Help! I'm Fat - *** Official Exercise and Weight Thread ***


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2009
I use LoseIt! to track. I paid for the premium (waited for a sale so it was $20/year) so I can see a bit more information, but the free version works fine as well.

My favorite fiber sources:
Carb Balance Mission burrito tortillas - 28 g fiber (I use them for burritos, wraps, and breakfast quesadillas)
Reduced sugar Ocean Spray cranberries - 10 g fiber in 1/4 c (I pair it with some almonds -- which also have fiber -- for a little snack)
Olipop soda - 9 g fiber in most cans. The grape and crisp apple are my faves, but the root beer isn't bad.
Popcorn - 3 g fiber per serving (which is about 2-2.5 c)
Raspberries - 8 g fiber per cup
Apples - 4-5 g fiber per
Chia seeds - 10 g in 1 tbsp (I add them to my overnight oats)
Oats - 4 g in 1/2 c

Those are some of my staples. Hope that helps!

We like the Mission tortillas, have to tell husband to go look for the carb balance variation, looks like a fantastic easy way to up fiber.
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Apr 10, 2013
Dez Moy Nez
From a strength training standpoint, are there some programs out there that can be done with dumbbells at home? I think a structured program would be an improvement but I don't want to invest heavily into a home gym setup or gym membership. I also don't have the time to go to a gym with three young kids.
You can get strong just with body weight too. Chris Heria is a good influencer online for that. Don't be intimidated by him, he teaches you how to work up to his level as well as what you're trying to get to.


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Mar 27, 2006
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I have lost about 35 lbs and work out almost every day. I am not overweight anymore and my doc says my HDL and LDL and are still messed up. Any tips on better Cholesterol levels? I have changed my diet as well.
Just bite the bullet and get on statins. Some of the most insanely fit people I know have high cholesterol due to their genetics. They take the meds and it works without really any side effects.
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SuperFanatic T2
Jan 24, 2007
Urbandale, IA
I use LoseIt! to track. I paid for the premium (waited for a sale so it was $20/year) so I can see a bit more information, but the free version works fine as well.

My favorite fiber sources:
Carb Balance Mission burrito tortillas - 28 g fiber (I use them for burritos, wraps, and breakfast quesadillas)
Reduced sugar Ocean Spray cranberries - 10 g fiber in 1/4 c (I pair it with some almonds -- which also have fiber -- for a little snack)
Olipop soda - 9 g fiber in most cans. The grape and crisp apple are my faves, but the root beer isn't bad.
Popcorn - 3 g fiber per serving (which is about 2-2.5 c)
Raspberries - 8 g fiber per cup
Apples - 4-5 g fiber per
Chia seeds - 10 g in 1 tbsp (I add them to my overnight oats)
Oats - 4 g in 1/2 c

Those are some of my staples. Hope that helps!
I will have to start utilizing the Carb Balance toritillas for tacos and chicken wraps. Maybe some breakfast burritos too.

I can also add the Rasberries into the Chobani zero sugar greek yogurt that I frequently have.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2021
You said you've changed your diet, but don't mention how. The obvious answer is limiting trans fats and eating more healthy fats (nuts, nut butters, avocado, etc.). Also, increasing fiber helps a lot of areas. Probably helps cholesterol too.
Btw trans fats were banned in 2018, there will still be some foods that contain them naturally but this isn’t that big of an issue unless your diet is really skewed.

Also for anyone reading it can be helpful if you are willing to post your lab numbers. Often if you are outside the ideal range your pcp will bring it up even if it is barely outside.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2021
I'm looking to get down to 210 (currently 236) by early August. 26 lbs in 4 months. It seems to me that it's a realistic amount to lose for the period of time, but just making sure that it's not some unrealistic/unsustainable goal.

I want to get down to 200 by the end of harvest and maintain around there for awhile before trying to go lower. I've been hovering between 230-240 for at least a decade so I think once I actually lose the weight I gained in the years I lived in Des Moines right after ISU, I'll be able to maintain it with the same lifestyle I have today (I haven't really gained weight in years, but never lose either).

I was 250 as a senior in HS and got down to 200 in about a 6 month period following my senior football season. Obviously I'm not going to lose weight as fast as I did back then, but I think losing half that amount in 4 months isn't crazy. When I actually make myself get on the scale once or twice a week, I absolutely eat less and tend to lose weight. I exercise a lot, but I f*ckin' love food (the post-work/pre-dinner munchies are my absolute death knell), so I know it's mostly going to come from being disciplined on my diet. The good news is that any time I've actually gotten my ass on the scale, I get results. It's just hard to make myself get on the scale once I backslide for a period of time.
So that’s a little agressive. You usually want to shoot for a pound a week at most. That’s being in a calorie deficit of 500kcals a day. Also and I’m sure you know this (but in case someone reading doesn’t) if you aren’t willing to stick to those changes that cause the weight loss and make them permanent you are just going to end up gaining more weight then you lost.


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Mar 27, 2006
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So that’s a little agressive. You usually want to shoot for a pound a week at most. That’s being in a calorie deficit of 500kcals a day. Also and I’m sure you know this (but in case someone reading doesn’t) if you aren’t willing to stick to those changes that cause the weight loss and make them permanent you are just going to end up gaining more weight then you lost.
That's why I don't want to do anything crazy. It needs to be sustainable.

