***Official Insider Information Weekly Mailbag 01/22/2020***

Thoughts on this week's mailbag

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Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
First and foremost, a few links:
Our official question submissions thread: https://cyclonefanatic.com/forum/th...n-weekly-mailbag-questions-submission.251174/

Link to last five mailbags (if bored and need some reading material):

Insider Information Weekly Mailbag 01-22-2020
With special guest CoachHines3!
Sponsored by JuicyCloneNutz. JuicyCloneNutz - an explosion of flavor in your mouth!

@CycloneRulzz asks: Damn one just came to me. Why is it we can get a countdown clock for stupid fake tough UCF douches but not our Iowa State teams?
the closest i come to watchin ufc is watching paige vanzants instagram page. so if i could get a countdown clock for every time she is going to post a new photo that would be great. as for us iowa state fans we just need a countdown clock counting down the time until we need to strap up our nutty cups.
Pants: Is UFC still a thing?
CoachHines3: for a split sec i thought he was asking a question on UCF. they are also stupid and fake tough.
GTO: he did type UCF, but I corrected it to UFC. On second thought, back to UCF.
GTO: Because ESPN+ has got us by the CloneCones. Just wait until they get the countdown clock for the 2020 Tetris World Championships on there. But seriously. WORLD championships is a bit of a stretch. I can’t imagine more than 2 kids in Bhutan are training for that Tetris competition.

@GTO asks: For next week, since I missed cutoff: Would you rather be able to see 5 minutes into your future (but lose a year of your life every time you do it) or gain 10 years of life every time you want (but a random stranger would die every time you get an additional ten years and you have to attend that person's wake/funeral)?
Honestly, neither. But since I have to pick, the former. I’d just choose to never use it. I’m assuming you still don’t know when you die? So I could be like “man, this is an intense Iowa State game, I’m just going to zip ahead and quick and see if we win” and then immediately die because your death date was within the next year.
GTO: I think a good look at 10-15 minutes into the future at a Vegas casino roulette table would be nice to get rich AF. What’s 2-3 years of life worth? The second scenario would be great if you got a guarantee that it would always be people 80 or older. I’ll go with scenario 1.
CoachHines3: give me the latter. look, if they r a random stranger no harm no foul. ill attend the wake and sign the guest book thanking them for putting 10 years on to my life. that alone will put mr random strangers fam bam in a good mood knowing that coach h gets 10 more years. i know most want me to live forever, but i’d only want like 30 years extra so i can sacrifice my time to attend 3 funerals.

@BCClone trying to learn the appropriate swinger etiquette: Exactly how does one start a key party club? Do you have a get together, ply the other couples with alcohol or roofies and then they agree to it? Also, do you hear cries of disappointment from that woman when you pick the keys out.
I don’t know how to get one started, but my move would be to take all the remaining keys and see how many of the ladies follow me. Worth a shot.
CoachHines3: you can usually find a very nice looking couple(s) on the craigslist who are always willing.. not sure they are able but if they can lay there im game. most women mark their keys in hopes of coach h picking theirs.
Pants: I think the thing with roofies is that they can’t consent. This ain’t the 70s anymore though! There’s clubs specifically for that sort of thing. If you make friends at that club, you could do your own key party afterward with willing participants. That said, if someone cries picking up your keys 1. I think consent just ended and 2. You’ve got a lot of confidence going to one of those parties in the first place. That said, I’m a generous lover, so that would never happen with me.
CoachHines3: trust me he is a generous lover
GTO: that reminds me that someone came to talk to me about some shortage and I thought to myself: “if you got a shortage it was not from me, I always give an overage” Avoided an HR trip by keeping that to myself. Plus, it is also not true. Well, back to work on fixing that shortage.
Pants: After last week’s mailbag, my amazon account started suggesting pocket pussies to me, so I’m anxious to see what this week’s mailbag will do.

