2017 Stock Prediction

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Active Member
Nov 3, 2015
There are tabs on that link that you can change the time period with, it doesn't save ytd when I posted it, but if you click YTD tab it shows the last 11 months. UA started the year at 26 and is now trading at about 12. (26-12)/26= 53% means its down 53% on the year.

Thanks for your help on that. It makes sense now.

Is there any website that you now of that offers advice on what to do in this situation or should I just wait for Chris to reply.

I saw Chris was happy that UA was going down, but I can't figure out how that helps my situation unless I somehow have the option to sell it back at what I paid for it if it drops to a certain level.


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2011
Thanks for your help on that. It makes sense now.

Is there any website that you now of that offers advice on what to do in this situation or should I just wait for Chris to reply.

I saw Chris was happy that UA was going down, but I can't figure out how that helps my situation unless I somehow have the option to sell it back at what I paid for it if it drops to a certain level.
I'm not a financial professional by any means, but I think Chris is probably a value investor(meaning he looks for stocks that he perceives to be unvervalued) and also a buy and hold investor(buys and holds for the long term). Chris believes that he can buy cheaply and that it will bounce back to where he perceives it's proper value to be(higher than 12 dollars in his opinion). I would just hold if I were you.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Thanks for your help on that. It makes sense now.

Is there any website that you now of that offers advice on what to do in this situation or should I just wait for Chris to reply.

I saw Chris was happy that UA was going down, but I can't figure out how that helps my situation unless I somehow have the option to sell it back at what I paid for it if it drops to a certain level.

Chris was probably happy because he wants to double down on it. I wouldn’t do that. I would hold but the bad thing about UA type of companies is that no one is going to come in and buy it until it’s close to zero. I would hold it and hope they start selling in Target and Wal-Mart and hope for the best.


Active Member
Nov 3, 2015
Definitely feels like trolling. No way I'm listening to CW make stock picks;)

I'm wishing I didn't listen to him at this point.

His #1 pick for the year seems to be the worst stock out of 500.

The odds of that seem astronomical or at least 1 in 500.

I suppose that 1 of the 500 had to be the worst, but I can't believe that someone who appears to have done his homework could be that wrong.

In looking back at his initial post, it was at 29 and he said that in 10 years he thought it would be trading consistently in the 50's or 60's.

I guess I got caught up in trying to double my money on one stock in 10 years. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Is there some sort of historical benchmark of what you can expect to make in 10 years on a stock or the entire market?


Active Member
Nov 3, 2015
It looks like the average annual return on the S&P is 10% over the last 90 years or so.

So, Chris Williams' long play was to buy an individual stock that he hopes might under perform the 90 year average??

I'm talking to my buddy about all of this over beers and he's telling me that Chris might not have a clue about what he's doing

He said there's an index fund you can buy that takes in all of the stocks and takes the risk out of buying just one.

I think I just got a $6,000 lesson on the stock market.

I don't think I can sell UA, now, though. Should I sell it or keep it?


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2010
Durango, CO
Chris---I just saw an article that Under Armour is the worst performing stock out of the entire S&P 500 this year. I assume the 500 part means there are 500 companies, but am not sure about that.

It's down 55% or so for the year.

Are you still all in on this?

When I saw your initial post, I thought what the heck and put about $10k in which is half of the IRA I inherited from my grandpa. You've said in the past that you're super into finances, so I took a chance on your research and insight.

I'm just wondering what I should be doing at this point. That $10k is now about $4k.

Do I hold it, buy more?

I saw in a follow up post that you were hoping that it would keep dropping.

Is this a good thing and I don't understand?

Is there a way to find out what all those stocks combined are up vs Under Armour?

I found it. It looks like the S&P (I assume this

If I'm reading this thing right, you've made 10% profit in about 2 weeks.


How much Under Armour do you have?

It says 21.51 on that link.

Is that not the year to date?

What #'s should I be looking at to find the year to date.

Maybe I'm not even understanding the Under Armor thing right and it's not down that much.

Thanks for your help on that. It makes sense now.

Is there any website that you now of that offers advice on what to do in this situation or should I just wait for Chris to reply.

I saw Chris was happy that UA was going down, but I can't figure out how that helps my situation unless I somehow have the option to sell it back at what I paid for it if it drops to a certain level.

I'm wishing I didn't listen to him at this point.

His #1 pick for the year seems to be the worst stock out of 500.