I've maintained weight for a long time, so I think I'm ok with maintenance and not gaining. My struggle has always been sticking to the discipline to go calorie deficient for a long enough period of time to lose meaningful weight.

I've had success in the past using MyFitnessPal to track my intake and outtake in order to hit a deficit. I'll get too comfortable losing 5-10 lbs in a couple of weeks, and then just stop tracking and slowly creep back up. What I'm really shooting for is making that tracking a true daily habit, not just something I do when a shirt gets tight on me.


Rec Center HOF
SuperFanatic T2
Jun 10, 2009
Just bite the bullet and get on statins. Some of the most insanely fit people I know have high cholesterol due to their genetics. They take the meds and it works without really any side effects.
Statins don’t help increase the good cholesterol though, which is part of the problem here.


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2021
I have lost about 35 lbs and work out almost every day. I am not overweight anymore and my doc says my HDL and LDL and are still messed up. Any tips on better Cholesterol levels? I have changed my diet as well.
Main thing I focus on in blood work is triglycerides/HDL ratio. A high ratio is a surrogate marker for insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. Goal is trigs/HDL ratio in the 1.0x to 1.5x range. For example, trigs of 90 and HDL of 60 = good trigs/HDL ratio of 1.5x. My trigs used to be in 200s, HDL in mid-20s, for trigs/HDL ratio of 8x+, bad. Trigs will go high from eating high carb diet. Eating low carb will lower trigs and raise HDL
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SuperFanatic T2
Jan 24, 2007
Urbandale, IA
I had a little bit of a setback exercise-wise. I was doing some walking lunges and felt a pop in my upper thigh, right below my hip. This followed with a sharp pain. I wasn't able to do any more lunges on that side (even with just body weight). Planning on taking a couple weeks off from lunges and hopefully that will be enough recovery. I can still do squats so I plan to do those to make sure I maintain some strength while still resting the injury a bit. I'm not sure if I should set up a PT appointment just in case.
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Well-Known Member
May 26, 2008
Parts Unknown
I had a little bit of a setback exercise-wise. I was doing some walking lunges and felt a pop in my upper thigh, right below my hip. This followed with a sharp pain. I wasn't able to do any more lunges on that side (even with just body weight). Planning on taking a couple weeks off from lunges and hopefully that will be enough recovery. I can still do squats so I plan to do those to make sure I maintain some strength while still resting the injury a bit. I'm not sure if I should set up a PT appointment just in case.

Not a doctor, but a pop would probably send me to one.


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2008
Parts Unknown
Tried out a new pair of zero drop running shoes.

I can only describe the experience as "different".

The lack if a drop really forces a mid foot strike. Not bad as that's where I tend to be.

But the lack of any drop made the shoes feel incomplete. Like they forgot to add the heel.


Ducky was the best dog.
Jul 7, 2012
Somewhere in the Minneapolis Area
I revised exercise regime back in January. Going from 6 days of cardio to 3 days cardio & 3 days weight lifting.

I picked up 6 lbs over that time frame and have been eating like crazy so I was concerned the weight gain was more than just muscle.

But yesterday I dropped an 1" on my pants waist size. Needless to say, I was pleased. I've dropped 8" total off of waist size since COVID.


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2021
Here is an excellent interview of a smart Canadian doc on the topic of human nutrition. 2 hours. Could change your life.


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2008
Statins don’t help increase the good cholesterol though, which is part of the problem here.
Eggs have helped my HDL, I believe. I’ve been eating a bunch of them the last 6-8 months for other reasons but I had my first good HDL result that I can remember in my adult life the other day.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 31, 2006
Ok. I’m jumping in. I’m 6’3, 230 and 43 years old. I was 155 until I gained about 30 pounds in my late 20s which was good weight. Stayed right around 190 until my late 30s when I gained another 30-40.

I’d like to get back to around 210 though the amount of weight isn’t as important as feeling and looking better. Basically lose the gut and have more energy. I was thinking of getting back into jogging but I don’t know where to start exactly on toning up the mid section. Crunches seem obvious but there’s probably some other good exercises that might be better on the back. I don’t generally have back problems but crunches eventually always cause some back issues for me.

I’m pretty well completely clueless on this stuff so any advice, links, YouTube videos would be much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Mount Vernon, WA
After??? What about during?
Yes, during too. There is a ton of scientific literature indicating that about 80% of your cardio should be low intensity steady state (LISS) meaning roughly that you should be able to carry a conversation in short sentences throughout. If you're working so hard that you can't give more than a single word response, that's too hard for the majority of workouts. You only need to be in that intensity range for about 20% of your training to make maximal improvements in fitness levels. So if you work out 5 days a week, do 4 days easy and one day hard.

Doing that over time, you'll find that you gradually need to increase the intensity to reach that "short sentence" and "single word response" level. But you can keep that rough intensity guideline regardless of activity or fitness level. And it's good to switch up the activity - walking, elliptical, rower, biking, aerobics video, hiking, etc. - just to keep from getting bored.
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Sep 14, 2009
Thought I'd bump the thread with some inspirational humor.

In real life I think I should be taking a week or so off. Something musculoskeletal is making my thumb and fingers slightly numb, Right shoulder and neck are sort of wound up as is right rotator cuff.

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