@Cyched asks: Will the all star lineup include @bannedman?
bannedman is just a poor mans coach h. with that being said im just a guest and would enjoy his banter.
Pants: I’m pushing hard to get Bannedman in board.
GTO: we have not started negotiations, but he is on our list of prospective guests. Probably somewhere between CW and BDK. BTW, is bannedman the poster formerly named internetman? Who was he before that?
Pants: I believe he was iamairbhg or whatever it was.
GTO: wasn’t he a Hawkeye? Or am I thinking of antiairbhg?
Pants: One was the Hawk, one was trolling the Hawk. Can’t remember which was which. @bannedman can probably clear it up.

@SCyclone trying to get us moved to the cave: If you could throw a wild-card into the Democratic debates, who would it be?
I will be running for political office in the fairly near future, but I’m assuming you’re talking about 2020. I’ll go serious though, and say throw in Van Jones. He’s incredibly well spoken, intelligent and leans pretty far left on some things and pretty moderate on others. I think he could add a real value to the conversation. (Though he’s said he’ll never run for office.)
GTO: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
CoachHines3: i dont do politics so for the sake of being funny i am saying myself. and im only there to throw out 1 line insults.
“Stop it bernie, or i will set you on fire”
“This is my crystal ball wait here.. Know what I see.. Old lady.. After the debate.. SHOT TO THE HEAD!!”
“After this debate, alphabetical order, mass murder”
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Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
@Cyched with one of his usual mind*****: Why does round pizza come in a square box?
the obvious answer would be to protect the pizza from any damage since the corners probably perform better in a crush test than rounded edges. The other advantage would be that it leaves the corners open so that you can place packets of crushed red peppers or parmesan.
CoachHines3: cyched do you even care about our environment. square boxes are easier to make and use less resources than round boxes. and before you ask “WhY IsNt PizZa SqUaRre iF thE bOX iS sQUare?” .. its because the dough is easy to spread into a circle. you kno nothing about pizza and are here by banned from eating it.
Pants: I just want to note, I watched Hines write this in real time on the Google Doc form and cracked up the whole time.
CoachHines3: can you believe this cyched guy, jeesh.
Pants: Wow, looks like this elitist has never eaten Little Caesar’s before.
GTO: I’ll eat Little Ceasar’s from time to time, but it is dangerous because sometimes you may start eating the box underneath and not be able to tell the difference.
Pants: I remember a time when they served pizza with like, bacon instead of dough or some **** like that.

@Cyched strikes again: If you’re bald, what hair color do they put on your driver’s license?
color of pubes. …. NEXT.
Pants: Eyebrow color. Come on Cyched, this one was weak.
GTO: I will go with both eyebrows and pubes. Need to confirm that the carpet matches the drapes, in case they color their eyebrows.

@Cyched now trying to become the president of the hair club for men: Do bald people get dandruff?
Yeah, why wouldn’t they? Dandruff is dry scalp, not dry hair. Also, are you getting concerned about your follicle condition with these questions?
GTO: a better question would be if they get head lice.
CoachHines3: really getting a vibe here that cyched is either in love with bald people or is a bald person themselves and is self conscious. my question to you, do you use bar soap or shampoo on that head of urs (assuming your bald)

