Favorite Professor


Apr 12, 2006
Where are all the AG Profs?

STRITZEL, JOSEPH A., Emeritus Professor of Agronomy. B.S., 1949, M.S., 1953, Ph.D., 1958, Iowa State.

anybody remember J. Stritzel?

I'll never forget when set us farm oppers up the first day.

He'd say, how many of you young men have told a girl you loved her?? Instantly,
every (almost, there were a few gals that took winter quarter even back then)
hand would shoot up and he'd say, all serious like....and, how many of you
said it just to .........

He had a way of making you wish there was a penny close by to crawl under.



Where are all the Ag Profs? I guess I'll add a few. Easily my favorite is Dr. Loynachan. I had him for Agron 354 and he is my advisor too. Great guy and fun to talk too. Dr. Manu for Agron 154 is hilarious. Dr. Wiedenhoeft and Dr. Hasselman are fun professors too.

I like Clem but hate accounting. Dr. Northway for Religion 210 was good too. Really interesting class.


May 28, 2007
Hey, who was the old dude that taught Thermo 2 opposite Molian that no one wanted? I can't recall.

Some other names of ME profs that people tried to avoid:

Peters - ME310
Delmer Van Meter - Thermo 1 & 2. (he was my advisor. he was disgusting as was his office.)

The guy's name is Bill Bathie.................WITH IT! I just had him this past semester and his tests were brutal, I ended up alright though. It was awesome to count how many times he would end a sentence with "with it." Must be some nervous habit of his or something.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2006
some newbie prof taught summer classes for Physics 221 in 1998 ... not sure what his name was, but he was good.

Dr Ajarapu had a really funny name to say ... go for it - its a good time.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2006
I totally had Bartlett as well and man what a character. Needless to say he isn't teaching that class anymore and probably any classes. He used to bring in his guitar and play during the test. He always told us his informal office hours were Sunday after 9 pm at the Bali Satay, where he played during open mic.

BARTLETT! i forgot about the crazy ****.

The entire semester he shows up maybe every third class. We have two "tests" which are basically 10 page group reports on random stuff. His TA is just baffled by the guy. He shows up with WAY too many buttons open on his shirt half the time and my favorite quote from him: "the univeristy f***ed me, so I'm f***in the university"

Also, I got a B and went to him afterward to ask why (as our group and gotten As on our "tests").... He just goes "oh, well what grade do you want to get?" ... I said "how bout an A? "(go for gold right) and his just fills out the change-of-grade form and gives it to me.

absolutely bat-**** crazy . but I did get an A ...


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Toon Town, IA
Choobineh is an obvious choice for me at the top of the list.

I didn't mind Virginia Blackburn once I had Mgmt 478 with her (maybe it was 471). She was much better in the smaller classroom setting with ~30 students. I had her for a lecture hall class before 478 and it was unbearable, as previously stated.

Blanshan was good. Always had good stories.

One guy to avoid would be Roy Johnson. Avoid at all costs. However, if you're in the Management major, you probably won't be able to avoid him. I remember the last day of class, we had done the professor reviews in the class time before it. He came in and immediately started berating us for some of the comments made on the review forms. Even if a prof is bad, I usually just give average marks, but apparently a lot of others really put some harsh criticisms on theirs. But hey, I thought he wasn't supposed to be able to see those forms until AFTER the semester had been completed.


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2006
Mani Mina. Took his Electromagnetic class (EE311?). Outstanding teacher, very funny. He really stands out when I think of all my profs.
Yes, Mani is a great professor and really cares about his students and inspiring them to learn.

The only professor I actually got to know a little bit outside of class was Matthew Hill in the Anthropology department. I took his class to fulfill one of the diversity requirements and learned a lot plus we had the same sense of humor and taste in music.

Edit: I love this quote from Mani Mina's Rofflehaus page:
Mani Mina is one of the most popular professors in the electrical engineering department, mostly because he has a personality.
Very true...
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2006
Gary Wells, I don't think I have ever been so inspired as I was at the introduction speech of his psych 280 class.

