UFO stuff & "The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch"


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2009
Does anybody remember the rash of "Flying Saucer landing sites" in soybean and corn fields back in the '60s, '70s, and later? Were they just herbicide damage? Has anyone ever found them in their fields?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2020
East of Neptune, IA.
Dragon seems to be getting a lot more airtime this season. Last season he was just confused in the background. This season he's confused in the foreground.

With his shotgun in hand...just in case Dragon has to use it to fend off those far superior technological aliens.

I'd love to see Apple give a statement on what is going with the video of the self dialing I-Phone.


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2017
With his shotgun in hand...just in case Dragon has to use it to fend off those far superior technological aliens.

I'd love to see Apple give a statement on what is going with the video of the self dialing I-Phone.

I'm willing to bet it's a video. They never show the guy playing with the buttons to try stop it from happening.


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2009
E4 S2:More UAPs, feeling ill, and temperature fluxes

I wish to address a fallacy in the recurring opening imagery of the SWR show. A glowing object is shown moving behind the clouds above the mesa. In my opinion, this is a bolide or large meteor. Not too mysterious, but makes for a good effect, though misleading.

Right into tonight's activities of E4 S2: First off a handheld "slam scan" LIDAR was put to use. LIDAR is a ground, and structure, penetrating radar giving 3D data of solid objects. Here it was focused on Old Homestead#2 (OH#2). Relevant data collected revealed a clear image, for the most part, when abruptly an anomalous void (missing data) appeared. The LIDAR expert had never before seen this occurring. Typical.

Roland McCook is a local whose experience 40 years ago at OH#2 while taking shelter during a storm deeply affected him. He described hearing movement within the structure and surroundings. What he then saw was an 8' tall wolf-like entity with red glowing eyes that stared at him and gave an intensely loud growl. McCook gave chase. He and a companion blasted the beastie as it fled. Following its trail, he found large human tracks(!), which as they moved along, turned into large canine tracks. Upon revealing this to the team he felt faint and nearly collapsed. (Roland noted after the initial encounter years ago he has been haunted by scratching and howls at his home.) During Roland's unwell spell, a wide spectrum detector showed a noticeable neutron beam showering the team.

A "mystic" Rabbi came by during the day and detailed a special nighttime "portal prayer" he'd offer to comfort the entities and invite those entities to communicate with the team. As he explained "the spiritual invite" and how it was to unfold as if on cue, a visible silver disc appeared in the sky. The UAP winked out, and then reappeared, for all to see and record. If it wasn't faked, it was truly amazing! The evening prayer was given as FLIR imagery was directed on OH#2 showing a sudden and baffling temperate drop (down 20 degrees F) within minutes. Immediately the crew ventured into OH#2 and saw a temperature flux upward. Later analysis showed a rapidly moving signature of an unaccountable cool blob bounding rapidly through the FLIR foreground.

This episode featured an outstanding view of a UAP, a high-tech FLIR detecting abnormal temperature fluxations, and an anecdotal account of high strangeness experienced by a local.

In next week's episode, there's digging!!! Some...wait for it...wait for it...yes and some of that crazy queasiness and more!
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New Member
May 26, 2021
i don't see season 2 "SE2" of secrets of Skinwalker ranch on Discovery plus , I see SE1. I beleive I can watch it on the internet from their site. from discovery plus's site there apparently was not a new episode yesterday and will pick up again June 1st or did they say june 8th....i think it was the 8th. so far the show is kind of a let down. i want to see them dig up the UFO under the place LOL, instead of sitting around and talking like the oak island one where they make enough click bait commercials when taken out of context make it look like an extreme find.


