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  1. LivntheCyLife

    2026 College Football Playoffs negotiations

    The college football playoff negotiations seem critical to all the current and future realignment. But I haven't seen a lot of details about it. I know there is no TV contract in place after 2026, but is there anything in place? Some places I've read it seems like it is just a free for all...
  2. LivntheCyLife

    Audio for games

    I was looking at and didn't see it, is there a way to get audio broadcasts for the games this year?
  3. LivntheCyLife

    "If I get drafted, (Hoiberg)’s the reason it happened"

    Hadn't seen this posted yet. Nice comments about how prepared Clyburn felt for NBA workouts.
  4. LivntheCyLife

    BCS/playoff voting

    Who has to vote or agree to a change to the BCS or to start a playoff? I know originally the BCS was made up of the 6 BCS conferences and Notre Dame. Now, the rest of FBS is involved but conference champions don't get automatic bids. Would the playoff be a new entity or a continuation of...
  5. LivntheCyLife

    Big XII defenses look small

    Anybody else think the Big XII's focus on getting faster to stop the spread has left them undersized? There have been some huge rushing numbers put up against Big XII teams this bowl season. I think the Big XII is ripe for the picking for teams with a power rushing attack.
  6. LivntheCyLife

    Will UT, OU, and Iowa be on the same rotation?

    With the 2011 schedule set to be released soon and a likely 9 game conference schedule, I was wondering if anybody knows anything or has any predictions about how the home and away schedule will line up? If the current schedule is continued, Iowa State will always be home or always away to all...
  7. LivntheCyLife

    Postgame Call-In Show

    Is there any way to listen to Chris's KXNO show after it's aired?
  8. LivntheCyLife

    1 ticket for Mizzou FB game

    I need a single for the game this Saturday. Planning to try to just pick one up before the game but thought I'd try here first.
  9. LivntheCyLife

    What's the plan for Cy?

    I know Pollard said Cy isn't going anywhere, but what exactly does that mean? Is there any chance his colors will be updated to be less ketchup and mustard? Also, will he continue to have the old word mark across his chest? I also think it's a good idea to go with the new word mark as our...
  10. LivntheCyLife

    How many tickets will be available Aug. 1st?

    Has anybody heard how many single game tickets will be available August 1st? It seems to me it's going to get a little tricky trying to balance how many more season tickets to hold back versus how many single game tickets to sell now. I'm just curious to see as a gauge of how many season...
  11. LivntheCyLife

    Steve Alford calls press conference...

    To announce that he is not interested in the recent men's basketball coach job opening at Iowa.
  12. LivntheCyLife

    Trivia question

    I was looking over some of the past seasons' records and here's a trivia question I bet you could win some money on: Between Johnny Orr, Tim Floyd, Larry Eustachy and Wayne Morgan, who had the best conference record his final season at Iowa State?