Help! I'm Fat - *** Official Exercise and Weight Thread ***

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Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Aug 28, 2014
Please don’t promote quack science
I said the same thing about chiropractic until I had a shoulder pain that I couldn't even sleep with. No pain meds would help. Went to a chiropractor and felt better immediately. No issues since.


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2021
I said the same thing about chiropractic until I had a shoulder pain that I couldn't even sleep with. No pain meds would help. Went to a chiropractor and felt better immediately. No issues since.
That doesn’t change the science. Just go to someone with actual medical knowledge like a PT.

Glad you got the help though regardless of the source


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2009
For the first time in my life I'm 210... All my medium shirts are too small..

Trending in the wrong direction for sure.

Late night snacking and my new job has me sitting at my desk all day.. Any tips for snacking after 8?

Tomorrow i am going to block two recurring 15 minutes walk sessions a day. What else has helped people at work be more active?

well I can say joining my work's step challenge for the month has approximately doubled my avg daily steps, so do that, lol. Still not touching the people getting 30k a day but 15-17k isn't bad. Any calls where you can walk and listen, take outside and walk around the block. Have time between daycare dropoff and first meeting? Do a morning walk as your "commute", repeat in the evening. I have so much landscape work to do right now plus an out of commission spouse, I've been really firm about cutting off work at 4pmish (my client is east coast anyway) so I can get in some outdoor work + a walk before pickup.

High protein breakfast. Add more protein to dinner if you are actually feeling hungry at 8. Go to bed earlier if it's mostly sugar cravings. Body probably wants sleep and is seeking quick energy. This last one is kinda wild actually - I've been getting decent enough sleep lately and kids still have easter candy lying around that I'm not even tempted to grab. Last couple days I've been really sick and not sleeping well + solo parenting and all I wanted yesterday was sugary carbs. Even just recognizing that helped - oh, this is my body trying to help me. We are tired and want rest. We're going to have some of the key lime birthday pie with some milk and then get to bed early.

Something easier said than done is remove stress and stop getting older. Let me know if you find success there.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2009
And turns out it's impingement of the C-5 nerve. So, not working out right now with any weights.. No bike riding. Thankful for any night I can actually sleep. This is sort of sucking so far.

My PT thinks my shoulder pain is also nerve. Ruh roh. She's not a shoulder person though so she told me to get a shoulder PT and I've been putting it off.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2009
@MJ29 thanks for the tip on the high fibert tortillas - those have made a quick and tasty lunch wrap the past few weeks.
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Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Jan 24, 2007
Urbandale, IA
@MJ29 thanks for the tip on the high fibert tortillas - those have made a quick and tasty lunch wrap the past few weeks.
agreed. @MJ29 provided a great tip on that. I now use that with a chicken breast and some spinach/lettuce for a healthy lunch wrap. The tortillas taste decent too.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2013
Urbandale, IA
Love the messaging on the stretching. The older you get the more flexibility training becomes vital. The huge advantage of yoga over just stretching (still very valuable) is that it also can greatly help with balance. As people age the risk of slips and falls increases dramatically and improving/maintaining balance can avoid major injuries.

Only thing I want to say is to please do not promote trampoline workouts to people over 50, especially when they are dealing with old injuries. That’s just a recipe for people getting hurt and showing up in the ED. In order for a tramp workout to be cardio you really have to be “actively jumping” which is probably one of the most high risk exercises for an aging population.
Yeah, I make it routine to do an all body stretch for 30-45 seconds for each muscle/movement. It's basically yoga, just quicker form.

I'm not saying to do an intense trampoline workout like the trend that social media has been jumping on lately. I'm saying jumping on it with a child for 30 minutes does wonders. Lol, you do realize that trampolines are good for joints and muscles right? The springs literally reduce the impact that running doesn't do. And yes, I do know the impact that it can have on backs. This is where the stretching comes into play. I realize there is a difference in a 37 year old versus a 50 year old and the capabilities of what one can do.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 10, 2013
Dez Moy Nez
One thing I've noticed is that when I am craving snacks (usually when I get home from work), i'll drink water and my snack craving goes away. I really need to focus on drinking more water because I know I don't drink enough.
Drink enough of it and you crave it worse than snacks.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 5, 2006
well I can say joining my work's step challenge for the month has approximately doubled my avg daily steps, so do that, lol. Still not touching the people getting 30k a day but 15-17k isn't bad. Any calls where you can walk and listen, take outside and walk around the block. Have time between daycare dropoff and first meeting? Do a morning walk as your "commute", repeat in the evening. I have so much landscape work to do right now plus an out of commission spouse, I've been really firm about cutting off work at 4pmish (my client is east coast anyway) so I can get in some outdoor work + a walk before pickup.

