Twas The Night Before Kickoff


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2008
'Twas the night before kickoff, the Cyclones and Hawks,
With GameDay in Ames, that freakin’ rocks!
It’s Davis and Corso, Desmond and Kirk
We know who he’ll pick, the B1G homer jerk.”

The hype is excessive, the banter quite rude
As insults and wisecracks from both sides are spewed.
The Cyclones were rested, the Hawks 2 and oh,
The fans arrive early for the ESPN show.

The players were snuggled all warm in their racks,
As the coaches fine-tuned their plans of attack.
Who blinks first? Which team will yield?
We’ll find out soon on Mid-American Energy Field.

Then Saturday came and the lots came alive,
Well before sun up, they opened at 5.
The TV lights glistened in the fresh morning dew,
IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY was the backdrop in view.

The teams both looked ready as they stepped off the bus,
The Hawk fans still claiming, “Gameday’s here ‘cause of us!”
The warm ups were finished, the band played some tunes,
Cardinal shirts filled the stands, there were very few goons.

Then 3pm came, it was time for some fun,
ESPN was the pre-show, but the game’s FS1.
The storm warning sounded and the noise level grew,
On with the game, enough ballyhoo!

"Now Kolar and Lima, Knipfel and Spears!
Let’s go kick their ass, it’s been too many years!
On Purdy, Deshaunte, On Mike Rose and Meeker,
Let’s trust the process and let’s beat those beakers!"

"To the flip of the coin,
To the kick of the ball!
Now dash away! Dash away!
Dash away all!"

The Hawks won the toss, so they get to pick,
They deferred to the half and decided to kick..
Kene at the goal line awaiting the boot,
The ball sailed through the end zone so his presence was moot.

The offensive worries that the Clone fans possessed,
Were quickly and dramatically put down to rest.
A play action fake, and a 40 yard toss,
To Pettway from Purdy, just to show them who’s boss..

A couple more first downs and the Clones were in biz,
15 yards to Kolar……the first touchdown is his!
That first score was huge, the crowd was abuzz,
I say the Cyclones score first. Why? Just because.

The Hawks get the ball and they meet Heacock’s D,
3 and out with sack and a record for #3.
They punt it away, then the Cyclones do too,
It’s 7-0 heading to quarter number 2.

The second quarter began and the Hawks had the ball,
With just a couple first downs, their successes were small.
Then just before half, the Cyclones would tally,
A 28-yard field goal by Connor Assalley.

10-zip at the half, the scoreboard declared,
The arrogant Hawk fans looked just a tad scared.
The second half started and there wasn’t much new,
The Hawks couldn’t run it and open receivers were few.

Mid-way through the third things for the Hawkeyes got bleak,
With a 63 yarder from Brock to Tarique.
A slant pattern play, as he cut across the middle,
The Cyclones now showing that they play first fiddle.

As we head to the fourth it is seventeen - ought,
Is this really all that the Hawkeyes have got?
The Clone fans can taste it, it’s been four long years,
They go crazy as Stanley gets picked off by Spears..

Marcel does his thing, he’s up to old tricks
It’s not just an interception, it’s another PICK SIX!.
After the point the lead’s twenty-four,
As all of the Hawk fans head toward the door.

A desperate series for the Hawkeyes would follow,
But their day would end with their insides all hollow.
Early this morning Ames welcomed the nation,
This evening they're taking the Victory Formation.

A couple of knees and then just like that,
The Hawk fans start mumbling, “We came out flat.”
It’s a Cyclone State, once again, and that’s hot,
Iowa State 24, Iowa, diddlysquat.

There is joy in Ames on this momentous day,
A celebration for Clones fans, the young and the gray.
Iowa State did enough, and the Hawks couldn’t move it,
The Cy-Hawk trophy is home, on this day, I-State #provedit.


Remo Gaggi

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2018
A wonderful story that should be shared every year. It's a Christmas come early.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
‘‘Twas the night before cyhawk

And all through the state

Hawk fans were looking

For a cousin to date“