*** Official #24 IOWA STATE VS #10 West Virginia Game(Day) Thread ***


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2011
I must have missed the part where the guy inbounding the ball fouled somebody...I know, I get it, it's just funny when someone makes an impossible statement and says they're not exaggerating. I do get your point though, I disagree with it, but I understand why you feel that way.

As for adjusting, when we played in the old Big East, it was a much more physical style of basketball. You had to figure out every game how physical the refs would let you play. Even to the point of making adjustments during the game. If the Big 12 refs are going to allow physical play why on earth would you tell your players not to take advantage of that?

As for our baseball analogies, I'll bring up an anecdote. My college coach was 150 years old and oozed wisdom. One game sitting on the bench I complained to my catcher about the strike zone the ump was giving us. My coach overheard me and he told me I could either go to the locker room and look for a replacement umpire or I could figure out what I needed to do to get guys out. All these years and I still remember that like it was yesterday...for good reason. You gotta adjust.

Except the refs only allowed WV to play physical.

You really don't get it.

Maybe you will again this year when WV's a 3 seed but can't muddle up the game with their garbage basketball and the other team simply plays basketball. I hope it happens because your fanbase and coach deserve it.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 26, 2012
I've watched a lot of WV games. It does depend a lot on what they are 'allowed' to get away with. Example: Adrian was not a factor at Baylor. Why? He was called for a foul every time he did what he usually does. Had to go to and from the bench in foul trouble. He wasn't the only one, and it just nuetralized what they were trying to do. (grant it, Baylor has the rebounders we don't, however) But, I specifically remember watching Monday night's game and thinking to myself..."wow, I hope we get this type of officiating Friday". Well we didn't.

Yes, WV is tenacious. And they can pressure and recover as well as anyone. Burton had to bring the ball up a lot because sometimes they were using two guys on Monte so he couldn't get the inbounds. It really is hard to fathom that they beat KU, ISU, and Baylor by double digits at home while they lost to OU, OkSt, and arguably TexasTech. It was strange to see the last 3 minutes, our guys just drove the basket like nothing to lose, and then they called a foul on WV almost every time.

All I know is, every time I see a game like the one tonight I say to myself..."well, these guys better do something in the tournament." Then....poof. This year will tell a lot. Its okay to get upset by SFAustin last year, it happens. (UAB flashback). But they better not go into this year's tournament and lay an egg the first weekend in back to back years. Because it will just indicate what most posters have been saying all along...what are they 'allowed ' to get by with?


Active Member
Dec 16, 2011
Except the refs only allowed WV to play physical.

You really don't get it.

Maybe you will again this year when WV's a 3 seed but can't muddle up the game with their garbage basketball and the other team simply plays basketball. I hope it happens because your fanbase and coach deserve it.

Ok, now I think you've gone full blown conspiracy theorist. It's no longer that Huggs has told the team play aggressively, they won't call them all because of human nature. Now you're saying that he has actually instilled a bias into the refs that no other team is allowed to play aggressively. How do we ever lose?.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2011
Ok, now I think you've gone full blown conspiracy theorist. It's no longer that Huggs has told the team play aggressively, they won't call them all because of human nature. Now you're saying that he has actually instilled a bias into the refs that no other team is allowed to play aggressively. How do we ever lose?.

I'm not saying it's like that all the time or that there's always a clear cut bias.

I'm saying last night WV was not called for fouls while ISU was on similar plays/situations, so it changed the way one team had to play. And that pathetic fanbase knows it and condones the behavior, apparently.



Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
I must have missed the part where the guy inbounding the ball fouled somebody...I know, I get it, it's just funny when someone makes an impossible statement and says they're not exaggerating. I do get your point though, I disagree with it, but I understand why you feel that way.

As for adjusting, when we played in the old Big East, it was a much more physical style of basketball. You had to figure out every game how physical the refs would let you play. Even to the point of making adjustments during the game. If the Big 12 refs are going to allow physical play why on earth would you tell your players not to take advantage of that?

As for our baseball analogies, I'll bring up an anecdote. My college coach was 150 years old and oozed wisdom. One game sitting on the bench I complained to my catcher about the strike zone the ump was giving us. My coach overheard me and he told me I could either go to the locker room and look for a replacement umpire or I could figure out what I needed to do to get guys out. All these years and I still remember that like it was yesterday...for good reason. You gotta adjust.

I don't care about "back in the day" baseball stories.


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2013
I figured it would be a bad game after the first play from Morris was to pass up wide open streaking you young so Burton can shoot a clanger.. You ain't gunna get them in foul trouble the way we tried to play them. They showed alittle resistance and we settled.


CF Influencer
May 8, 2009
Denver, CO


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2007
Altoona, IA
It would be interesting to see if in the games WVA had foul problems if it was the same refs or maybe certain refs - those that call the game closer. If there is no correlation that way then do teams that beat WVA attack them in a certain way or does it just depend on if they have more talent. What it comes down to in the end is WVA isn't going to change the way they play and can CSP find a way to win against that style of play.