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2009
. i want to see them dig up the UFO under the place LOL,
I don't know what label to put on the "shoe box" of what they are investigating. You can pick crypto, UFO, ghosts, or whatever. Like many of these so-called paranormal phenomena, people sense tantalizing inexplicable events that so often elude serious scientific interests. Aliens have not landed on the White House lawn. Though, they seem to do whatever they want. And, it is highly unlikely an alien craft will be uncovered. We are however given very good views of a silvery disc UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) which is about as good as this show will offer. Otherwise, yeah the on-air cast does chat about all sorts of odd stuff.
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New Member
May 26, 2021
it is highly unlikely an alien craft will be uncovered
you need to watch ALIEN WITNESS i can't stop watching it. Well done and information that would hold up in court if it was a homicide for instance instead of Aliens. or maybe it's UFO Witness.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2009
you need to watch ALIEN WITNESS i can't stop watching it. Well done and information that would hold up in court if it was a homicide for instance instead of Aliens. or maybe it's UFO Witness.
Never heard of it, but post a link and I'm sure to get to it! Thanks


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2009
A vogue theory in Physics is our reality is a computer simulation. One theorist has extenuated this position to postulate everything we think we know is false. The link here offers an interview building a slow, reiterating, bit-by-bit elucidation of how he came to peer review his case:

While I don't adhere to this thinking, UFOs (aliens) do seem to manipulate our reality, if not our minds, to believe things for reasons that do not seem clear to us. Now this leads me to make a query based on this apparent fact. If they are eminently superior and extremely advanced WHY would they mess around "simulations with the ants" which are us?

Jacques Vallée has personally researched many UFO reports, especially, landings, trace cases, and reports of observed entities, and finding personal effects they had by interviewing observers since the 60's. If you have not read a Vallée work, take an opportunity to dive into the deep end of the UFO pool. His lengthy resume gives his ideas particular weight (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques_Vallée ).

His summation of the phenomenon comes down to several tenets:

Aliens have been with us for all recorded history, and likely prehistorically, in the form of fauns, angels, kobolds, will-the-wisps, running the panoply of fairy tale and folklore entities. Another tenet of his UFOs/aliens are earthly entities of some sort that may function in other dimensions.

These entities have concerns about human activities for reasons that we do not understand. If you wish to have some great summer reading check out this free PDF download of Vallée's classic "Passport to Magonia" https://idoc.pub/download/jacques-vallee-passport-to-magonia-vylyog1v1qnm

I depart from Vallée somewhat, though allow some of his conclusions, in my outlined "Alien Principles" below. My ideas on UFOs are based on reading a lot on the subject, the science of life on Earth, logic, and notions I come to which strike me as "sort of" likely.

-Alien/UFO life is millions, if not billions, of years more advanced.

-UFOs are operated by entities of many types from scattered origins throughout our Milky Way Galaxy (and maybe beyond). Some of these entities have more interactions, with us than others. And, there is likely a "treaty" or "competition" of these many types on how they may interact with Earthlings and other worlds.

-The reason these entities are interested in us is that they likely have a scientific curiosity or it offers an "entertainment value" for them in visiting different "sites" throughout the cosmos.

-Some of these alien entities may likely have an involvement in manipulating life on Earth for a very long time. Human evolution may well have been influenced (greatly?) by alien efforts.

-Aliens may well be "Johnny Appleseed" in finding proto-life sustaining planets in the Cosmos then seeding and directing that planet to evolve on its own. They then may well step in to foster the evolution of higher intelligence in line with their "vision" (the aim of abductions?).

-Aliens may manipulate higher forms of life to be able to interbreed with the aliens for their ends. (Maybe they transverse space in one form then manipulate, and inter-breed, with native life to reconstitute a viable life form to then recapitulate a likeness of themselves.)

-Crafts, UFOS/UAP, and other unexplained phenomena vary widely to fit the needs of certain operations and alien tribes and are maintained and constructed on huge motherships. Also, the many shapes, forms, and colors, of crafts are meant to confuse humans and make confirmable observations hard to believe so as to hide inside the confusion.

My list here is to accommodate information and themes that occur in the phenomenon. But things happening at Skinwalker Ranch, cattle mutilations, and other anomalous activities are meant to confound the investigation by humans to throw them off the trail of what is going on. Of course, I am likely to be all wrong about what the hell is going on there!

