By Chris Williams, PublisherFollow Chris on Twitter @ChrisMWilliams
Happy Thursday Cyclone Nation. I’m heading south on a week long vacation starting this Saturday so I thought I’d empty out the ole mailbag before doing so.
Remember the last time I was away for a week? Hoops got like three commitments and it is now widely known as one of the greatest weeks of all time – due to the positive news and the fact that I was nowhere in sight. Here’s a cheers to that happening again once I shut this MacBook Pro down and the cell phone off for seven straight day (I am going to UNPLUG). I’m not on vacation yet though. No. I’m now forced to answer some hard questions by you all in this latest mailbag column. Let’s start things off today with a question from RING4CY.
RING4CY writes: Football kicker situation: Cole Netten start from the word go or someone else assume the duties, while Netten redshirts in 2012?
CW: I’ll be absolutely stunned if Iowa State redshirts Cole Netten in 2012. If you watched the spring game, you know that he is literally Iowa State’s only option at kicker for next season, which should scare the you know what out of every member of this fan base.
That’s nothing against Netten, a soon-to-be true freshman out of Ankeny either. Let’s face it. The kicker position has been and likely always will be a demon at Iowa State. Maybe Netten is the guy who turns that poor kicking tradition around? I don’t know. But until I see it, I won’t believe it (this Iowa State alum is just a little bit jaded towards kicking if you can’t tell).
I think that he’s a talented young man who has the leg and brains to get the job done. But there will be A LOT of pressure on Cole Netten in 2012. Grant Mahoney and Zach Guyer always had each other to fall back on. Plus, both had at least some experience. Netten has nobody and none.
MNCyGuy writes: I’ve got a cousin getting married Iowa game weekend (not from Iowa, otherwise I’d be ******) . What are your best tips for sneaking a look at scores and game updates at family events?
CW: Any human being who chooses to get married on a Saturday during college football season is no friend of mine. So do me a favor MNCyGuy. Text your cousin this: "Chris Williams does not like you."
Chances are that you cousin has no clue who I am and that’s okay. But when he (or she) writes you back and says, "Who is this Chris Williams character and why doesn’t he like me?" You write: "Because of your selfish decision to get married on a Saturday during college football season."
Because here’s the thing. Sure. People will go to this wedding (and others during the fall). But that doesn’t mean that they actually want to be there. Most will be like you. You’re there because you have to be. But your mind is at the game. Joe over there…He’s wondering how the Gophers are doing. Cooter is curious about the ‘Skers. Hank wants to know the Texas score.
Yeah. You’ll be there in person but be honest MNCyGuy. You’d much rather have an iced cold Busch Light in hand watching the Clones beat the blankity mc blank blank out of the Hawks with a group of friends and family.
I rest my case.
Intrepid27 writes: What is your overall assesment of our FB recruting class so far? Any big surprises on the horizon?
CW: I’d be a flat lying coon dog if I told you I wasn’t just a little bit disappointed with how football recruiting has gone so far in 2013. But I’m not panicking by any means either though. This coaching staff has developed a reputation over the years of being very good fall recruiters – meaning that if they get a kid on campus for an official visit on a home game weekend – there’s a good chance that kid will eventually be a Cyclone. So don’t freak out.
I think that the staff is hitting on a lot of under the radar guys right now who likely would have gotten some better offers had they stayed on the market a few more months. Am I telling you that these gentlemen who didn’t even have profile before committing to Iowa State are going to end up in the NFL? No. But discovering a hidden gem or two is something that you have to do at a school like Iowa State. Right Jake Knott?
Any big surprises on the horizon? Honestly, I have no clue. I’m not big into predicting what 17-18 year old males are going to do. It’s a monumental task.
IHavNoCyCash writes: Any ideas on top recruiting targets for men’s basketball?
CW: Yes sir. Why don’t you read THIS BLOG that I posted on Wednesday morning. This should help.
MLawrence writes: Is the lead singer for The Band Perry (Kimberly Perry) a poor man’s version of Taylor Swift?
CW: You just hit a nerve MLawrecne. Kimberly Perry is NOT a poor man’s Taylor Swift. She’s talented, beautiful and did I mention beautiful? Honestly, I’m kind of off the T-Swift bandwagon. I’m more of a Kimberly Perry man now. And don’t worry folks. My wife knows this and is cool with it. Kimberly Perry’s voice is like that of an angel. A really awesome angel but her brothers are the biggest nerds I’ve come across in a long time. Watch and learn.
Zwclones51 writes: How could Emily kick Sean off the Bachelorette! OMG
CW: I’m sorry but Sean is a d-bag. Seriously. You couldn’t pay me to have a beer with that guy. Arie is a freaking IndyCar driver. Because of that and only that, he should win.
Cystheman writes: Last year when you were on vacation, this site went crazy and a ton of action/news happened. Now that you have announced a vacation for next week, what do you anticipate/hope the big news items will occur in your absence?
CW: No. I hope it is a quiet, quiet week. If it isn’t, that makes catching up a million times harder to do on Monday morning. When you factor in that we’re launching a new website on Aug. 1 and that football is basically here, life will be nutty enough. No news next week. No news. (I hope Blum is ready for a wild week.)
Now for two WWE questions…
AngryPanda writes: Who does A.J. pick? CM Punk or Bryant and who wins the Smackdown Money In the Bank match?
CycloneErik writes: What will the Rock’s announcement be in 2 weeks? Pursuing WWE Title or entering Royal Rumble?
CW: Mr. Panda…Why so angry?
Full disclosure – As much as I love the WWE, I don’t watch Smackdown so I can’t answer your second question as I don’t even know who is in the match.
This A.J. – Punk – Bryant angle is surprisingly interesting. Punk has to lose the title on Sunday doesn’t he? The guy has had it for something like seven months. The odds are stacked against him I’d say .
As far ask Erik’s question about The Rock…I’m stumped. I figured the next time he’d come back would be to call our Brock Lesnar. This could happen. Lesnar will also be at the show but he’s currently occupied with HHH. Could he be the RAW GM for a month or so? I really have no clue – which is a good thing. Keeps me watching. Having said that, the last few weeks have just been atrocious. That whole Hornswaggle thing last Monday might have been the worst segment I’ve ever seen.
Have a great weekend everybody! I’ll see you in a week!