High protein breakfast. Add more protein to dinner if you are actually feeling hungry at 8. Go to bed earlier if it's mostly sugar cravings. Body probably wants sleep and is seeking quick energy. This last one is kinda wild actually - I've been getting decent enough sleep lately and kids still have easter candy lying around that I'm not even tempted to grab. Last couple days I've been really sick and not sleeping well + solo parenting and all I wanted yesterday was sugary carbs. Even just recognizing that helped - oh, this is my body trying to help me. We are tired and want rest. We're going to have some of the key lime birthday pie with some milk and then get to bed early.

Something easier said than done is remove stress and stop getting older. Let me know if you find success there.
Good stuff here.

Random thoughts here...

I've got my step count consistently between 20 - 25k. This alone has been (in my opinion) one of the key drivers in losing 25lbs since Christmas.

That of course combined with periods of being in a slight caloric deficit (i.e. the only true way to "lose weight"), enabled by having a really good macro tracker tool - I use MacroFactor, and I am sure there are many others (and maybe many others better), but I have liked this app and have stuck with it.

Other small changes include swapping out sugar for 0 calorie sweeteners sometimes (gasp - the horror!). Thankfully, I tolerate Stevia, Monk Fruit, Erythritol, etc. pretty well. Everything of course in moderation, even moderation :)

I was eating huge amounts of organic natural plain peanut butter and EV olive oil previously - things that are generally healthy - but just way overdoing it, crushing my daily macros. I wouldn't have really realized this had I not started hyper-tracking every single thing that goes into my body. It was really annoying at first, but you get used to it, and by now I have sort of "memorized" the calories/macros of the things I eat consistently.

Eating more protein has helped. I am obsessed with mixing Ghost whey protein powder with Oikos Greek Yogurt Triple threat, post-workout. Ghost protein powder might not be the cleanest, but I tolerate it well and the flavors are freaking fantastic. If needed, I do this at night also to curb a craving.

Always open to new ideas, new recipes, new foods, new recommendations. For example, I had been cutting carbs quite a bit early in the year. Now I have added back in a bunch of carbs, I think it's helped my energy levels. I go through waves of higher fat and lower fat as well, as I am still experimenting with what I like, how different meal combinations make me feel, how 'regular' (or irregular) certain food days make me feel, etc. Oh, and gotta sneak in cheat days. Like, eat every single thing I can find days. I just try to walk a ****-ton on those days.


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2020
Good stuff here.

Random thoughts here...

I've got my step count consistently between 20 - 25k. This alone has been (in my opinion) one of the key drivers in losing 25lbs since Christmas.

That of course combined with periods of being in a slight caloric deficit (i.e. the only true way to "lose weight"), enabled by having a really good macro tracker tool - I use MacroFactor, and I am sure there are many others (and maybe many others better), but I have liked this app and have stuck with it.

Other small changes include swapping out sugar for 0 calorie sweeteners sometimes (gasp - the horror!). Thankfully, I tolerate Stevia, Monk Fruit, Erythritol, etc. pretty well. Everything of course in moderation, even moderation :)

I was eating huge amounts of organic natural plain peanut butter and EV olive oil previously - things that are generally healthy - but just way overdoing it, crushing my daily macros. I wouldn't have really realized this had I not started hyper-tracking every single thing that goes into my body. It was really annoying at first, but you get used to it, and by now I have sort of "memorized" the calories/macros of the things I eat consistently.

Eating more protein has helped. I am obsessed with mixing Ghost whey protein powder with Oikos Greek Yogurt Triple threat, post-workout. Ghost protein powder might not be the cleanest, but I tolerate it well and the flavors are freaking fantastic. If needed, I do this at night also to curb a craving.

