Star Trek: Discovery


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
That's not the point. I don't feel like I should have to pay more than what I'm already paying for satellite and internet to watch something from a broadcast (aka "free") network. And if they're going to show the premier on tv, then hide the rest of the episodes in a subscription service, I guess they really don't want me to watch that badly. They're going to lose a lot of viewers who don't give two f***s about anything that's only available through a streaming service. If that's your thing and you're into it, great. They're going to have to make money from SOMEone of this show.

Capitalism my friend. It's annoying to me, but clearly CBS has prioritized growing their streaming service over total viewership. They know star trek is a show that has a built in fan base and some will sign up to watch, like me. So they see it as a way to Kickstart their streaming network.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Feb 10, 2007
I saw it last week, only episode I've seen -- was surprised how relatively serious it was. I was expecting 100% Family Guy riffing on Trek: bathroom humor, lots of cleavage and sex jokes. But it had a sorta thoughtful plot (even though it was a complete ripoff of 60 year old Twilight Zone episode), and some actual conflict and drama.

I won't make it a priority to watch, but wouldn't turn it off if it was on.

More cleavage might put it over the top for me.
I've seen 2 episodes. The show doesn't seem to have an identity. Is it supposed to be funny or serious? Right now it seems stuck between the two.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 15, 2006
Capitalism my friend. It's annoying to me, but clearly CBS has prioritized growing their streaming service over total viewership. They know star trek is a show that has a built in fan base and some will sign up to watch, like me. So they see it as a way to Kickstart their streaming network.

Capitalism is also saying 'i wont reward this kind of behavior'.

I mean, its not like most of us aren't already paying for OTA networks (if you have cable\satellite, you're paying a good amount retransmission fees), so it feels like 'i already pay for this'. And now this is supposed to be worth $10\month without ads, the same amount i pay netflix, despite offering far less? The value just isnt there.

And i also hate it because their whole streaming service has failure written all over it, because they don't understand the market, and the potential of a new star trek series seems to be dragged down into that mess. Even if i elect to pay for it, i don't see this service with extremely limited benefit going very far.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Capitalism is also saying 'i wont reward this kind of behavior'.

I mean, its not like most of us aren't already paying for OTA networks (if you have cable\satellite, you're paying a good amount retransmission fees), so it feels like 'i already pay for this'. And now this is supposed to be worth $10\month without ads, the same amount i pay netflix, despite offering far less? The value just isnt there.

And i also hate it because their whole streaming service has failure written all over it, because they don't understand the market, and the potential of a new star trek series seems to be dragged down into that mess. Even if i elect to pay for it, i don't see this service with extremely limited benefit going very far.

Yeah, it is what it is. I paid $5.99 a month to watch a show I want to see. I can live with that.

Looking forward to being able to talk about the show instead of the choice to stream it. That is all I see discussed anywhere.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2010
LA LA Land
I've seen 2 episodes. The show doesn't seem to have an identity. Is it supposed to be funny or serious? Right now it seems stuck between the two.

Star Trek has typically tried to be funny but only in an incredibly nerdy way. Usually one or two comic relief characters. TOS was the McCoy/Spock back and forth about logic (super nerdy), TNG was Data constantly failing to seem human (again super nerdy), DS9 had the Ferengi.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2010
LA LA Land
Yeah, it is what it is. I paid $5.99 a month to watch a show I want to see. I can live with that.

Looking forward to being able to talk about the show instead of the choice to stream it. That is all I see discussed anywhere.

I look at it more like $6-18 a year. I pay HBO $10-20 a year to basically watch game of thrones. I pay 20-40 a year to watch the live football and basketball games.

The only reason any of this streaming is a good value is there's no contract. The minute Netflix locks me into an annual contract just to watch Stranger Things it all becomes just as bad as cable.
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Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 15, 2006
Seems like it was a poor decision to make such a big deal of the launch of the show, only to allow it to be bumped due to the football schedule.

Obviously can't do much about the football, but should have cut out some of 60 minutes, imo. Theyre going to kill the DVR segment of their audience tonight.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Liked it! Second episode better than the first but pretty strong throughout. Looks amazing visually.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2009
Des Moines
Caught the pilot on CBS tonight. I’ll wait a few weeks so I can utilize that free trial and knock out 3-4 episodes. It’s BS that CBS broke the season up into 2 parts - the first half will run through the beginning of November and then the second half won’t start back up until January. This season is only 15 episodes long. I also noticed that CBS All Access will have “limited commercial interruption” with future episodes, so that tempers my expectations for that streaming service. I would almost be more inclined to buy the season pass on iTunes if that was available.