Quick summary of Secret of Skinwalker Ranch E5 S2:

-A former resident, Steven Wall, of Skinwalker Ranch gave eyewitness accounts from the '90s of a portal opening and lighted objects emerging. He also gave one of the more gruesome accounts (as if the cattle mutilations weren't enough) of a blue sphere crushing to death two of the family pet dogs.
-A recording from S-2 E-4 of the Rabbi's portal prayer was replayed and elicited the same anomalous cool/hot spots in Homestead #2.
-Lastly, a broad spectrum electromagnetic attack hurt team members and disrupted equipment-this was all quite mysterious. A directional detector was able to follow whatever source was generating these waves as it moved around.

More next week.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2009
Another episode of Secret of Skinwalker Ranch (S2 E6) to digest. The quest continues as to what makes people see, sense, and record oddities on and over this patch of arid, desolate Utah.

First off two simple observations:

-If UFOs/Aliens were so careful to come from far off in the Galaxy why are they so prone to crashes (there are supposedly more than a few!)
-Why in an age of high cellphone use, with their complex embedded photographic technology, UFOs, and all other unconventional incidences, are not flooding us with "real" UFO images or of parallel weirdness? And too, in Russia, every car has a continuous image capture (their solution to car crash causation and liability) with no surge of "proof" of weird phenomena.

S2 E6

A surveillance camera picked up an unidentified daylight fuzzy blob, which may mean little, but the fact that the camera lensing and software make all in-view objects in focus, stirred interest. This was possibly the blurring of a high-speed object (not a nearby bug), cloaking, or emitting a powerful magnetic field distorting light around the object. The team jumped to conclusions that cattle were avoiding where the blob was recorded with little regard to what, or how far it was away. Loopy Science here with high-tech gear and questionable logic.

I thought last week we'd have some major excavations, but it won't be until next week. Anyway, the idea was hatched to dig a little in S2 E6 at an area identified as "The Triangle" which is the site of several odd occurrences. This site was also identified when a deep earth magnetic survey was done (using LIDAR and GPR-Ground Penetrating Radar ) by the Juniper Unmanned Company. Their drone flew a magnetometer above SWR revealing data of interesting irregularities there.

Surprisingly, no dizzy spells were reported during the ensuing shallow dig. Nonetheless, all sorts of magnetic fluctuations occurred with metal detectors detecting then not responding to the same site in repeated passes. The team came around to requesting permission for a deeper dig needed to find that Alien base, or less flashy ore-bearing rock formation. Mr. Dragon, king of deadpan fear and wilting authority, allows a big dig with owner Brandon Fugal's blessing.

As always next week will reveal...likely nothing new.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2009
I guess if you say "anomaly" enough times the show must be real.

Do you know about the anomaly called the Hessdalen Lights of Norway? A group of Scientists studied this light phenomenon for many years and finally found what the aberrant lights may be. Now if it weren't so unusual they would have never wasted their time to study the unnatural orbs. I am not going to divulge what the atypical recurring lights were. If you make comments to things described as unconventional as somehow a deception take the time to read yourself about the enigma. Knowing what is not normal and taking a proper course to investigate it can lead to some conclusions.

The anomalous Hassdalen Lights: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/science...round-battery-creates-amazing-light-show.html

Episodes S2 E7-8 are both about digging and finding soil and bedrock highly conductive. Tesla Coils were operated at high levels to see if it had any effects. There was, but nothing worth mentioning.

The big takeaway was the recording on multiple cameras of a dark UAP. The object swirled into the clouds at high speed then zipped off after a few seconds. It was one of the few real captures of interest.
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Feb 28, 2006
Have they been able to 'explain' what causes the temperature differentials around the homestead 2 structure?

My guess is Dragon had Mexican for lunch and got an upset stomach.

Otherwise it could be many things, my guess is they always stop focusing on a subject before they know they’ll have a natural explanation that ruins the “anomaly”.

I don’t doubt there is weird ****, and likely unexplainable stuff that occurs there - just like many other places. But, putting a half ass charade of “science” on it does it injustice to what they could really be doing there.
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