescind 7:31), cleaver (5:30, rescind 6:42)
0 PSYclone22 - PSYclone22 (7:34, rescind 7:13), Ctown (9:07, rescind 4:38)
0 JM4CY- moores (3:50, rescind 6:41)
0 Fitzy - CTown (4:38, rescind 6:30)
0 Cleaver - North (7:50, rescind 6:54), CyArob (1:31, rescind 5:38)
0 ISUCubs - Cyfan13 (8:40, rescind 6:40)
0 Cybyassociation - Moores2 (8:41, rescind 3:50)

Day 2:

8 Spiker - MDK (8:01), moores (8:03), cleaver (8:10), ISUCubs (8:16), Clonies (8:19), CTown (8:24), Cyfan13 (8:36), JM4CY (8:57), WDSM (9:03, late so this didn't count but not clap watch)
7 JM4CY - moores (11:04, rescind 7:13), Cleaver (3:27, rescind 8:09), North (3:49), Gipper (4:07), spiker (4:50), KC (5:20), SaraV (6:02), MeowingCows (7:07), CYme (8:43), Discy (8:50, rescind 9:00)
6 PSY - CTown (12:05, rescind 8:24), CoKane (12:38), Fitzy (2:51), SCNCY (3:46), Colorado (3:57), JM4CY (3:59, rescind 8:57), Farnsy (7:38), Discy (8:29, rescind 8:42), discy (9:00)
2 moores - PSY (12:10, rescind 7:34), Vikes (5:14), Clonies (5:48, rescind 8:19), andybernard (7:37)
2 Cy$ - Discy (11:03, rescind 8:29), Cybyassociation (5:33), dandy (8:12)
2 North - Cy$ (7:30), PSY (8:35)
1 Fitzy - Cy$ (11:52, rescind 2:57), spiker (3:13, rescind 4:50), mj4cy (3:19)
1 Azhuth - michael (7:07)
1 Vikes - Fitzy (8:35, rescind 2:51), Azhuth (12:08)
1 Cyfan13 - 2015 (8:54)
0 ISUCubs - Discy (8:42, rescind 8:50)
0 MeowingCows - Cy$ (2:57, rescind 6:29)
0 Andybernard - cyfan13 (4:03, rescind 8:36)

Clap watch: DSMCY

Day 3 (half day);

13 Clonies - Colorado (9:16), Mdk (10:26), North (10:32), andybernard (10:37), Fitzy (10:45), JM4CY (10:56), moores (11:01), gipper (11:05), Cyfan13 (11:06), psy (11:11), Azhuth (11:12), dandy (11:39), discy 11:59
4 North - Farnsy (7:18), DSMCY (8:13), CoKane (8:47), Clonies (8:46)
1 PSY - Fitzy (8:16, rescind 10:45), Azhuth (8:21, rescind 11:12), mj4cy (8:29)
1 JM4CY - CYme (9:41)
1 gipper - CTown (11:22)
0 Vikes - Cyfan13 (7:47, rescind 11:06)
0 Discy - PSY (8:06, rescind 8:12)
0 Fitzy - moores (9:32, rescind 11:01)

Day 4 (second half of the day):

12 Gipper - Ctown (3:28), discy (3:32), JM4CY (3:37), moores (3:44), Azhuth (4:45), Cyfan13 (5:47), Colorado (6:42), Vikes (7:16), Cows (7:27), Cubs (8:04), Andybernard (8:19), cleaver (8:34)
5 PSY - Azhuth (1:43, rescind 4:45), SCNCY (2:32), Fitzy (3:32), gipper (3:42), CYme (7:58), mj4cy (8:35)
4 ISUCubs - North (2:52), PSY (3:12), MDK (5:00), SaraV (8:16)
1 North - Discy (3:06, rescind 3:32), CoKane (5:17), cleaver (5:35, rescind 5:54)
1 2015 - KC (2:18)
1 Cyfan13 - 2015 (1:52)
1 Azhuth - Michael (9:00)
0 JM4CY- moores (2:17, rescind 3:38)
0 moores - JM4CY (2:33, rescind 3:37)

Clap watch: DSMCY (day 2), Cybyassociation (day 3/4), WDSM, (day 3/4).