@Sigmapolis asks: What are you top five movie sequels of all-time and briefly why?
Aliens - bigger, badder, better. Multiple xenomorphs > one xenomorph. Terminator 2 - took the best character in the original and made him a good guy. The Empire Strikes Back - the battle in Hoth, AT-AT walkers, and the big reveal at the end were worth the price of admission. Dawn of the Dead - seeing the zombie apocalypse go global made it a lot more interesting than Night of the Living Dead. Mad Max Fury Road - pure rock ‘n roll on film.
CoachHines3: Naked Gun 2 ½. Leslie Nielsen is an all-timer. This type of humor is fantastic. I quote these movies all of the time. Rocky IV- the best one. Just an exciting moving and one of those that if its on, im usually watching it. Christmas Vacation for reasons that dont need mentioned. The best one out of the series. 1) Christmas 2) Vegas 3) Original 4) Europe. I will say, the most recent one with Ed Helms was actually decent. Avengers: Endgame. I’ve never been to a movie theater at 9AM on Saturday before but this movie made me do that. I’ve loved the story lines of all the characters and thought this movie was directed very well. Mad Max: Fury Road- the visual effects of this movie were awesome.
Pants: This is going to be one of those questions I answer in pieces throughout the day as I think about it. But you also didn’t say the sequel had to be better than the original, just a favorite. I’m also assuming Kill Bill Volume 2 doesn’t count, as it was more a continuation.
-Feast 2 and 3. I thought the original was a decent low budget horror flick, kind of reminiscent of a feel as Evil Dead. Then the sequels went full on camp, which was fun in a different way. Also introduced me to Chainsaw Chelsea. I’m not normally a fan tattoos on women, and she’s covered with them, but still a total babe. Don’t google her at work, though. DEFINITELY not safe for work. I think she did a Suicide Girls shoot at some point.
-Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness. Same kind of reasoning as before. I think I’m one of the few people that likes Evil Dead 2 the least of the trilogy (though they’re all great.)
-Gremlins 2, though I’ll openly admit I just love Gremlins and not necessarily that Gremlins 2 is actually good.
-Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey. I think this might be more nostalgia than anything else. Excellent Adventure is definitely the better movie of the two, though.
-This is from last week as well, but Ghostbusters 2. I don’t know if it’s. Enter than the original, but I’ve got more memorable moments from it.

@CloniesForLife asks: What new show should I start? I have access to Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime.
i only have netflix and you seem like the stalker type with “cloniesforlife” so you should watch “You”. on a more serious note, The Kominsky Method is really good on Netflix, too.
Pants: Hulu: The Good Place, Letterkenny. Netflix: Schitt’s Creek, The Witcher, Umbrella Academy, The Haunting of Hill House, Daybreak was a fun mindless watch with a great soundtrack.
CoachHines3: haunting of hill house was really good. most horror things tend to be terrible but that was actually a show that spooked me and kept me engaged. i hear they are coming back with a 2nd season.
Pants: Second season has been confirmed and I think is filming. It’s kind of like American Horror Story, where the season will be in the same universe with a few similar actors, but will be a different family/story.
GTO: Have you watched Jack Ryan? Second season was not as good as the first one, but still a good show. How about The Expanse Season 3? I haven’t gotten around to watching it yet, but did watch seasons 1 and 2.

@Angie jumping in: What is your favorite brand of basketball?
Also, what are your thoughts on changing up our spread small ball style? Do you think we should swing to centering more around the bigs, or should we stick with what we know?
All offense all the time. Probably why Hoiball struck such a chord with me. I think overall we need to stay small ball. It’s what’s worked in the past. There are times where you have to make adjustments like against KU, Iowa, or WVU, but you’ve got to try to force them to make the adjustment first.
GTO: I grew up playing with a Molten basketball and I thought they were great (no, not melted. Molten the brand). I say clog up the lane with Young and Conditt. We may not become the best offensively (which we aren’t right now anyway), but at least we would be better defensively in the post.
CoachHines3: i am all for small ball and runnin’ n gunnin’ if that is what your DNA is made up to do. but you look at kansas or even iowa this year with their bigs. they are your typical bigs, back to the basket type players and they have success and they still jack up 3s. it would be nice to have a mix of a little both and not rely one or the other. its been awhile since iowa state had that traditional back to the basket big.
GTO: @CoachHines3 - what about brand of basketball? You strike me as a Wilson kind of guy, but I don’t want to assume.
CoachHines3: ah, my b.. I didn’t see that portion of the question. more of a Wilson guy with my golf balls. those bright ass orange ones from walmart.. MaGregors maybe? possibly Baden brand?


Minister of Economy
SuperFanatic T2
Aug 10, 2011
Not one mention of The Godfather -- Part II above.

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Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
@GTO asks: Question: should we form a co-ed basketball team to try to get some better 3-pt shooters from the women's team?
Probably just need to get rid of basketball. We’re a cross country school.
CoachHines3: why dont we just try to get the ncaa to go to 6 on 6. maybe we can score easier if there are only 3 defenders rather than 5 (or 8 if we count the zebras hah amirite?!)
GTO: With the way our men’s team has been playing, I’m afraid the best lineup might end up being: Haliburton, Espenmiller-McGraw, Wise, Joens, and Scott.

