Ames Polar Plunge for Special Olympics


Active Member
Mar 17, 2006
Some friends and I have decided to put a team together for the Lake Laverne Polar Plunge. It is a fundraiser for Iowa Special Olympics. The Plunge is late afternoon on Friday, March 28th. If anyone wants to join our team, please feel free. I'm sure we'll meet up prior to the plunge, or head out after the plunge for a drink or two. This is a great fundraiser for a great cause, so I'd love to have more people on our team or have some people put together their own group. Link below!!!

Ames Polar Plunge - Frightened Turtles


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2013
I'm hoping you get some takers. I did some volunteer work for the Special Olympics in the past. It truly is a great cause. The parents of the olympians really appreciate the efforts of everyone involved.

Word of advice, please scout your "jumping in point" well ahead of time and make sure it's safe. A friend of mine ran across the "frozen" lake (to be fair, he was really drunk) and fell through the ice many years ago. He got nicked up pretty bad with something sharp beneath the surface of Lake Latrine. I'm not sure the last times it's been dragged/cleaned, but it was never a place I'd want to jump in without proper precautions.

Good luck with your fundraiser