Most over rated band of all time


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Sep 13, 2011
Two worst: Megadeth (Mustain is a ******), and Red Hot Chili Peppers

But anybody that says Dave Matthews Band or Nirvana are simply wrong in every way.


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2008
Parts Unknown
The Who

Also, any hip hop artists that sample. Pulling someone's music and then laying a rhyme on top only fools those too young to know the original song. Not hating. Just saying. I enjoy pretty much any music genre.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
May 23, 2008
Not necessarily. My top two overrated bands would probably be Nirvana and RHC. I still like them, but they're definitely overrated.

Also the Beatles.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2006
Certainly not an all-timer, but Zac Brown is a current pop star that I could live without.


Minister of Economy
SuperFanatic T2
Aug 10, 2011
I think the Beatles are underrated.

In the course of our forty-year love affair with The Beatles, something was lost. Their craft became obscured by their artistry, their artistry disappeared into their significance and their significance was eventually folded inside their legend. The result is that they are underrated for the work they did and overrated, if anything, for what it all meant.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2009
I'm all in on the Beatles being overrated. They are really good. 10 out of 10. But people act like they are 100 out of 10. The world existed before the Beatles, and it continues to exist after them. They can be great without being 1 million times better than second place.

Also ACDC. They really suck. I can't listen to anything by them after Bon Scot, it's all identical garbage.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2009
Who would you all say is the most over rated rock band of all time and why?

Some of the most over rated bands to me are AC/DC, Sublime, Nickleback... there are a bunch. But #1 on that list is Nirvana. Kirk Cobain could barely play guitar, and wasn't that great of a singer. They played catchy songs, and had this raw and somewhat fresh style and look, but they really were not good musicians. The first time I ever picked up a guitar, I learned how to play "Smells Like Teen Spirit" that's how easy their songs are.

Aw no you di'int!! I've actually always thought AC/DC to be underrated. They have loads of songs that I feel are even better than the dozens that you hear on the radio. Heck my favorite album, Powerage, gets zero radio play at all.

Oh well its all subjective anyway. Some bands that I've felt were overrated I looked into and then gained an appreciation for. I used to think The Rolling Stones were overrated and now I love every song on almost all their albums. My general rule of thumb is that if there is a big fuss about a band, and they are in my genre interest, I'll listen until I get it and usually end up loving it more than the music I like on first listen.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2009
Sometimes a band, and music (and life) in general, isn't about how difficult it is. Finding something amazing in the simple is its own kind of genius.

I would actually say its never about how difficult it is. The only thing that matters is how it sounds to your ears.

When I was first learning guitar, I remember thinking the best guitarist are the ones that can play really fast. The farther I got along, the more I started to realize that none of that **** matters if it doesn't fit to create an amazing overall sound. I also discovered that a lot of those fast licks aren't even that difficult or creative because they're just repeated note sequences or scale runs at an unchanging monotonous tempo.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2010
LA LA Land
Van Halen and ACDC.

I'd venture people saying the Beatles are overrated either aren't really that familiar with their full catalog or think underrated as in just top 5, not easily #1.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2007
Johnston, IA
Not a band but: Jimmy Buffett. Ugh..I get that "island tunes" are soothing at times, but just singing about getting wasted, margaritas, steel drums, sunny beaches, cheeseburgers...the lyrics suck - I think his goal was to just name off things that people already liked and see if it stuck. Not TERRIBLE if in the precisely correct mood or place but majority of the time: overrated.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2008
Sometimes a band, and music (and life) in general, isn't about how difficult it is. Finding something amazing in the simple is its own kind of genius.

Agreed. Scandinavian Death Metal features complex and non-standard time signatures, key changes in the middle of musical phrases, and instrumentation requiring freakish skill with their instruments/voices. You don't see Scandinavian Death Metal getting much attention.

For me, I wont play the "overrated band" game. I was there when Nirvana hit, and while I was pretty 50/50 on my enjoyment of each individual song they played, you cannot deny what they did to music. And to claim that their music was simplistic, and therefore not that good, is to completely miss the point. They came out of an era of music where the standard, what you had to be to play rock music, was Slash or Bucket Head or Eddie Van Halen. Synthesizers and falsetto voices. Music that was a spectacle in its presentation. Nirvana hit the collective nerve of the pre-internet world and literally, overnight, changed what popular music sounded like. People who have grown up being able to listen to Pandora or Slacker or search YouTube for Fluvian Throat Singing or whatever else you want don't understand. Imagine a world where the only music you could listen to was local broadcast radio or the tapes/CD's that you paid for. And so yes, their music was simplistic in a lot of ways, but that was the point. Their style sort of made it seem like they'd just gotten off work at a gas station before they got on stage, but that was the point. So, while I didn't necessarily like a lot of Nirvana's songs, but I recognize what Nirvana did.

And that's the way that I am with a lot of bands. Red Hot Chili Peppers, I haven't liked a song of theirs in probably a decade, but that doesn't mean that I don't hear bands now that, whether they know it or not, owe their sound to what RHCP pioneered.

The Beatles? I actually strongly dislike most of their music, but that doesn't mean that I deny that everything I hear on the radio/internet today owes its existence, at least in part, to the Beatles and what they did for rock/pop.

So, I don't play the "what band is overrated" game because, liking a band is subjective beyond belief. Music is art. There were dudes who said that Beethoven was an overrated hack in 1827. I'm willing to name off some bands that I don't like that a lot of people do like.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 14, 2006
Surprised with all the Nirvana hate, I'm not a huge fan myself but they were at the forefront and very much one of the faces in a significant shift in rock music. I think the time elapsed has made it a bit easier to negatively assess without context.