@SCyclone asks: Why do some upscale men's stores sell socks on little hangers? Do guys really have little sock closets?
i have never been to an upscale mens store unless you count goodwill as upscale. i fold my dress socks neatly and just throw my every day kankle socks in my drawer.
GTO: No, I remove the socks from the little hangers and then re-use those hangers for my vested stuffed mice collection. THEY have a tiny closet to keep all their pants, vests, and running shoes. @Angie can appreciate this.
Pants: I hang all of my socks. When you ball them up, they stretch out the elasticity of the band.
GTO: I’m a balla (of socks). Shot calla (at the bar). 20-inch blades on the Impala (or my Subaru Outback)...

@CoachHines3 asked: is jackie moon the greatest power forward of all time?
He is the greatest semi-pro power forward of all time. However, if he ever made it to the big leagues he would be the greatest 10th man in the history of the sport. Which begs the question: is the player that finishes 2nd in the 6th man of the year award actually just the 7th man of the year?
CoachHines3: if this is how it works i won 15th man of the year on my jv team.
Pants: Can we have Prohm right a bear at halftime?
GTO: Did you mean fight a bear? Or is the bear laying down and he has to attempt to stand it up? I’ll be honest, I’d watch either one.
Pants: I stand by my autocorrect mishap.
CoachHines3: well since this is my own question the answer is clearly yes. when has lebron given away free corn dogs to every one in attendance…. Answer: never. id also put him in consideration for greatest gm of all time. tell me, do you know of anyone who has traded for a top pg for a washing machine? ya u cant.

@Angie getting all nostalgic: Describe the best summer you ever had.
I feel like we only measure summers during school? Or I guess if maybe you have kids? But I grew up dirt poor, so summer was nothing more than my chance to essentially work 40 hours per week to try to save up for the school year.
CoachHines3: i think the summers where i had 3 months off of no school and no work were the best summers. growing up sucks. when i was little i lived across from the city pool and went there every day. i didnt drown so id say it was a successful summer.
GTO: Summers in high school. I was able to work, had some spending cash, and got to hang out at my friends places. Outside of school age summers, the rest have been relatively uneventful.

@cyclones500 with a really long way to ask our age: How old were the previous time KC appeared in the Super Bowl? (If you were unborn, you're allowed to use negative numbers).
(To save you research time, game-date was Jan. 11, 1970.)
yall ready for this. -21 years, 8 months, 19 days.
GTO: -7 years. Unless you meant the last time @ImJustKCClone attended a superbowl, which would be the very first one in ‘67, but she was also in attendance for the original end-of-season bowl game in 1902.
Pants: -13 years, 2 months, 19 days and some change in hours.
GTO: @CoachHines3 - Damn, son! (like, really)

@ImJustKCClone making us dust off the ol’ Merriam Webster: Which gives me an idea for a question: what are your five favorite and five most dreaded malapropisms?
Favorite: specific/pacific (the wife struggles with this one), escape goat/scapegoat, nip it in the butt/nip it in the bud, can’t think of any other ones. Can’t think of any that I dread.
CoachHines3: specific/pacific LOL… i forgot about this one
Pants: Jesus, KC, FIVE? Chester Drawers? Mute point, maybe? Right to bare arms? Anything Yogi Berra has ever said?
CoachHines3: you have bad ideas. 5? how bout i give you 1. the one i use most is amphibious/ambidextrous and i use it on purpose. credit peyton manning for saying he was amphibious when talking about throwing with his left hand. dreaded? probably none, i think they are funny.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
@ImJustKCClone asks: Google is your friend, isn't it?
More of a Bing guy, myself.
CoachHines3: have you see the movie “Her”? thats what google and myself are.
GTO: No, Google Incognito Mode is my friend. Regular Google is more of an acquaintance that keeps all my passwords and websites so that I don’t have to enter them all the time.
GTO: BING?!?! You can’t be serious. Using Bing is like… it’s like… I can’t even…
Pants: Sometimes I just want to watch the world burn.

