"Scout" shows ISU in the recruiting hunt...

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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2006
Just read from the Scout service that Iowa State is in the hunt already for:
5-four star recruits
8-three star recruits
25-one star (unrated) as yet, but highly sought after recruits. While it is early in the game, all of the recruits are looking at big time programs(including ISU) as schools their are considering.
Just the fact we have the guts to go after these guys says a lot for Chizik. He's not afraid to aim high. This is not your fathers Iowa State...


May 9, 2006
Just read from the Scout service that Iowa State is in the hunt already for:
5-four star recruits
8-three star recruits
25-one star (unrated) as yet, but highly sought after recruits. While it is early in the game, all of the recruits are looking at big time programs(including ISU) as schools their are considering.
Just the fact we have the guts to go after these guys says a lot for Chizik. He's not afraid to aim high. This is not your fathers Iowa State...
Hmmm . . . Well . . . I guess that I fail to understand why *attempting* to recruit 4 & 5 star kids means anything. I'd hate to see our recruiting classes suffer because we waste time on kids who don't commit. Don't get me wrong--I'm all about hoping we get much better recruits. I just don't personally think it's worth praising someone because they're trying.


Apr 11, 2006
Hmmm . . . Well . . . I guess that I fail to understand why *attempting* to recruit 4 & 5 star kids means anything. I'd hate to see our recruiting classes suffer because we waste time on kids who don't commit. Don't get me wrong--I'm all about hoping we get much better recruits. I just don't personally think it's worth praising someone because they're trying.

He's not saying we should be happy we are GOING after these kids. He said it states we "are actually in the running" meaning they are considering us. That is something to be praised.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2006
I don't think Mac went after that level of recruit...Starting at that level makes sense to me..Chizik can always go down a level if he needs to, but impossible to go up if you're not in the running from the start.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2006
Mac was in the running for 4 stars and would bring some of them to Ames, but they were mostly Juco's if I remember correctly. I don't recall many 4 star freshman (was Flynn?)


Jan 31, 2007
Hmmm . . . Well . . . I guess that I fail to understand why *attempting* to recruit 4 & 5 star kids means anything. I'd hate to see our recruiting classes suffer because we waste time on kids who don't commit. Don't get me wrong--I'm all about hoping we get much better recruits. I just don't personally think it's worth praising someone because they're trying.

The last time I checked you can't succeed unless you try. Would you rather have GC wait and only offer players who ask him for an offer.


Facebook Knows All
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 20, 2006
Urbandale, IA
It would be nice to not see our annual recruiting class ranking at 11th or 12th in the Big 12 for once.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2006
Of the 5 four-star prospects listed on Scout, one is Ben Cotton and the other 4 are JUCO players who we have not yet offered.
I think a real step forward will be when we are in the hunt for 4-star high school players. Doesn't look like we are there yet.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2006
Macomb, MI
Of the 5 four-star prospects listed on Scout, one is Ben Cotton and the other 4 are JUCO players who we have not yet offered.
I think a real step forward will be when we are in the hunt for 4-star high school players. Doesn't look like we are there yet.

Well, after Chizik wins three straight Big XII championships to close out the decade we'll have those 4 stars lining up right outside Jacobsen :wink0st:


Nov 22, 2006
Walter Nickel was a 4* but was a JUCO, IIRC. I remember being surprised by that when doing some back research.

I think Stevie was a 4* also. Yes on Flynn also.


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2006
Of the 5 four-star prospects listed on Scout, one is Ben Cotton and the other 4 are JUCO players who we have not yet offered.
I think a real step forward will be when we are in the hunt for 4-star high school players. Doesn't look like we are there yet.

Point very well made. There is indeed excitment leading into this next season for what we hope to see on the field, but also what we see off. Mac really was in the same boat as Chizik at this point with the quality of recruits, the difference that will hopefully be evident is the progression of the recruits that come in. It always seems that every recruit was under achieved when it came to their raw talent.

The real difference will be when their are 4 star or even a few 5 star high school players that are actually considering us, and even commit. Until then, we are sailing the same boat, just on a differnt heading.


Jan 31, 2007
Point very well made. There is indeed excitment leading into this next season for what we hope to see on the field, but also what we see off. Mac really was in the same boat as Chizik at this point with the quality of recruits, the difference that will hopefully be evident is the progression of the recruits that come in. It always seems that every recruit was under achieved when it came to their raw talent.

The real difference will be when their are 4 star or even a few 5 star high school players that are actually considering us, and even commit. Until then, we are sailing the same boat, just on a differnt heading.

And how do we know that we don't have any at this time? Most high schoolers aren't rated until the season starts. So what some are doing is jumping to conclusions simply on the basis of not seeing stars by their names. I know that the people post here are truely ISU fans but may still suffer from a defeatest attitude that can't or won't see anything good in anything that relates to ISU athletics. Before you put us in the same boat as Mac give the new Captain a chance to see what he can do. Instead we're already writing off a recruiting class we know nothing about.


Active Member
Apr 12, 2006
Point very well made. There is indeed excitment leading into this next season for what we hope to see on the field, but also what we see off. Mac really was in the same boat as Chizik at this point with the quality of recruits, the difference that will hopefully be evident is the progression of the recruits that come in. It always seems that every recruit was under achieved when it came to their raw talent.

The real difference will be when their are 4 star or even a few 5 star high school players that are actually considering us, and even commit. Until then, we are sailing the same boat, just on a differnt heading.

While that is true in a sense, the main difference is that Mac had all kinds of time and opportunities to develop the program to the point that he could get some of these higher ranked kids to at least seriously consider Iowa State. Obviously, even with the staggering success that he had here, he was never able to attract the caliber of athlete that could take Iowa State football to that proverbial next level that we all speak of.

I also think part of the problem was that the previous staff chose the path of least resistance most of the time when it came to recruiting. They would get the occasional kids like Billups, Stevie Johnson, and now Phillip Banks, to give the impression that we were out there fighting for the best players available. However for the most part there were lots of players that we beat UNI out for.

The reason that Gene is "sailing the same boat" is that he has to fight against the perceptions in which Iowa State is held. Just because he has impressive credentials doesn't mean that the average high school player knows who the hell he is. He will need a signature win early in his tenure to give indication that the program is headed in the right direction, one that will be playing for conference titles, etc. What people know of Iowa State is what Reese Davis said on ESPN two years ago, "the best coaching job was done by Dan McCarney for figuring out a way to not have to play Texas." after he choked away the Kansas game.

It is not an overnight process, but top kids knew that Iowa State wasn't going to get them noticed under the previous coach. Everytime he got the opportunity to make that statement we had a game like the Nebraska game last year where, even with all of the bad calls, we were still dominated on the line of scrimmage, and really had no chance. Nebraska ran the ball down our throats, and had they decided to do more than control the clock, they would have beaten us by four touchdowns.:no6xn: I firmly believe that Gene will win that game in the next couple of years, to make the statement that this is not your father's Iowa State football team anymore. But until that happens the 4-5 star recruits aren't going to circle Ames Iowa on their Rand MacNally's


Apr 11, 2006
Well we have made the list and are in actual consideration for Sam McGuffie so I would say that is a step in the right direction to get considered by the top high school prospects!

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