The odds of that seem astronomical or at least 1 in 500.

I suppose that 1 of the 500 had to be the worst, but I can't believe that someone who appears to have done his homework could be that wrong.

In looking back at his initial post, it was at 29 and he said that in 10 years he thought it would be trading consistently in the 50's or 60's.

I guess I got caught up in trying to double my money on one stock in 10 years. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Is there some sort of historical benchmark of what you can expect to make in 10 years on a stock or the entire market?

It looks like the average annual return on the S&P is 10% over the last 90 years or so.

So, Chris Williams' long play was to buy an individual stock that he hopes might under perform the 90 year average??

I'm talking to my buddy about all of this over beers and he's telling me that Chris might not have a clue about what he's doing

He said there's an index fund you can buy that takes in all of the stocks and takes the risk out of buying just one.

I think I just got a $6,000 lesson on the stock market.

I don't think I can sell UA, now, though. Should I sell it or keep it?

Cough - ******** - Cough
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Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Dec 13, 2013
It looks like the average annual return on the S&P is 10% over the last 90 years or so.

So, Chris Williams' long play was to buy an individual stock that he hopes might under perform the 90 year average??

I'm talking to my buddy about all of this over beers and he's telling me that Chris might not have a clue about what he's doing

He said there's an index fund you can buy that takes in all of the stocks and takes the risk out of buying just one.

I think I just got a $6,000 lesson on the stock market.

I don't think I can sell UA, now, though. Should I sell it or keep it?

Please don’t take this as an insult, but I just read the last page of this topic, which is mostly 3 or 4 comments by you; from these comments I can tell that you are not ready to be picking individual stocks.

The best tip I can give you is find a low fee index fund and invest it there for now. In the mean time you can keep learning/studying about the market, if you have the interest to do so. Otherwise just stick to low fee index funds as I mentioned before.


Active Member
Nov 3, 2015
Please don’t take this as an insult, but I just read the last page of this topic, which is mostly 3 or 4 comments by you; from these comments I can tell that you are not ready to be picking individual stocks.

The best tip I can give you is find a low fee index fund and invest it there for now. In the mean time you can keep learning/studying about the market, if you have the interest to do so. Otherwise just stick to low fee index funds as I mentioned before.

Yeah, I know that for sure.

I was listening to Chris Williams because he made it sound like he was really into this kind of stuff and had done his homework.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Dec 13, 2013
Yeah, I know that for sure.

I was listening to Chris Williams because he made it sound like he was really into this kind of stuff and had done his homework.

He might have. Just because the stock is doing poorly this year doesn’t mean the long term is not promising. Now, I am not sure if that’s the case with UA. I haven’t looked into this stock, so I can’t really comment on it.

Also, don’t ever invest on something because somebody said it is a good investment. Always double check, and make sure it fits your investments strategy and personality.


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2013
Not of this World
I'm pretty sure that

If that's not trolling, then:
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Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
Yeah, I know that for sure.

I was listening to Chris Williams because he made it sound like he was really into this kind of stuff and had done his homework.
Why in the f#@# would you listen to Chris Williams? Seems like a decent enough guy, but not exactly a guy full of a lot of insight.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2010
Been a pretty bad year for CF stock picking. That and Hedge Fund managers. A lot are closing up shop.


Active Member
Nov 3, 2015
Well, I admittedly don't know much about the stock market.

Chris has said in the past that he's super into finances and that it's actually a hobby of his.

He's obviously done some homework on UA or why else would he post about it in an thread on the stock market?

I trust his judgment on all sorts of stuff, so I assumed if he's into it, that he at least somewhat knows what he's talking about.

After talking to some friends and having them read his post on UA, they were able to explain to me that what he posted was one of the dumber things they've ever seen regarding finance/stocks/investments. They said that nearly everything in his post was contrary to something someone super into finances would say.

Anyway, I'm down about $6k of my $10k, but it could still go way up. They told me there's no reason to sell it at this point.


Active Member
Nov 3, 2015
He also has a "Lock" segment on KXNO you might want to check out.

Regarding stock picks or sports?

I think I'm done with his stock picks unless he can explain what he was thinking.

If it's sports picks, is he good with them? I'm up $85 this year on football.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
Go big or go home. All in on Yamana Gold. Can’t go wrong with gold right?


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2010
Find a professional who doesn't receive any commissions because those guys would love you. That is the only advice I can give now.