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  1. P

    Who's YOUR starting QB?

    I would say Rohach. I think Rohach showed improvement and growth each game he played. Richardson for me was a one game wonder, played very well against Kansas then slumped (with excuses to match each inconsistent showing). Had I seen steady progress from SR, perhaps I would have thought toss up...
  2. P

    Grant Rohach Big 12 POTW

    Rohach executed beautifully. That was a fantastic comeback and boy was Rohach confident later in the game!!. Congratulations Grant well done! I must add Mess (if it was him that called those plays) did a good job. Too late though for Mess!!
  3. P

    So is this the year we hold CPR responsible?

    Perish those evil thoughts forthwith! Have you thought about where we will get a better coach willing to come to ISU? We made that same mistake with DMac for going 4-8 and got bloody Chizik for being stupid!!
  4. P

    Rohach will start as the #1 QB in the spring

    Those saying Sam is better than Rohach. How many games has Sam won? I think Rohach has shown steady improvement in each game he has played. I cannot say the same for Sam, who seemed to get worse each game he played injuries or no injuries. I think the coaches are seeing this as well and would...
  5. P

    Former Cyclone QB returning to Ames on Saturday - Jared Barnett

    Yeah Sam R is all about excuses!! And for that joker that keeps saying JB did everything to lose the OkState game in 2011, did all the TDs score themselves?? Did the passes throw themselves??
  6. P


    I think that realignment is done for a while, at least until a ruling has been made on the ACC vs Maryland case.