Most Humble Brag Profession


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2006
Omaha, NE
Over time you just know you'll see the same...posts...over...and...over...again...on Facebook by the same people. Chances are they are re-posts. I've noticed trends with a few of my friends and their professions.

It seems like every firefighter and police officer I'm friends with (and it's quite a few) always seem to post about the rigors of their job, support hero's, etc. They always seem to wear firefighter/police t-shirts too. A few of us bust their balls because all they're doing is trying to get free stuff at coffee or food places.

People in finance always seem to be wearing a polo or shirt with their company on it as well. This is less annoying since it's mostly advertising for themselves.

John Deer was ahead of their time with their hats. It's too bad they turned douche.


Active Member
Apr 28, 2017
Investment advisor, mentor, entrepreneur.

1. I am a very successful adult. I don't need some schmuck to tell me how to handle my money, more money than they know what to deal with. Be gone!
2. Again, I have made it this far in my life without some know it all jerk telling me what to do. Just because you have lived longer than me, doesn't mean you know more than me. You're not fooling anybody clown! Get lost!
3. This job is just for a lazy sack of you know what. I just think of a complete jackass that wants to be looked at for being a risk taking maverick. You're not a maverick, you are just a loser, now please get out of my life.
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CF Influencer
May 8, 2009
Denver, CO
Investment advisor, mentor, entrepreneur.

1. I am a very successful adult. I don't need some schmuck to tell me how to handle my money, more money than they know what to deal with. Be gone!
2. Again, I have made it this far in my life without some know it all jerk telling me what to do. Just because you have lived longer than me, doesn't mean you know more than me. You're not fooling anybody clown! Get lost!
3. This job is just for a lazy sack of you know what. I just think of a complete jackass that wants to be looked at for being a risk taking maverick. You're not a maverick, you are just a loser, now please get out of my life.



Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
North DFW, TX
Investment advisor, mentor, entrepreneur.

1. I am a very successful adult. I don't need some schmuck to tell me how to handle my money, more money than they know what to deal with. Be gone!
2. Again, I have made it this far in my life without some know it all jerk telling me what to do. Just because you have lived longer than me, doesn't mean you know more than me. You're not fooling anybody clown! Get lost!
3. This job is just for a lazy sack of you know what. I just think of a complete jackass that wants to be looked at for being a risk taking maverick. You're not a maverick, you are just a loser, now please get out of my life.

What a loser.


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2009
Farmers are plenty guilty of a good humble brag.

I'll humble brag at times about being tired during planting or harvest season.

People complaining about how much income tax they had to pay is common.

I asked one of our neighbors why he still uses a 50 year old tractor around the farm - he said he couldn't afford a newer one because he had so many farmland payments to make. I thought this was funny and pretty clever, and definitely a humble brag.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2013
I know a ridiculous amount of salesman for some reason. Their non-working wives are the worst at this.

"Oh, this week is so hectic. Dave is gone all week so I've got to run the kids to all the events. Then he gets back on Thursday and we have to get everything packed up because we are flying to Mexico tomorrow at 3. Ugh, I'm going to have to take the kids out of school early. I hate to do it, but we were able to able to save $30 a ticket if we left on Friday. I can't imagine the mess we"re going to have to clean up when we get there. We've only made it down to our time share a couple times since last fall."

I'll certainly never strike a woman, but I also won't hold my wife back if she accidentally throat punches one of them.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Dec 8, 2014
Humble brag was coined by Harris Wittles. He wrote for parks and rec among other shows. He even wrote a book on the topic. He died of an overdose a few years back. The only reason I know all this is because he use to frequent a phish message board I still sometimes go to. RIP DJ_TANNER
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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2009
CF Resident Dog Lover
I dont know if this is what you mean but as far as my interpretation of it, as follows (might be a "my location" thing:)

Nurses: Most girls I know are nurses for some reason. They all post the same stuff constantly about how important they are and how hard they work. 80% of them constantly post during work hours on fb and snapchat.

Volunteer Firefighters: nobody wants recognized as badly as a volunteer firefighter.

Farmers: I am a farmer. All my friends constantly e-brag about working 80-100 hours a week farming. If you are working that many hours during non harvest you are doing something wrong or in my friends case, you just dont want to be at home with your wife.

Worst of all.... Teachers: If I ever find a teacher that doesnt desperately crave attention and acknowledgement it will be the first. I feel like this is more prevalent in new to the profession teachers. Teachers think they have the hardest jobs ever. They should all have to spend their summers digging ditches.

honorable mention: linemen and windmill workers. All of the above jobs are important, people just want to be more important than they really are


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2009
CF Resident Dog Lover
I asked one of our neighbors why he still uses a 50 year old tractor around the farm - he said he couldn't afford a newer one because he had so many farmland payments to make. I thought this was funny and pretty clever, and definitely a humble brag.
I dont know of one farmer in my county that doesnt have more than one 50 year old tractor. What do you run augers with? we have 5 50+ year old tractors and wouldnt sell one of them.


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2009
CF Resident Dog Lover
I'm flattered, but I am not our great president. Just a fan of him and living my life the fullest every second.
if you dont mind me asking, what do you do? youve brought up how successful and well to do you are in several threads and I am curious. Also, im curious as to what profession youve cooked up for this troll account. Should be good.


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2009
Blue Grass IA-Jensen Beach FL
Worst of all.... Teachers: If I ever find a teacher that doesnt desperately crave attention and acknowledgement it will be the first. I feel like this is more prevalent in new to the profession teachers. Teachers think they have the hardest jobs ever. They should all have to spend their summers digging ditches.

I was going to post this. I have a teacher cousin/friend on FB who is always posting about her job and memes about it. It's good to be proud of your profession and contribution to society, but it can definitely be overdone.


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2006
Marion, IA
Volunteer Firefighters: nobody wants recognized as badly as a volunteer firefighter.

Winner Winner. Drive through any rural town in Iowa and you will see at least one person that not only has the volunteer fireman license plate, but has his blue flashing light permanently mounted on the dash of his 1988 F-150. Despite the fact that he probably only makes 4-6 call per year.