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2008
Here nor there
It would be interesting to see if in the games WVA had foul problems if it was the same refs or maybe certain refs - those that call the game closer. If there is no correlation that way then do teams that beat WVA attack them in a certain way or does it just depend on if they have more talent. What it comes down to in the end is WVA isn't going to change the way they play and can CSP find a way to win against that style of play.
Hoiberg got killed there with essentially the same backcourt plus Kane and with guys like Hogue and Ejim in the frontcourt.

On that note, it's crazy how good a job Prohm has done this year. That team was lucky to make it to 11-7 with basically the same core as this one plus Ejim, Hogue, Georges, and Kane. We added a good player in Burton, but damn.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2015
Des Moines
Whats interesting is if you look at alot of their losses the other team shot more free throws and West Virginia was called for more fouls.

There should be absolutely no exceptions to the fact any game they play they should be whistled for more fouls than the opponent. The fact in both games they shot more free throws than us is a travesty.

They are suck a gimmick that if they dont have the refs on their side a particular night they have alot less chance of winning. The stats in the games they have lost proves this.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
TO be fair Monte spent most of the night getting held so maybe that call was to make up for the holding. They shut down passing lanes because they hold players all game long.

I like being held, being held feels good. That was borderline molestation. A guy literally jumped on to Babbs back both feet off the ground, reached around and hit his arm knocking the ball away. That was the just one of many. It will stop when someone gets really mad at being "held" off the ball while the ref isn't looking and Rudy Tomjonavich's a guy.
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Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 13, 2006
You're making a distinction that has nothing to do with what I said. Where did I say a foul wasn't "illegal"? I was responding to someone who said it was "cheating". Let me make sure I understand though, intentionally fouling every single time the opponent brings the ball in late in a game is not volume fouling but playing extra aggressively on defense with the attitude that you may or may not get called is volume fouling?

To help you understand...yes. If you can't understand the obvious nature of why your coach does what he does, and how it impacts the entirety how the game is played (and called)....well, have fun with that reality.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 13, 2006
As I said many posts ago...I'm not representing anything, I'm just a dude on a couch. And for the record, with the exception of my exchange with one poster who initiated a bad exchange, I haven't said anything derogatory about your team, your coach or your fan base. A lot of you are completely wrapped around the axle that I disagree about the fouls. That's it. Why is that confrontational? I've ignored countless antagonistic posts. I'm not "whining" about that fact, I understand why they're happening, I'm just saying if you're trying to convince me I'm behaving badly I think you need to go reread my posts and those directed at me.

The mere fact you are on an IOWA STATE board repeatedly responding in a defensive manner speaks for itself. I assume you have WVU board to spend your time on, yes?


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2012
This is a silly thread in some ways. WVU is not a team Iowa State wants to get bounced out of the tourney. The Big 12 gets money for each NCAA win by any team, deeper wins are more money.

It is okay to dislike WVU's style of basketball. I used to hate georgetown when they did it, but they had the talent to win it all with it. WVU likely does not. But whether wvu loses in 1st round, or in the elite 8 will depend on matchup, not how the game is called.

WVU beat maryland the year before in the NCAA and won by double figures this year @ Virginia with acc refs. Huggins usually goes to a zone in games that are called "too tight." And that happened in big 12 a few times.

Lastly, it may well be wvu matches up well against Iowa State. WVU killed them on the glass both games, worked the ball inside for easy shots, and wore them down with constant pressure. Iowa State made over 10 threes on wvu(1st time its happened since 2006). If ISU wasn't red hot from 3 it could've been a 30 point game.

Good luck in the NCAA's.


Fortis Non Ferox
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 13, 2006
Wherever I go, there I am.
This is a silly thread in some ways. WVU is not a team Iowa State wants to get bounced out of the tourney. The Big 12 gets money for each NCAA win by any team, deeper wins are more money.

It is okay to dislike WVU's style of basketball. I used to hate georgetown when they did it, but they had the talent to win it all with it. WVU likely does not. But whether wvu loses in 1st round, or in the elite 8 will depend on matchup, not how the game is called.

WVU beat maryland the year before in the NCAA and won by double figures this year @ Virginia with acc refs. Huggins usually goes to a zone in games that are called "too tight." And that happened in big 12 a few times.

Lastly, it may well be wvu matches up well against Iowa State. WVU killed them on the glass both games, worked the ball inside for easy shots, and wore them down with constant pressure. Iowa State made over 10 threes on wvu(1st time its happened since 2006). If ISU wasn't red hot from 3 it could've been a 30 point game.

Good luck in the NCAA's.
Don't feed the troll. Ignore.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
Watching this for the first time, up to 12 mins left in 2nd half, calls are looking pretty even right now.