Your most embarrassing athletic failure...


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2006
Macomb, MI
Junior year football. We were running a pass rushing drill, with an oversized, heavy-as-hell tackling dummy affectionately named "Big Bertha" playing the role of QB. I was going up against clearly the biggest guy on the team, who had some quickness as well. He was playing OT, I was playing DE. I get off the line much quicker than I usually do and actually beat him around the corner. However, I didn't quite clear him and I was a little shallow on depth. As a result I was going to miss Big Bertha. Because I couldn't let go of my pride of beating the the biggest man on the team, it was then that I pulled my dumbest stunt ever in football - I decided to arm tackle Big Bertha. I stick my arm out and Bertha hits me right on the inside of my right elbow and pops my shoulder right out. Right then the coach blows the whistle to move on to the next drill, and I'm left to lie on the ground writhing in pain for a good 3-4 minutes until coach realizes I'm not lined up for the next drill and gets ready to completely chew my arse out until he realizes I'm not okay.

One other one (just to show you what a bunch of d-bags I played with) - we were running an onside kick drill. Ball is kicked straight at me, I recover it, hit the ground, and cradle it. Dead ball (or at least it should have been). About 3 seconds later I get absolutely DRILLED by 3 of the biggest guys on the team - one helmet to the kidneys, one in my back, one to my helmet. I was woozy for the rest of the practice.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2006
Cedar Rapids
Not my most embarrassing one, but one day after riding about 40 miles on the cedar river trail I came up to a stop sign in marion and forgot that my shoes were still attached to my pedals. I stopped and as I began to tip, I frantically tried to move my shoes forward and backward. All I would have had to do is move my heel to the side and I would have been free. Instead all onlookers got to see me slowly tipping over and falling to the ground.


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2006
Little league baseball. 2 outs. Fly ball to Right Field. I'm on first and go a few steps so if its caught I can get back to first. RF drops it and I head to second and eventually third. As I get to third, the ball is thrown to the pitcher, but our coach is waving me home and yelling at me that I better go because you never tag up with 2 outs. I didn't even mess around getting in a pickle. Ran right home at the catcher who had the ball for about 3/4 of my journey home. Never wasn't running with 2 outs again. Good lesson to learn in little league and not a meaningful varsity game


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2006
Got a 15 yd unsportsmanlike penalty in 2nd game ever as a fb coach for making a crack to a coach in the box about our sideline official having "short man " syndrome. I guess he heard me. Had to have a meeting with the AD. Haven't had another penalty in 6 years.