Star Trek Universe Thread


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Marion, IA
Finally finished Strange New Worlds S2, so I thought I'd list out my thoughts

-Fantastic season with amazing characters, dialogue, writing, drama, comedy... everything
-At first, I didn't think it was better than S1, but after that last episode, I'm not so sure
-This is my all-time favorite Star Trek show hands down
-I was super skeptical of both the Lower Decks crossover episode as well as the musical one as I thought both would be really tough to pull of well and I ended up liking both of them. In fact, I thought the Lower Decks episode was one of the best of the series and I found the music in the musical episode to be really well written, catchy, and much better than I expected. In fact, I found the music to be better than the music in 80% of the musicals I see out there.
-The majority of the castings/recastings for Strange New Worlds are so so good. Anson Mount as Captain Pike is obviously #1, but Ethan Peck as Spock is right there with him. In fact, I've loved all 3 castings of Spock, but Ethan Peck might even be my favorite. Some other notable great castings are Babs as Dr. M'Benga, Jess Bush as Dr. Chapel and Martin Quinn as Scotty.
-There is only really two castings which haven't necessarily worked well for me, at least so far, and that is Celia Rose Gooding as Uhura and Paul Wesley as Kirk. At least Celia's portrayal has been steadily improving for me over time, but I can't say the same for Paul Wesley's Kirk. I still just don't see his character as Captain Kirk at all, but rather something completely different. Its not that I can't see Captain Kirk recast as I loved Chris Pine as Kirk. Wesley, not so much.
-Not helping Wesley's Kirk appearances is the fact that they are using him WAY too much in this series. What was he in like 3 episodes this season in addition to what we saw him in last season? There just isn't any organic reason to have him be in so much, especially with the musical episode. Its like they are just making up reasons for him to appear even though he is on the Farragut.
-The aesthetic and graphics for this series are pretty great and on point for both their budget and what they need to do. While both Star Wars and Star Trek clearly heavily use The Volume technology for their shows, Star Trek's settings are just way more suited to be using it as much as they do, whereas Star Wars is the ultimate case of overuse of The Volume. Star Wars' overuse of the volume has made too many settings feel small, off and claustrophobic whereas most of Star Trek can live in that type of world. Andor not using The Volume as much as Obi-Wan and Ashoka is why that show's aesthetic is far superior.
-I can't emphasize enough how good the writing and dialogue for this series is. It has turned Star Trek into my new favorite franchise right now, which is quite impressive.

-On a side note, SNW has inspired me to pick up a pretty on-point Captain Pike uniform online to wear this Halloween. Not gonna lie, but I look pretty darn good in it.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Marion, IA
Now that I'm done with Strange New Worlds S2 and posted my thoughts, my ongoing Star Trek high has actually motivated me to re-watch all the Kelvin timeline JJ Abrams world movies again. Its worth noting that these movies were my introduction to Star Trek (obviously will influence me) and I loved all three of them when I saw them. I'm only through the first two movies so far, but at least so far, my opinion has NOT changed on those movies. I get that they are somewhat dividing, especially with old Trek fans, but I just don't care, I love everything about those movies. I find all the castings to be spectacular, with Pine as Kirk and Urban as Bones being maybe my favorite two castings. I love the aesthetic of the movies, minus the Abram's trademark lens flares, and the Giacchino score for those movies is my all-time favorite Star Trek score (sorry John Williams). Yes, I even like Into Darkness and love Benedict's performance as Khan. Anyway, just thought I'd post my thoughts and feel free to disagree with me because I know some people will. Now I can't wait to re-watch Beyond, even though it traditionally has been my least liked of the 3 new movies.


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2021
Quick review of the newer 3.

ST-Great film. Great idea to mostly untether itself from years of canon. Casting and performance were all good. Still get a kick out of watching this one.

ST:ITD - Attempted to explore how the timeline changes affected major events. Lacks the emotional impact of Khan's old timeline appearance. Ended up not quite hitting the mark for me, but a reasonably enjoyable watch at least once.

ST:B - Idris Elba was wasted in this role. The story was nonsensical, even for a ST movie. I'd honestly rather watch Insurrection on perpetual loop than every watch Beyond again.
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Oct 24, 2009
WRT the JJ Abrams movies...

first one was good story and fun, agree that Pine & Quinto were quite good. Didn't love Scotty as comic relief. Actually there was a lot of comic relief that maybe wasn't needed.

Into Darkness started fantastic. Cumberbatch was good, mystery up front, neat! Then apparently 5th graders wrote the 2nd half of it, and it was insulting to my intelligence and all the emotional legacy of TWOK. I hated it so much, it was just infuriating.
Beyond was just filler, basically a Transformers movie.

As far as soundtracks, James Horner would like to have a word. John Williams didn't do any Trek afaik.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Marion, IA
WRT the JJ Abrams movies...

first one was good story and fun, agree that Pine & Quinto were quite good. Didn't love Scotty as comic relief. Actually there was a lot of comic relief that maybe wasn't needed.

Into Darkness started fantastic. Cumberbatch was good, mystery up front, neat! Then apparently 5th graders wrote the 2nd half of it, and it was insulting to my intelligence and all the emotional legacy of TWOK. I hated it so much, it was just infuriating.
Beyond was just filler, basically a Transformers movie.

As far as soundtracks, James Horner would like to have a word. John Williams didn't do any Trek afaik.

Loving all the Star Trek debate. Still would take Giacchino Star Trek over Horner and Horner is one of my all-time favorite composers. Horner's Braveheart soundtrack is a thing of beauty, but it isn't even my favorite score of his. Believe it or not, my all-time favorite score of his was the Rocketeer score which is unbelievably underrated. Yeah my bad, John Williams never did any Star Trek.
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SuperFanatic T2
Mar 15, 2006
Loving all the Star Trek debate. Still would take Giacchino Star Trek over Horner and Horner is one of my all-time favorite composers. Horner's Gladiator soundtrack is a thing of beauty, but it isn't even my favorite score of his. Believe it or not, my all-time favorite score of his was the Rocketeer score which is unbelievably underrated. Yeah my bad, John Williams never did any Star Trek.

Gladiator is Hans Zimmer.

Agreed with you on Giacchino's music though, he's got a lot of good stuff.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2010
LA LA Land
-I was super skeptical of both the Lower Decks crossover episode as well as the musical one as I thought both would be really tough to pull of well and I ended up liking both of them. In fact, I thought the Lower Decks episode was one of the best of the series and I found the music in the musical episode to be really well written, catchy, and much better than I expected. In fact, I found the music to be better than the music in 80% of the musicals I see out there.

It certainly helps that both he and the Mariner voice actress look like the animated characters. I'm guessing that really helped make it possible as opposed to some voice actors who don't resemble the character.

As a fan of The Boys and Lower Decks I'm pretty sure those two characters are just who Jack Quaid is...purple hair Jack Quaid.
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With any luck we will be there by Tuesday.
SuperFanatic T2
Jul 6, 2010
Cedar Rapids, IA
Loving all the Star Trek debate. Still would take Giacchino Star Trek over Horner and Horner is one of my all-time favorite composers. Horner's Braveheart soundtrack is a thing of beauty, but it isn't even my favorite score of his. Believe it or not, my all-time favorite score of his was the Rocketeer score which is unbelievably underrated. Yeah my bad, John Williams never did any Star Trek.
Its hard to beat Horner's Star Trek soundtracks from II and III. Its too bad he declined to do VI, but the person chosen didn't do a bad job.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2019


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 15, 2006
So sick of prequels.

And sad to hear Lower Decks is going to be done.