Agreed. I had him for the same class. He is an excellent professor. Ah, freshman year, the good ole days.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2006
Waterloo, IA
IC Engines is gone? IC Engines and Turbomachinery was my specialization.

I think it's back now but they shot themselves in the foot not hiring a replacement for Van Gerpen when he left. I'm not sure if any of the others are back or not though. All the people I was friends with in the department got shuffled around (and I've only been out a couple years).


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2006
Ames, IA
I had class with Choobineh, didn't think he was that great. But I wasn't really interested in the subject matter either, it was one of those classes I had to take and didn't really look forward to and he didn't change my opinion.

Someone else mentioned Rajesh Singh and I hated his teaching methods and the class was boring as hell too. I was in Econ 353 with him. I did good in the class, but it was mostly because of what I did, not the way he taught.

My favorite professor though is Ron Deiter. I had him for Econ 301 and did really well in that class. He has always helped me with anything that I needed. He is a professor in the Ag Bus department which I am sure makes it easy as well, but he is probably my favorite prof.

Others on my list:
Dermot Hayes
Brad Skaar
My History 222 prof, but I can't remember his name right now. . .


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2007
I forgot about Deiter--good teacher, really knows his stuff. Too bad he's a Cubs fan :no:
I took Terry Alexander for Econ 102---was told not to take him because of his tests, and they were tough (True/False--explain why, short answer, etc.) but I learned more in that class than any of my friends who took it with other people.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2006
Ames, IA
I took Terry Alexander for Econ 102---was told not to take him because of his tests, and they were tough (True/False--explain why, short answer, etc.) but I learned more in that class than any of my friends who took it with other people.

I had Alexander for 102, it was a challenge, but I think everyone I took it with enjoyed taking class with him for the most part, he would probably be up towards the top of my list.


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2008
The toughest class I ever took at ISU was Political Psychology. Fascinating subject, but the professor (She isn't at ISU anymore) was a piece of work. The first day of class, she walks in and notices all of the men in the room and proceeds to inform the class the males in the class are entitled to opinions but they will always be wrong. She especially hated any of the ROTC students in the class and would regularly ridicule them. Came away with a B+ in the class, but I hated her.

The arrogance, ignorance and bigotry of Academics in the soft sciences never ceases to amaze me.

Back in the day, they are the same people who would be lynching black people, dressing up in white sheets and burning crosses.... Now they teach in our Universities....


Kevin Dresser Fan Club
Staff member
Mar 19, 2006
Chicago, IL
some newbie prof taught summer classes for Physics 221 in 1998 ... not sure what his name was, but he was good.

Dr Ajarapu had a really funny name to say ... go for it - its a good time.

I think Ajarapu is a nice guy, but if I remember right, he was hard to understand. And he kind of looks like an Indian version of Juan Valdez. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2008
My favorites would be Dr. Wilt for his Military history. I still remember the end of the last lecture for WWI, in HIST 389, "And so it was, the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month of 1918." It was powerful.

I'm an idiot. I'm confusing Apt, my advisor, for Wilt, who is the completely awesome professor.

Dr. Wilt was the bomb. Do you remember how excited he used to get in class???

There is a man who loved his subject. May he rest in peace....


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
Rochester, MN
I had Alexander for 102, it was a challenge, but I think everyone I took it with enjoyed taking class with him for the most part, he would probably be up towards the top of my list.
Took 102 with Alexander last semester...glad I did. Most I've learned in a class so far. Yeah, the tests sucked, but I enjoyed going to class because he made it fun and not godawful boring.


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2006
Clive, IA
The guy's name is Bill Bathie.................WITH IT! I just had him this past semester and his tests were brutal, I ended up alright though. It was awesome to count how many times he would end a sentence with "with it." Must be some nervous habit of his or something.

I was thinking of Al Joensen. I never had Bathie but I do recall him be a tough teacher.

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