Search results

  1. J

    Best Global Warming article I have read

    John Coleman and his take on global warming was discussed in a Cyclone Fanatic thread back in November 2007. See Link.
  2. J

    Net Worth private poll

    Most successful endeavors are a result of a team effort, a product of sound mentoring and planning. No matter what is your current net worth, one of the best, if not the best, decision you can make for your family's financial future is to find and hire a professional financial advisor.
  3. J


    I agree that poverty in the United States is more softly defined than what would constitute as poverty in, for example, Haiti. Nevertheless, I was taken aback somewhat about how much some of our fellow compassionate conservative posters seem to know about the relative affluence of America's...
  4. J

    The Surge is Working

    Link: Zakaria: Iraq: Major Campaign Issue? | Newsweek Voices - Fareed Zakaria |
  5. J

    The Surge is Working

    No doubt security has improved, however, that may or may not be the primary motivating reason why refugees are returning. BBC reports that: "... the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) said most of the refugees it spoke to are returning because they have run out of money or...
  6. J

    Bush's Wars Cost Each US Family $20,000

    "Being in the military is an inherently dangerous job, with or without combat." I don't agree with that statement entirely. Some forms of duty are quite similar to a structured civilian employment setting. If, however, you have a combat MOS, I would agree. I don't think I understand the rest...
  7. J

    Bush's Wars Cost Each US Family $20,000

    Woe is me argument? I guess that will be my last lame attempt at self-deprecration. Last item first. I selected the names of Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco, and the Vatican to be terrorist network locations at random to make a point. My point, perhaps somewhat obtuse, was that the evidence of...
  8. J

    Can Hillary Win?

    I overlooked age discrimination. Thank you for bringing that into the discussion. I believe prejudice based on race, gender, and religion is more pervasive than what people self-report. Polls are useful indicators of trends, however, I think most people are uncomfortable in revealing their...
  9. J

    Bush's Wars Cost Each US Family $20,000

    Most of my arguments are unfortunate I am told. I guess that is my cross to bear. You will have to forgive me but I really do not understand some of what you say. Namely, what has the Cold War got to do with the War on Terrorism? And could you explain what you are talking about when you say...
  10. J

    Can Hillary Win?

    Being a Hillaryhater, brianhos, illustrates the very aptness of that statement. He also illustrate a basic truth about elections and candidates. People usually say that they vote for a candidate based on their evaluation of their ability, experience, integrity, character, values, and so...
  11. J

    Bush's Wars Cost Each US Family $20,000

    The weight of the evidence that a terrorist network existed in Iraq prior to and concurrent with 9/11 with evil designs against the USA is proximately equal to the weight of evidence that a terrorist network with evil designs against the USA existed in Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco, and the...
  12. J


    "There you go again!" as Ronald Reagan would say. In reading your rather arbitrary observations, herbie, it seems to me that you don't really believe the poor in America are really poor. Nor do the "poor", as you describe them, meet your standards of morality. The implication, as I see it...
  13. J

    Can Hillary Win?

    My last word on the presidential election of 2000. I promise. I agree completely that the US Supreme Court should not have intervened. (If you are interested, for an in depth account and analysis on the Supreme Court's motives and machinations for their intervention in the 2000 presidential...
  14. J

    Can Hillary Win?

    When the 2000 Florida recount was a hot debate, all sides of every issue were debated ad nauseum. I have just about heard it all and I was tired of it all a long time ago. The bottom line: Jeb Bush was the governor of Florida and it is no surprise to me, nor should it be to anyone else, that his...
  15. J

    Can Hillary Win?

    In a way, herbie, you are right. In fact, hardly anyone, which includes me, really cares today about the Florida recount of 2000. GWB won. No question. (Thank you for that idiom, Kirk). However, you have to remember how this whole discussion began. It started with brianhos poor mouthing...
  16. J

    Can Hillary Win?

    Not everyone agrees with the Miami Herald and USA Today recount. National Opinion Research Center examined 175,010 ballots that were never counted in Florida. Their results showed that the winning candidate varied based on the method used to include or interpret ballots. For cases where all...
  17. J

    Can Hillary Win?

    Well, brianhos, I thought that right-wing braggadocio (that means empty boasting in geek parlance) over past presidential elections, namely the 2000 election, was behind us years ago. I guess not. Lets review the 2000 presidential election: (1) The popular vote was won by Gore-Lieberman by...
  18. J

    Can Hillary Win?

    You asked the same rhetorical question, phrased slightly differently, a week ago or so. And, you ignored the response. In case the reason you ignored the answer to your question was simply indavertence, I will post it for you again: "I believe you can find the answer to that question in the...
  19. J

    Iraq Future?

    My post here is my response to alaskaguy although I have it hitched to iceclone's remarks. Essentially I adopt his observations and conclusions with a caveat or two. I am not sure how much, if any, " true" or lasting reconciliation is in Iraq's future whether we stay or withdraw. Religious...
  20. J

    Wills, Estate Planning Advice needed

    In addition to considering gardner (see post number 8 above), you may also want to consider the Patterson Law Firm, L.L.P. Michael F. Lacey, Jr. who is the President of the Cyclone Gridiron Club and Martin C. Sprock, another huge Cyclone fan, are attorneys in this law firm. Link...