I get the fact


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2006
Hiawatha, Iowa


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2006
Well, then the same could be said about McCarney - that the fans drove him out - and everyone here knows damn well that isn't true.

I think that the fans DID drive McCarney out. His team had lost all momentum and people were starting to stay away in droves. I know plenty that thought it was time for Mac to go...I was one of them. I'd never have a bad thing to say about what Mac did for ISU or him as a person...just thought it was time for some new blood.

As for iowa, I wouldn't bag on them at all for running out Alford. He was an arrogant DB. They actually did it in a way that they avoided the buyout, which is one thing that has hurt ISU in past coaching changes. My only problem with the whole situation is that they hired the wrong coach IMO. They needed someone to really rally the troops. Get some exciting up and down basketball in to really start bringing the crowd back. A coach who is interesting and exciting and good with the media. Instead they hired someone who runs boring ball. Someone that you know if going to turn off players (transfers) and fans and then you know you're looking at a multi-year rebuilding effort. I have no doubt Lick is a good coach and if he's around long enough, will have some winning teams. I just think that he was the complete opposite from who they should have hired.
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