Star Trek: Discovery


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2009
Absolutely. As a trek fan, the fanbase is absolutely awful at times. I especially hate the current general criticism that acts as if star trek is all about deep philosophical issues and that the current movies aren't star trek because they don't really have that. This ignores that the successful movies were almost always primarily action based and the things they talk about were largely products of the different tv series.

I do wish star trek would stop looking into its past though. I was hoping when we finally got a new series it would be a 'next, next generation' type show, not yet

Side note- anyone watching The Orville? The critics panned it but most audience reviews have been very positive from what i've seen, and i've enjoyed it. A nice humorous take on star trek.
I watched the first episode. I thought it was pretty funny, and actually had a plot line. I'll watch the next one.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Seems to me that would be one of the best times in history to do a Star Trek series. Peace with all their neighbors, comfortably in control of all known space, appetite for exploration sated... and out of nowhere, out beyond the depths of space to where Q flung Picard and the Enterprise... an existential threat arrives that puts the Borg to shame, and the Federation is nearly defenseless because of complacency. Could be a fun thing to explore.

That would be the "reset" that I speculated would be needed if they were to set a show during that era.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
I've watched the first two episodes and call me impressed. Great character development (quickly) and no lack for excitement. Gives great new insight to the Klingon empire. Its interesting to see several say DS9 was the best series. Like one posted...the first four seasons really drug along...almost like taking an anesthetic. Was difficult to get into. For me, Voyager was one of the best series and I thoroughly enjoyed Enterprise. It ended well before its time.

DS 9 cranked up at the start of season 3 when they got the Defiant and was great from there on out (Seasons 1 and 2 were much better in comparison to most ST shows, all of which seemed to start slow). I'd recommend you watch it again now... it was a decade ahead of its time with serialized story telling, more realistic characters and grittier stories.

Voyager... oof sooo many terrible episodes, no character development, and they hit the reset button repeatedly. Some of the shipmates were basically cardboard cutouts unfortunately. I did like the later seasons better with the Borg and 7 was a good character they added.

Also, agree with you that Enterprise was underrated.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
I didn't mean they aren't nice. I mean they are ruthlessly particular about Star Trek.

Do you remember when TNG came out? Pretty much universally loathed and despised by Trekkies (and now almost universally loved by them). They treated TNG the same way Star Wars fans treated the prequels even though I think TNG was about as close to a flawless rebirth of Star Trek as they could have gotten.

In all fairness... Season 1 of TNG was objectively awful. It is almost unwatchable now, outside of a couple good episodes. You are remembering TNG Season 3 on.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2016
In all fairness... Season 1 of TNG was objectively awful. It is almost unwatchable now, outside of a couple good episodes. You are remembering TNG Season 3 on.

I didn't believe you. Then I wikipedia'd the first two seasons, and you're right. I was remembering the episodes with Q in them, thinking the whole seasons were that good-- I guess I forgot just how forgettable the rest of those two seasons actually were. lol
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SuperFanatic T2
Jan 31, 2009
I feel Star Trek is always stuck between heavy action and all the cool science and what if kind of scenarios. It's hard to please both crowds (I think TNG did a decent job of that). The new movies for example seem very action focused and lose out on the science side (I still enjoy them even without all the science). It will be interesting to see if this new series can bring out the science and keep up the action they packed in the first episode.

I will be a sucker and spend money for this.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
I didn't believe you. Then I wikipedia'd the first two seasons, and you're right. I was remembering the episodes with Q in them, thinking the whole seasons were that good-- I guess I forgot just how forgettable the rest of those two seasons actually were. lol

Yes... season 2 had a handful of good episodes (including two classics).... Season 1 had maybe 2 or 3 decent episodes, and it had some awful, awful episodes. Including some terribly cheap sets and hokey aliens. Season 3 the show hit its stride.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
That's not really the point.

It kinda is. Do you as a consumer and fan feel watching this series is worth your $6 a month? I asked myself this and said yes. Because I want to watch the show, and that is only like one beer at the bar.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
I feel Star Trek is always stuck between heavy action and all the cool science and what if kind of scenarios. It's hard to please both crowds (I think TNG did a decent job of that). The new movies for example seem very action focused and lose out on the science side (I still enjoy them even without all the science). It will be interesting to see if this new series can bring out the science and keep up the action they packed in the first episode.

I will be a sucker and spend money for this.

Yep, those are my big questions too. We'll find out! I guess I am hoping for the best of both worlds here (pun intended). If they go full on BSG, I would probably still enjoy that too.


The Man That You Love to Hate
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 11, 2006
It kinda is. Do you as a consumer and fan feel watching this series is worth your $6 a month? I asked myself this and said yes. Because I want to watch the show, and that is only like one beer at the bar.

As most others have said in this thread, they don't feel it's worth $6 a month. You feel differently, and that's okay, too. Why are you so relentless about harassing people who choose not to buy the streaming service?


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 15, 2006
As most others have said in this thread, they don't feel it's worth $6 a month. You feel differently, and that's okay, too. Why are you so relentless about harassing people who choose not to buy the streaming service?

More like $10 once you factor in the ad-free price. The same price as netflix or amazon, for a lot less content.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
As most others have said in this thread, they don't feel it's worth $6 a month. You feel differently, and that's okay, too. Why are you so relentless about harassing people who choose not to buy the streaming service?

I suggest you reread. The poster I responded to specifically said that was not the case. He said "That is not the point."


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Marion, IA
I'm not worried really at all about the streaming cost as I'm super patient with shows. Therefore, I'll simple wait until the season is over, pay $6 for one month of it, knock it all out, then cancel by month's end. Seems pretty cheap to me. Shoot, might squeeze in the latest Big Bang Theory while I'm at it (yes, I'm still one of those suckers for that show, but I'm unapologetic about it) before month end too.