@SpokaneCY asks: My wife had a colonoscopy today and she struggled with the prep. Can I use that as documentation that she actually IS full of **** sometimes?
i was always under the impression girls poo’d from their belly buttons. thats all..thats all i got.
GTO: I don’t understand why women are so afraid to admit they poop. They should admit it, be proud of it, talk about the size and consistency of it, etc. It would be refreshing to hear.
Pants: I’ve had a colonoscopy before and the prep is absolutely no joking matter. It was the worst. Also, they didn’t give me enough anesthesia so I woke up in the middle and saw the video of the camera being shoved up my ass. I said “oh, that kind of hurt” and heard, “oh ****, he’s awake” and then got knocked back out.
CoachHines3: the fact that you only said “kinda” and not “really” implies to me that you “kinda” enjoyed it. dont lie.
Pants: Hey, we don’t kink-shame here.

@SCyclone asks: Have you ever had an erection that lasted for more than 4 hours? If so, did you call your doctor?
Why would I call my doctor? I’d be calling my wife. Not sure what I’ll do with the rest of my 3+ hours, but I like to live by the motto: “erections have consequences”.
Pants: I had an erection the duration of the last mailbag. @Angie
CoachHines3: i could go with the obvious “ i called more ladies”. ive just gotten used to walking around with it tucked up in my waistband. coach h is always ready to fire.

@SCyclone asks: Do you think ISU should sell RTU nut cups at all Hilton games for the rest of the season? (I mean, some of us come prepared, but there are newbies......)
Why need a nutcup when you should go into the games knowing we’re not a very good team?
CoachHines3: r u referring to the little desert nut cups b/c if so yes ISU should sell them in Hilton. all those people putting nuts in and around their mouths. we can call them JuicyCloneNutz.
GTO: JuicyCloneNutz? Are they sweet or salty?
CoachHines3: ask ur wife HA.

@coolerifyoudid with his own version of Lord of the Flies: You two (plus weekly guest) are stranded on a deserted island. There are animals to hunt as well as a variety of fruits/vegetables that may or may not be poisonous. You have no weapons or tools.
How long before cannibalism comes into play, and who lives the longest?
ive got the reflexes of a cat and a speed of a mongoose. Staying alive wont be hard. i once killed a honey badger with nothing but my hands. i watch naked and afraid ok. i dont mean to toot my own horn but in the words of destinys child im a survivor.
GTO: I’m used to a high caloric intake and I’m not chasing after some fast animals unless I have to. Plus, it’s better to strike before the others have a chance to do so. My guess is we build a shelter in the first 2-3 hours, so I’ll say murder/cannibalism sets in around hour 3, I’m naked and painted in blood by hour 4, and wearing other people’s faces by hour 6. With my luck, people show up to rescue us by hour 7 and then I have to lie about how long I’ve been on the island.
Pants: Well, I don’t eat meat, so I would kill them just to make sure they didn’t kill me first. But Hines is our guest this week, and I’m assuming he would kill and eat us before he even knew we were in a stranded situation.
CoachHines3: woah woah woah woah. why you think i woul...ya ok ur right.

@ImJustKCClone asks: What the hell am I going to use a nutcup for???
(this should be good...)
Extra protection for Lew? Never a bad thing to double up, since we know this team will find new ways to test these cups. I usually wear mine while also holding a pillow, just to be safe.
Pants: Your Virginia.
CoachHines3: when the north koreans bomb us with poisonous mustard gas youll need protection over your face.
GTO: A little mustard gas, a little ketchup gas, some hot dogs and buns… I see where you’re going with this.

@GTO asks: If you were forced to clone either yourself or your spouse, which would you clone and why (3 reasons)? Caveat: the clone would be an adult instantly and know everything the original knows.
Is this with a hypothetical that I have a spouse? Either way, it’s me. With two of me, I could rule the world.
CoachHines3: im going with myself, too. not because i want to run the world like pants but because my wife is smarter than me and i dont need 3 of her nagging me and telling me what to do. if i sleep with one, does the other know i just slept with her? if not that could be fun.
GTO: Hard to decide on this one. Pros of cloning the wife: Group action (if I can convince them both) Cons of cloning wife: Twice the rejection, double the nag.

