NBA: Oklahoma City gets an NBA team



The Sonics are moving to Oklahoma City. Here's a link:

NBA votes 28-2 to relocate Sonics to OKC

I'm wondering how this will affect college basketball teams in that state. Sometimes, when a pro sports team moves into an area, the college teams can be overshadowed.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
My read of the article you linked sounds like there are still some outstanding legal issues to iron out before the move to OKC can be considered a done deal.

The NBA approval to move to Oklahoma City for the 2008-09 season Friday, was made conditional upon the team settling its lawsuit with the city.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2006
Arlington, TX
The local sports radio guys were discussing this yesterday. The one guy's point was something along the lines of he just doesn't understand the economic feasibility of moving a team from the #14 market in the US, Seattle, a city whose demographic is seeing a large rise in wealthy people and a city where an NBA franchise would be financially secure for the foreseeable future, to OKC, the #40 market in the US. Will the NBA be sustainable in OKC, or will it be a novelty for awhile, and tank after a few years? Interesting question...


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2006
My read of the article you linked sounds like there are still some outstanding legal issues to iron out before the move to OKC can be considered a done deal.

The NBA approval to move to Oklahoma City for the 2008-09 season Friday, was made conditional upon the team settling its lawsuit with the city.


The current ownership group is currently in a lawsuit with the city to break their lease at Key Arena which is (I think) until 2010. Also, the previous owner Howard Schultz (Starbucks) is suing to buy the team back because the current group was completely dishonest about their "good faith effort" to keep the team in Seattle.

Personally, I could care less since I don't live there anymore and only went to two games when I was there. I do think the team will struggle in OKC after the first couple years and the "newness" wears off and people quit going just to prove they can support an NBA team.


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2006
Tempe, az
My guess is that Seattle will retain the colors and team name. My guess is also that OKC isnt a great market over the long haul. And expansion to get a team back to Seattle? Expansion? MORE NBA teams? I think we have about enough of those.