Always open to new ideas, new recipes, new foods, new recommendations. For example, I had been cutting carbs quite a bit early in the year. Now I have added back in a bunch of carbs, I think it's helped my energy levels. I go through waves of higher fat and lower fat as well, as I am still experimenting with what I like, how different meal combinations make me feel, how 'regular' (or irregular) certain food days make me feel, etc. Oh, and gotta sneak in cheat days. Like, eat every single thing I can find days. I just try to walk a ****-ton on those days.

Walking is so underrated as a form of exercise.

I love the Ghost powders. I never thought of putting it in my yogurt. Noting that for my future self.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2022
Fasting is really the only way I can drop weight substantially. It's ok for a while but I get really low energy when I'm trying to work a physical job, starving and forcing myself to work out in the evenings.
I’ve done this too and struggled with it. For me, eating more foods that were higher in GOOD fat, kept my energy levels up. For example, I am doing carnivore and intermittent fasting, and don’t cut the fat off the pork/beef I eat


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2006
any tips on curbing sugar cravings? My son had a birthday party on Sunday with family and there was some leftover birthday cake sitting on the counter with no good place to put it out of sight. Eventually I caved and had a large piece in the afternoon which derailed my nutrition for the day.
I have found limiting availability of sugary treats. No reason to go cold turkey, but gradually stop buying or buy less frequently. Aka don't always have pop, ice cream, candy in house. Replace with healthy snack like nuts.

Most important is portion size! Instead of 16oz pop each day, drink 8oz.

I have also founding drinking water frequently during day helps with food cravings. Plain H2O, H2O with real lemon juice, H2O with ACV or non-flavored Carbonated H2O if I have a craving for pop.

Educate yourself on food. You can go down rabbit hole on internet/YouTube. It's a scared straight approach.

Not a fan of keto, carnivore, etc diets. I don't have the discipline and too many different mouths to feed with different tastes. But I do limit processed foods and fake sugars.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2011
Fasting is really the only way I can drop weight substantially. It's ok for a while but I get really low energy when I'm trying to work a physical job, starving and forcing myself to work out in the evenings.

When I get to a good clean eating routine I bake in some fasting by going at least 12 hours between dinner and breakfast.

If I over eat for a meal or whatever I'll fast much longer the next day since I'll feel full.

If I do start feeling hungry I'll just get bananas or something that has nutritional value and is filling.

I could never do the 16/8 rule or whatever for scheduled fasting; too much to keep track of and not every day is the same.


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2011
My PT thinks my shoulder pain is also nerve. Ruh roh. She's not a shoulder person though so she told me to get a shoulder PT and I've been putting it off.

I had issues with tennis elbow or similar about a year ago and was sent to OT instead of PT for it. Wasn't a nerve issue I don't think though.

I've battled sciatica over the course of the past few months and finally think I cracked the code to do more frequent/intense glute strengthening exercises.

It's all in the glutes.

Of course then I've had calf issues that have had a hard time healing up.

Getting old sucks.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 10, 2013
Dez Moy Nez
I’ve done this too and struggled with it. For me, eating more foods that were higher in GOOD fat, kept my energy levels up. For example, I am doing carnivore and intermittent fasting, and don’t cut the fat off the pork/beef I eat
Ya I don't either. My father told me since im active at my job a few carbs in the morning is ok and shouldn't really hurt my calorie burn. He was a certified weight trainer, so he's a good resource.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 10, 2013
Dez Moy Nez
When I get to a good clean eating routine I bake in some fasting by going at least 12 hours between dinner and breakfast.

If I over eat for a meal or whatever I'll fast much longer the next day since I'll feel full.

If I do start feeling hungry I'll just get bananas or something that has nutritional value and is filling.

I could never do the 16/8 rule or whatever for scheduled fasting; too much to keep track of and not every day is the same.
Ya I'm doing 8 pm to 12 pm fast. It's not terrible but I just feel bogged down.
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Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 5, 2006
Walking is so underrated as a form of exercise.

I love the Ghost powders. I never thought of putting it in my yogurt. Noting that for my future self.
Yeah, mix a serving of Oikos Triple Zero Vanilla (or Peach or any of them - or hell, any yogurt you like) with a serving of Ghost Marshmellow Cereal powder, with some slices of banana mixed in - I am addicted. Satisfies all sweet tooth cravings while getting a ton of protein.
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