Pros of cloning myself: Can fill in for myself for whatever occasion as needed, automatic BFF,and group action (no need to convince clone - still have to convince the wife) Cons of cloning myself: None. Wait, what if wife and clone plot my murder?
Never mind, I guess I’ll go with cloning the wife
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CF Influencer
May 8, 2009
Denver, CO
Hines can pry my pizza from my cold dead hands.

And I still have my hair. For the near future at least


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
@Cyched questioning the judgement of the IIC: @GTO Why are you telling @Peter to hook up with his elderly boss? Can we trust your advice in future mailbags?
like i said on the board, sleep your way to the top. GTO knows what hes talking about, trust the process of GTO.
GTO: Do not dare question the wisdom of the Insider Information Crew! I stand by my advice. I know it may not be an ideal situation, but I did say he should quit the job (and the boss). The boning is always optional.
Pants: Cougars need love too, bro.
GTO: Coach knows what I’m talking about. As the old saying goes, “You have to bone for the job you want, not the one you have.”

@coolerifyoudid asks: You will be awarded Superman's powers for one day, but you don't find out which day until a minute before midnight. How do you spend the day?
Have you ever watched the movie Brightburn?
Pants: Like, meaning I only have a minute left of the power? Probably just rub one out.
GTO: Dude, you may end up ripping it off, not knowing your own strength.
Pants: With great power comes great responsibility.
CoachHines3: id spend the day like every day.. chasin’ tail.

@SCyclone trying to sow some discord: Many are called, few are chosen. Pants, or GTO? Which would you choose, and why?
I’m assuming this is like a final elimination kind of thing? Probably GTO. He’s got a wife and kids, and is just genuinely a good dude. I’m a piece of **** *******. Only thing I’ve got going for me is my ridiculously good looks.
CoachHines3: im rolling with pants. not because he is a piece of **** ******* but because GTO hasnt put me in his signature line so f that guy!
GTO: Hey! I’m standing right here!
CoachHines3: i am a loud whisperer.
Pants: If it helps, I think he had @Cy$ on there before he had me.
GTO: was trying to reply to your answer, but just saw an email pop-up from someone named “Jherrimiah” and got completely sidetracked.
CoachHines3: so what was Jherrimiah selling?
GTO: probably the extra letters in his name.

@CoachHines3 asks (I think): if u were in charge of the rules for college basketball and could implement one new rule what would you implement
moving hoops (like at Dave and Buster’s) during free throws. Tell me that wouldn’t be awesome.
Pants: Mandatory short shorts.
CoachHines3: i would implement a rule that would allow one of our guys to punch the ugliest guy on the other team in the face. chances are this is the guy who hits every 3 pointer he throws up against us too

@GTO asks: One for our guest coach: of the players you have coached, which one has received your most attention?
Y’all remember Bobby Lee?
GTO: Trying to impress the ladies with his Daewoo?
CoachHines3: i checked out his imdb to see what ol bobby lee is doing now. has 4 things coming out soon so mark your calendar.
CoachHines3: oh boy. the kid whose (hot) mom shows coach h the most attention will get the most attention from coach h.
GTO: I figured Coach’s answer would have been Yamanashi. Not for anything good, but still get most of his attention.
CoachHines3: oh, i know that is what the people wanted to hear.

@cyclones500 asks: If there's still time to submit ...
Should there be only one week between conference championship games and the Super Bowl, or two as is commonly the case? Why (and such)?
dont mind the two weeks. gives teams to get a bit more healthy and be at their best. Put it on saturday. maybe i should be like @Peter and sleep with my boss to get monday off. now thats an idea.
GTO: I would rather not have two weeks. Let the hot team ride the hot streak.
Pants: I’m fine with two weeks. It helps give an advantage to the better coached and prepared team. But the Pro Bowl should go back to Hawaii.

@Cy$ wrapping it up for this week: what's your thoughts on nick graham
Is this a knock off of Insta Graham?
GTO: stuff two nick grahams with a nate stanley and some chocolate and you can make a decent ‘smore.
CoachHines3: nick smoked too many grahams of weed

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