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Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2007
Ames, IA
Iowa average new cases per day:

Three weeks ago: 262
Two weeks ago: 306
Last week: 416
This week: 444
How do testing numbers compare over those weeks? Case numbers alone are misleading. For example, I believe yesterday was a new record for the number of tests done in the state.

No doubt cases are increasing slowly, I'm not arguing that. But just showing positive test numbers isn't reliable.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2006
How do testing numbers compare over those weeks? Case numbers alone are misleading. For example, I believe yesterday was a new record for the number of tests done in the state.

No doubt cases are increasing slowly, I'm not arguing that. But just showing positive test numbers isn't reliable.

It’s the positivity rate that you need to look at, in combination with number of cases.

But the positivity rate is also going up in most places. That is NOT good!


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2007
Off the grid
How do testing numbers compare over those weeks? Case numbers alone are misleading. For example, I believe yesterday was a new record for the number of tests done in the state.

No doubt cases are increasing slowly, I'm not arguing that. But just showing positive test numbers isn't reliable.

Iowa 7-day moving average of percent positive tests:

Three weeks ago: 5.9%
Two weeks ago: 6.5%
Last week: 7.4%
This week: 8.4%


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2010
Medical care for very ill COVID-19 patients is getting better

Potential therapies being tested, experts said, fall into four major categories that are best used at different times:

  • Antivirals that slow or block the virus’s expansion in the body will be most effective early in infection, before the virus is fully established.
  • Convalescent plasma and antibodies that provide immune weapons to attack the virus once it’s established could help control infections and avoid the need for hospitalization.
  • Immune system modulators, most that tamp down an overreacting immune system, will be particularly useful later in the course of disease, when the immune response rather than the virus drives the patient’s condition.
  • Anti-coagulants that stop or slow blood clots that can cause organ damage or stroke are likely to be most useful in patients having a serious reaction to the virus.

They've been using and trying those from the beginning. They were throwing all kinds of things at the thing even back to the beginning in China when most people had never heard of the virus. These aren't new.


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2007
Off the grid
They've been using and trying those from the beginning. They were throwing all kinds of things at the thing even back to the beginning in China when most people had never heard of the virus. These aren't new.

The heading from that section of the article:

Treatments under development


Feb 28, 2006
Well considering getting tested is still a PITA, it's only likely helping mask a greater uptake (evident by % of tests positive).

Example - both my wife and I are having headaches, aches, sore throat, etc and used today. We both qualified to get tested, but not a single one of the testing locations in Iowa had any openings, even the private ones listed. Our only option is to check back tomorrow using a link they emailed us. Oddly enough, that link just takes you back to the start of the form rather than to a scheduler to find new times.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2009
Des Moines
Well considering getting tested is still a PITA, it's only likely helping mask a greater uptake (evident by % of tests positive).

Example - both my wife and I are having headaches, aches, sore throat, etc and used today. We both qualified to get tested, but not a single one of the testing locations in Iowa had any openings, even the private ones listed. Our only option is to check back tomorrow using a link they emailed us. Oddly enough, that link just takes you back to the start of the form rather than to a scheduler to find new times.

One of my wife's co-workers just found out that a player on his sons baseball team tested positive. The co-worker is driving his son to Council Bluffs tomorrow because that is the closest they can get a test (they live in Adel).


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
One of my wife's co-workers just found out that a player on his sons baseball team tested positive. The co-worker is driving his son to Council Bluffs tomorrow because that is the closest they can get a test (they live in Adel).

The best testing. Doing the best testing. Everyone is super jealous of our testing.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2011
The best testing. Doing the best testing. Everyone is super jealous of our testing.

I'm one who thinks counting medals in the Olympics is pretty stupid so making a global pandemic into the same thing has been pretty mind blowing.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2016
Well considering getting tested is still a PITA, it's only likely helping mask a greater uptake (evident by % of tests positive).

Example - both my wife and I are having headaches, aches, sore throat, etc and used today. We both qualified to get tested, but not a single one of the testing locations in Iowa had any openings, even the private ones listed. Our only option is to check back tomorrow using a link they emailed us. Oddly enough, that link just takes you back to the start of the form rather than to a scheduler to find new times.

I'd say a month ago they were testing even asymptomatic people and maybe they should have been saving those tests for later if there is a shortage. I have had two performed and that was in advance of other medical visits. They were required for me to go get. I had no symptoms and felt like it was a waste, They take maybe 2 minutes once you are there on the site for them to do to you, so it has to just be the number of tests available currently or they cannot process the swabs fast enough (equipment or people constraint).


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2014
Up Nort
Who pays the debt service for these Athletic Departments? Taxpayers? What about private schools?

Worst case they declare bankruptcy, but they would all get a bailout before that would happen.

You forget, the United States prints money.

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