National issue finally surfaces in the NFL.....


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2006
Macomb, MI
Ah yes, take the high road with the ability of hindsight, that makes you seem intelligent and not completely clueless at all. This includes anyone that jumps in on a conversation multiple days later after game changing information was just released to shove thoughts based on prior information in other peoples faces in an attempt to make themselves look high and mighty.

It was reported that he left the team because he was getting picked on, in no way did anyone suspect that he was being threatened and berated with racial slurs - those things don't fall under the term 'picked on' for most sane individuals.

Apparently someone doesn't understand the concept of "taking the high road".

Taking the high road isn't sticking your head up your sphincter by making moronic comments and judgments before having all the facts, and then getting pissy when getting called out about it after the facts come out. In fact, that's taking the low road TWICE - first by being an asshat by opening your mouth and ripping into someone prematurely, then being an asshat twice by not owning it when you're proven wrong.

You also seem to not be grasping the concept of hindsight. Hindsight comes when you look back at a decision with regret and think to yourself, "I should have made another decision and I wouldn't be in this mess." People who waited to speak up and/or judge before having all the facts are not suffering from hindsight. Perhaps you are, though...