Random Thoughts X (The 9th Regeneration)

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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
No, the hat will be here tomorrow.
So the hat gets here tomorrow but the fake arrow that goes through it won't get here until Valentine's Day?


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2012
Happy Birthday Sara!

Chaser sorry about marking Funny on your post about your item but not being shipped yet, but dang it made me LOL. I hope that it's not something you really need.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
Saw Alien: Covenant last night. It was entertaining, but I was worried going in that I would feel like I've seen this before. And that's what it felt like to me. Have heard people say if you were disappointed with Prometheus, you'd like Covenant more, but if you liked Prometheus, Covenant would disappoint. I found that to be pretty accurate. To me, Prometheus had a much better original story. The new one wasn't particularly original and the "twists" they included I found fairly obvious. It's definitely watchable, but just not 'great.'

Yes, I just watched it last night. Your assesment is spot-on. The series was known for being a sci-fi thriller/monster movie and nothing more. 1-3 were great. Alien Resurrection was a dissapointment to me, as it felt tired by that point. The AVP movies were also dissapointing, nothing more than a Hollywood stereotypical action movie.

However, Prometheus was breathing new life into the franchise by bringing in a grander scale to the series and providing questions that I found really intriguing. I definitely thought Alien Covenant would answer some of those questions and for a little while it appeared like it was headed in that direction (to provide more answers to the story of the engineers and their love/hate relationship with humanity). Sadly, the movie never went there and just became the same as Alien 1-4. Nothing wrong with that, and I really enjoyed it for what it was, but definitely a dissapointment and a missed opportunity when it comes to storyline and moving the series forward.

It almost feels like the whole storyline with the engineers is now dead. I wonder if Ridley Scott and the writers listened too much to the criticisms of Prometheus and, unfortunately, went in a totally different direction to please the critics. I do also agree with @Cyclones_R_GR8, that it was a beautifully shot and very atmospheric movie. The visuals were very captivating.
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