I really liked the tone they were going for with the Klingons - Very reminiscent of when the Dominion started showing up in DS9. I also dig the new look of the Klingons - which I know is going to be the biggest criticism of the show. I really enjoyed that this show was more focused on the setting, rather than who the characters are. We obviously got a good introduction to our main protagonist in Lt Cmdr Burnham and I think her character is a good, albeit odd, balance of first officers from previous ST shows - she has the brashness of Kira Neres, the swagger of Cmdr Riker (rolling up to the bridge in her robe like it’s nbd - straight up Riker move) and the logic of Spock. I hope that Burnham can form her own identity rather than be a call-back to past first officers.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 15, 2006


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2011
Haven't seen anything yet, but will check out at least the pilot. Hoping it can undo the absurd ruination done by Abrams. FYI:

In addition to Roku, all CBS All Access content is also available on Apple TV, Android and iOS devices, Chromecast, Fire TV, Windows 10, and XBOX.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Caught the pilot on CBS tonight. I’ll wait a few weeks so I can utilize that free trial and knock out 3-4 episodes. It’s BS that CBS broke the season up into 2 parts - the first half will run through the beginning of November and then the second half won’t start back up until January. This season is only 15 episodes long. I also noticed that CBS All Access will have “limited commercial interruption” with future episodes, so that tempers my expectations for that streaming service. I would almost be more inclined to buy the season pass on iTunes if that was available.

I really liked the tone they were going for with the Klingons - Very reminiscent of when the Dominion started showing up in DS9. I also dig the new look of the Klingons - which I know is going to be the biggest criticism of the show. I really enjoyed that this show was more focused on the setting, rather than who the characters are. We obviously got a good introduction to our main protagonist in Lt Cmdr Burnham and I think her character is a good, albeit odd, balance of first officers from previous ST shows - she has the brashness of Kira Neres, the swagger of Cmdr Riker (rolling up to the bridge in her robe like it’s nbd - straight up Riker move) and the logic of Spock. I hope that Burnham can form her own identity rather than be a call-back to past first officers.

Yeah, I'd say all in all it was very good. Will take a bit to get used to the klingons new look, but maybe it is time for a update. The rest of the visual graphics were stunning, nicely done.

I liked both of the two main characters that were introduced and the setting as well... without spoiling this was a much different way to introduce a series as it starts with essentially a two part prologue so there are still a lot of unknowns, bit the critics who have seen further ahead also seem positive.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2016
Deep Space 9 is easily the best star trek series, and one of my favorite TV series of all time. Right up their with BSG for the best sci-fi TV.

I would love to see the continuation of the TNG/DS9/Voyager era timeline, but I do think its challenging to make a series after those shows... the Federation is at peace with most everyone, technology is incredibly advanced, and they have defeated the Dominion and the Borg. It would probably have to be a 100 years or so later and be a reset of sorts. I can see why the new showrunners wanted to go back to more of a wild west era, pre original series.
Seems to me that would be one of the best times in history to do a Star Trek series. Peace with all their neighbors, comfortably in control of all known space, appetite for exploration sated... and out of nowhere, out beyond the depths of space to where Q flung Picard and the Enterprise... an existential threat arrives that puts the Borg to shame, and the Federation is nearly defenseless because of complacency. Could be a fun thing to explore.


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2008
Parts Unknown
I am excited about it but I'm not sure I'll watch it right away. Pretty into MLB/NCAAF and in the middle of a few other shows right now.

Trekkies are literally the worst fans out there . When TNG launched there were death threats made about how bad they hated it, universally hated by it's sacred canon. We're seeing the same thing now. My hope is that the "normal person" reviews are good enough to save the series because it could be the greatest tv show in history and the hard core fans are going to absolutely hate it no matter what.

I completely disagree. I've been to a few Star Trek events and showings of old Trek movies. Star Trek fans can be goofy, but they are super nice.

Another group that I've found to be crazy nice are the UFO enthusiasts. Stumbled into a group of them at the Integratron in the Joshua Tree area. Amazingly nice group


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Feb 10, 2007
I also noticed that CBS All Access will have “limited commercial interruption” with future episodes, so that tempers my expectations for that streaming service.
So even though you are going to be paying for the service they are still going to add commercials?


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2009
Lamoni, IA
I've watched the first two episodes and call me impressed. Great character development (quickly) and no lack for excitement. Gives great new insight to the Klingon empire. Its interesting to see several say DS9 was the best series. Like one posted...the first four seasons really drug along...almost like taking an anesthetic. Was difficult to get into. For me, Voyager was one of the best series and I thoroughly enjoyed Enterprise. It ended well before its time.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2010
LA LA Land
I completely disagree. I've been to a few Star Trek events and showings of old Trek movies. Star Trek fans can be goofy, but they are super nice.

Another group that I've found to be crazy nice are the UFO enthusiasts. Stumbled into a group of them at the Integratron in the Joshua Tree area. Amazingly nice group

I didn't mean they aren't nice. I mean they are ruthlessly particular about Star Trek.

Do you remember when TNG came out? Pretty much universally loathed and despised by Trekkies (and now almost universally loved by them). They treated TNG the same way Star Wars fans treated the prequels even though I think TNG was about as close to a flawless rebirth of Star Trek as they could have gotten.
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