Castle season finale


Mariner Moose
Staff member
SuperFanatic T2
Nov 26, 2006
Cedar Rapids, IA
I thought something was going to happen to Castle or his daughter when he was on the phone with her at the end!


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2006
Robins, Iowa
Did anyone else here watch? What did you guys think?

I thought it was good, but there were a couple things that I did not get. First, they found the shooter by matching the DNA from Beckett's shooting. Where did they get that? As far as I know he shot at her from behind a tombstone and got away clean.

The other part was it made no sense that the killer didn't just stomp on Becket's fingers to finish her off. After all, he is suppose to be a professional killer, not a super vilian from the old Batman show.


Mar 29, 2006
Dubuque, IA
I thought it was good, but there were a couple things that I did not get. First, they found the shooter by matching the DNA from Beckett's shooting. Where did they get that? As far as I know he shot at her from behind a tombstone and got away clean.

The other part was it made no sense that the killer didn't just stomp on Becket's fingers to finish her off. After all, he is suppose to be a professional killer, not a super vilian from the old Batman show.

I don't think they used the DNA to match the two up. I think they used ballistics to determine that it was the same killer, then used the DNA to determine who the killer was.

He couldn't just kill Beckett. He has to get rid of the blackmail evidence first, then he can kill her.


May 13, 2006
I thought it was good season finale. Finally Beckett gets it on with Castle took her long enough. lol Will be interesting who is behind the shooting of her mom and why. Who this guy is that has the files. Hopefully he made a copy and will be able to send it to someone before he is killed.


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2009
North Central IA
I can' remember for sure on the DNA, but did they have something on the bullet that hit Beckett? I don't know how that would be possible, but that's about the only thing I can think of. Even the best shows will have a little hole in the plot once in awhile.

I get the principle of the thing, but I'm still not sure how Esposito could be ****** at Ryan for bringing in the cavalry, especially considering that it literally saved Beckett's life. That should make for a good start to next season. The writers have really done a nice job of weaving this plotline in with the "regular" episodes. It'll be interesting to see how high this thing with Beckett, her mom, Capt. Washington, etc goes up. They've left themselves some great teasers to work with.

Overall, I thought it was another great episode. I think I could watch this show every day of the week and not get tired of it. You go from one like the Zombie episode last week that was full of laughs, to one like last night that was wall to wall tension and it still entertains you either way. There aren't a lot of shows that are appointment viewing for me, but Castle is absolutely at the top of the list. It's gonna suck waiting months for a new episode.

And below was my reaction to how hot Beckett looked when Castle opened the door....
