“Frick” Santa Claus


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
May 25, 2012
Rural U.S.A.
I can’t be the only one who feels this way. I feel like we lie to our kids about Santa for no good reason. Why do we need to invent for kids a magical figure who watches their every move all year long and brings them presents on Christmas? Why can’t we as parents just take credit for the gifts we bought? Why not make the Christmas present tradition be about the spirit of giving?

It isn't about you getting credit for the gifts you bought. Little kids love Santa. Just enjoy it while they are young enough to still believe in Santa.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
May 25, 2012
Rural U.S.A.
when you have a 3 year old in who won’t sleep and is in tears worrying about someone that we don’t know coming into the house in the middle of the night, you re-evaluate what’s important. Santa isn’t important enough to give any of my kids anxiety about it. The others were collateral damage.

Your three year old has anxiety? Or is it your anxiety? Three year olds cry a lot you know.


Staff member
Apr 10, 2006
I think that’s something that you can use your common sense on and don’t need to be told by someone. Of course everyone will have a different line, but most people know a large gift when they see one

It really seems like you’re just being obtuse
It’s a matter of perspective. It’s not obtuse to ask questions. This all seems very personal for some of you which is fine, but that comes from experience and a different perspective. I accept that and welcome conversation without insult. I had friends growing up who got more from Santa than I did. I’m sure I was jealous a bit but then again I’m sure I did better than others who get the same. How about families who don’t celebrate Christmas at all? Their kids have thoughts about those who get opportunities they didn’t as well.


Aug 21, 2012
that island napoleon got sent to
The joy and hopefulness of Santa and presents far out weights any issues of a child finding out their parents to it.

St Nick Was a real person. We carry on his traditions as parents.

don’t try and take away the good in this world.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2018
Otsego, MN
When our boys were old enough to ask if Santa was real, our response was always “I believe”. When they found out Santa was us, they remembered we never said Santa was a real person - just that we believed.

Our oldest was 3 or 4 when he told us his grandparents gave better Christmas presents than Santa.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2012
On Wisconsin
It’s a matter of perspective. It’s not obtuse to ask questions. This all seems very personal for some of you which is fine, but that comes from experience and a different perspective. I accept that and welcome conversation without insult. I had friends growing up who got more from Santa than I did. I’m sure I was jealous a bit but then again I’m sure I did better than others who get the same. How about families who don’t celebrate Christmas at all? Their kids have thoughts about those who get opportunities they didn’t as well.
Actually that is what obtuse is. It just depends on why you’re asking the question. And the reason I think you’re being obtuse is because I don’t think you’re asking because you genuinely want to know where I think the line is. It seems more like you’re doing it to nitpick
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Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2012
Your three year old has anxiety? Or is it your anxiety? Three year olds cry a lot you know.

No ****. It’s not my first rodeo. He is 8 now and we are still working through his social anxiety. The rest of my kids probably would have been fine with Santa, but it’s not worth it.

Questioning our parenting decisions when you don’t know me in the slightest is ********. I have not done that to anyone, I just pointed out what worked for us in case anyone else was in the same boat.
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Well Seen Member.
SuperFanatic T2
Sep 4, 2011
Not exactly sure.
For those talking about kids wondering why Santa gave more to one kid than them, that’s kinda a basic part of life. I had a grandma who did this. I literally got dress socks when my cousins got bikes.

My folks were depression era raised so I routinely got less gifts and basically needs when classmates received far more. You learned that not everything is equal.

Later on I could buy myself a car from raising hogs for a job when my classmates had to bum rides since they had a lot of crap but no money. Life flipped.


Active Member
Nov 4, 2014
From Article:

"For example, children raised in religious households are less able to distinguish fantasy from reality."

I was waiting for a line like this, I can't believe CF hasn't switched this into a religion topic yet.

That statement is a ridiculous conclusion from the study that was done. Not blaming you, but the physicist that wrote the post you are pulling that from.

"less able to distinguish fantasy from reality" is concluded by giving kindergartners statements like:

"This is Moses. Moses was leading his people from their enemies, when they reached the sea. Moses had a magic staff and he used it. He waved his staff and the sea parted into two, and Moses and his people escaped through the dry land in the middle."

...and noticing that children that say they attend church regularly or go to a parochial school are more likely to say the "Moses" in this statement was real. The experimenters categorize this as "fantastical".

The paper also has issues with confusing lack of evidence of a difference with evidence of a lack of a difference (and they don't even give p values for the lack of evidence results, they just say it was insignificant!!!).
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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2011
If your worried about disappointing your childs expectations or hurting their feelings, you better make damn sure not to let them be cyclone fans then.

To this day if I get ISU gear for gifts, it's fine but I then have to dread wearing it the week after a weird loss or something and someone going 'I like Iowa State--what happened last weekend?'.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Aug 23, 2012
To this day if I get ISU gear for gifts, it's fine but I then have to dread wearing it the week after a weird loss or something and someone going 'I like Iowa State--what happened last weekend?'.
Well that’s why you need a black I State shirt like I got for Christmas that says “Trust the Process”. Works in any situation!!


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