Day 5:

11 Michael - Azhuth (9:49), Fitzy (11:41), moores (12:25), JM4CY (12:29), SCNCY (12:30), Andybernard (1:38), CYme (1:47), North (5:15), Cybyassociation (6:19), Colorado (6:48), CTown (9:00)
9 SCNCY - CoKane (8:55), KC (10:42), DSMCY (11:04), CTown (6:37, rescind 9:00), SaraV (8:24), Cubs (8:27), Farnsy (8:36), 2015 (8:52), Michael (8:55), Vikes (9:00)
2 Azhuth - Vikes (7:39, rescind 10:06), mj4cy (9:17), psy (9:00)
1 SaraV - Cleaver (10:32), PSY (6:43, rescind 9:00)
1 Vikes - Cyfan13 (8:02)
1 Cubs - MDK (11:05)
1 North - MeowingCows (3:28)
0 KC - Vikes (7:27, rescind 9:00)
0 CTown - Cubs (8:13, rescind 8:27)

Day 6:
10 KC - Vikes (8:15), CYme (10:45), MDK (11:47), Cubs (1:18), SCNCY (1:43), Colorado (5:18), JM4CY (6:38), Cleaver (6:47), SaraV (8:30), moores (8:52)
6 Vikes - Cyfan13 (7:40), Azhuth (8:19), CoKane (11:54), North (1:01), PSY (8:09), 2015 (8:50)
1 SCNCY - KC (3:29)
0 2015 - moores (3:27, rescind 8:52)
0 SaraV - moores (11:48, rescind 2:29), cleaver (11:52, rescind 6:47), JM4CY (12:01, rescind 2:39), Colorado (12:19, rescind 5:18)
0 North - JM4CY (2:39, rescind 6:38)
0 PSY - Cubs (7:37, rescind 1:18)
0 Cybyassociation - PSY (5:23, rescind 5:25)
0 Cubs - PSY (7:28, rescind 7:49)
0 Cyfan13 - Azhuth (7:18, rescind 7:56), JM4CY (7:41, rescind 7:52).
0 mj4cy - PSY (5:52, rescind 8:09)

Day 7:

8 SaraV - Cubs (7:36), Azhuth (9:06), moores (10:28), CoKane (5:12), Vikes (6:44), SCNCY (6:50), JM4CY (7:27), North (8:51)
5 moores - Cleaver (1:34), MDK (7:43), Colorado (8:00), mj4cy (8:58), PSY (8:59)
2 North - Farnsy (1:06), PSY (8:16, rescind 8:59), CYme (8:38)
2 CoKane - PSY (1:37, rescind 7:24), MDK (2:11, rescind 7:43), JM4CY (2:58, rescind 7:27), Colorado (4:32, rescind 8:00), SaraV (6:59), MeowingCows (8:40)
0 JM4CY - PSY (10:00, rescind 10:33)
0 SCNCY - CoKane (8:14, rescind 5:12)
0 Cleaver - Farnsy (12:41, rescind 1:06)
0 2015 - moores (8:24, rescind 8:49)
0 Farnsy- PSY (9:40, rescind 10:00)

Update clap watch: MeowingCows, mj4cy, 2015.
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Drinker of Ames Lager
Sep 20, 2012
Ames, IA
Day 8:

11 CoKane - Vikes (7:07), PSY (7:15), moores (7:24), North (7:33), MDK (7:40), Azhuth (7:41), SCNCY (8:14), mj4cy (8:17), JM4CY (9:13), Cleaver (9:18, rescind 11:32), MeowingCows (9:25), Colorado (10:46)
2 SCNCY - CoKane (11:38), Cleaver (11:42)
1 North - 2015 (10:17), CoKane (11:04, rescind 11:38), Cleaver (11:32, rescind 11:42)


Gather round, ladies and gentlemen. It’s time to throw a big wrench into the game!

So, there has been some discussion about the role of the cryptex , which was in fact found by an innocent and destroyed already. This had left the roles of certain players more or less useless. However, I now have a solution to this, which we can thank the Priory of Sion for (it was their idea).

Tomorrow morning I will be releasing a new cryptex, and this one will be indestructible. It doesn’t matter if you hit it with Thor’s hammer or the sword of Gryffindor, this baby won’t break. No matter if the player who finds this solves it or not, they must pass it each night. They cannot pass it to the player that gave it to them. You can also not pass it to someone that you can PM with (so if passed to a Priory member they can’t pass it to each other, or Remy / Teabing). If passed to mafia, Sister Sandrine will die.

Because this is potentially dangerous to the Priory, I will be rewarding their bravery with a clue tomorrow.

The cryptex has risen!
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Doesn't wipe standing up
SuperFanatic T2
Dec 19, 2010
Chicago, IL
Quick question, if the holder of the keystone is lynched, how does the passing work? A random voter or some other mechanism?


Drinker of Ames Lager
Sep 20, 2012
Ames, IA
Quick question, if the holder of the keystone is lynched, how does the passing work? A random voter or some other mechanism?
If the holder of the keystone is lynched, I’ll let them send it to whoever they want still. Like it was bequeathed in their will.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Aug 23, 2012
If the holder of the keystone is lynched, I’ll let them send it to whoever they want still. Like it was bequeathed in their will.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2011
I'd create a reads list for this game but there's too many people.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2008
Excited to be back after quite a few years off. Did we get many first timers for this game? Lotta names I don't recognize from the olden days.